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Comment Feed:


05 April 2006

Three-Point Status Report: strangenesses. a) I have a spot that won't go away. Tonight I will try cortisone creme on it.
b) Today I fought with phpBB at work.
c) Activism: Half of me agrees with something and the other half doesn't. Ever experience this?
a) The itchy spots are spreading, and scratching one arm makes the opposite leg itch like crazy.

b) An early-morning bathroom trip resulted in a banged-up, scraped-up, swollen kneecap. (Note to self: Don't leave piles of laundry in the bathroom path.)

c) I can think of absolutely nothing else of interest.
posted by mudpuppie 05 April | 13:49
a) I just shaved my head. It feels nice.
b) I cut my head several times while shaving it. It feels nice.
c) I'm growing to really dislike my company's IT department.
posted by cmonkey 05 April | 13:56
Why does your arm itch, mudpuppie?
posted by cmonkey 05 April | 13:59
mudpuppie: I tripped on MY OWN SHOES on my early morning piss-journey. I swore, loudly, and woke up my Better Half.

cmonkey: My company's IT department has many, many, MANY issues. sigh.
posted by By the Grace of God 05 April | 14:04
1. My client meeting included lots of praise and a fancy lunch- score!
2. My new full spectrum office lamp came in- and yet still, we can't figure out how to light this dark shadowy cube proprerly.
3. A model mistook me for another model arriving for an open call in the building- woot woot!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 April | 14:10
TPS, you write hawt, you must be hawt.
posted by By the Grace of God 05 April | 14:12
1. They gave out large chocolate bunnies at the all staff meeting this morning. And I already ate mine up.
2. It's nasty, cold, and rainy out.
3. I need a nap. I'm falling asleep. It's likely this is a blood sugar problem resulting from #1.
posted by Miko 05 April | 14:16
1. They gave out large chocolate bunnies at the all staff meeting this morning. And I already ate mine up.
2. It's nasty, cold, and rainy out.
3. I need a nap. I'm falling asleep. It's likely this is a blood sugar problem resulting from #1.
posted by Miko 05 April | 14:16
HA, thanks, By the Grace of God.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 April | 14:18
1. was feelin' fine
2. until I read the words 'chocolate bunnies'
3. now I have to go to the store
posted by krix 05 April | 15:02
1. Life
2. Continues
3. Sucking
posted by dg 06 April | 22:13
Add another MeCha to the wishlist delivery brigade! || I hope ...