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Comment Feed:


03 April 2006

What was the High and Low of your weekend? [More:]

High: Brunch with the girls at Brasserie. Why do $25 eggs benedict taste better than $10 eggs benedict? I don't know, but they did.

Low: Sandra Bernhard's show. It. Was. Awful. So so bad. Not funny or cutting edge. And the woman can't sing either, although the band rocked. One hour and 45 minutes of torture.

How 'bout you?
Holy moly, $25 eggs benedict?! Did they substitute gold ingots for the English muffin?

I heard Sandra Bernhard this morning on the radio. Meh. She's all into hating Madonna now.
posted by amro 03 April | 10:08
High: Drunken Late Night Dinner in Deep Chinatown with Wino, Trish, Pips, Hugh, Gaspode, Lola, Steve-O, trharlan.

Low: waking up this morning with stomach cramps.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 10:10
High: We ♥ Katamari + Heineken = relax-o-rama

Low: Partner + girl-parts problems = hospital + painkillers + bedrest. :(
posted by Zozo 03 April | 10:10
High: Coming away unscathed from meeting Pips for the first time, caramel pork in Vietnam, returning the Dog Day Afternoon favor by showing jonmc Swingers, making my favorite chicken recipe in the whole entire world.

Low: jonmc pissing off my roommates by slamming doors too hard, trying and failing to do my taxes, realizing I have less than $100 for the next two weeks.
posted by TrishaLynn 03 April | 10:11
Oh my god, the weekend is over already?

Christ, it damn near passed me by, so I guess the whole thing was a "Low".
posted by cmonkey 03 April | 10:13
Hehe, the whole meal was $25 actually, amro- I got an appetizer, entree and desert. Not so bad.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 April | 10:14
High: Weekend away in the mountains.

Low: Realizing that I have twice as much work to do to make up for it.
posted by muddgirl 03 April | 10:15
High: Date x 2. (duh)
Low: Getting up for work this morning after having gotten home at 2:30am.
posted by mike9322 03 April | 10:21
High: Figured out a few things on the wheel.

Low: I've been depressed as hell for no good reason and I can't shake it. At least I made it to work this morning.
posted by omiewise 03 April | 10:23
High: Sunday morning with carrot cake, writing critiques and drinking coffee.

Low: Backing my car into the fence in my parking lot, denting my bumper and giving me a panic attack (of course, as I'm trying to sell it)
posted by Fuzzbean 03 April | 10:23
High: walking on the beach, seeing old friends, making terrible industrial/noise "music" at a big party, eating roast oysters

Low: driving 5 hours home while exhausted. Yuck.
posted by mygothlaundry 03 April | 10:28
Holy moly, $25 eggs benedict?!

Good lord. If I ever pay that much for eggs benedict, it better be served on Rachel Ray's bare ass.

jonmc pissing off my roommates by slamming doors too hard,

*bows head in shame*
posted by jonmc 03 April | 10:31
High: an arena football game with mrs. tr33, opening day for our new coliseum. It was surprisingly fun, and we had awesome seats.

Low: balancing my checkbook the next day to find I have $18 to ride out the week.
posted by tr33hggr 03 April | 10:31
Highs: Friday night party in my basement - 1967 Haight Ashbury underground Avalon Ballroom revival complete with lightshow. Smashing success. Ed brought me a two CD set that he had painstakingly recorded from his vintage collection of psychedellia. On Saturday I got the final pieces of my current investigation and I am now going fully tactical -- rendezvous with destiny (the short form) due on Good Friday. Reports will follow as that situation develops. The ungodly are about to discover that there really is a hell and it lasts a long, long time. heh.

Low: I got the sliding table saw finished and discovered the expensive carbide blade I purchased is slightly too coarse to cut very thin plexiglas and I need to get another blade for that material.
posted by warbaby 03 April | 10:31
Low: finishing my 10k in 1:10-ish. It was HOT and CROWDED. 17 people fell out and had to be taken to hospitals so, what the heck. I was much better prepared this year, but ended up doing a little worse.

High: Meeting for brunch and brews after and hearing everybody bitch about the same thing.
posted by rainbaby 03 April | 10:33
High: meeting an online friend who was visiting the UK and having a great dinner with him and his wife.

Low: still very bruised and sore following last week's biopsy.
posted by essexjan 03 April | 10:36
returning the Dog Day Afternoon favor by showing jonmc Swingers

You've never seen Swingers before Jon? It's got to be one of the greatest movies of all time. Did you like it?
posted by essexjan 03 April | 10:40
Indeed, I did. The character Trent reminded me quite a bit of my old buddy Rob The Cop, and if you took away the swing culture and replaced it with grunge and punk, that was my twenties, basically.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 10:42
Accidentally destroying the universe.

High: Discovering I don't have the power to destroy the universe.

(I actually had a low free weekend, it was literally all GOOD. Although I used my stomach rather cruelly this weekend, so last night I had a rough patch for about an hour where oysters fought chili burgers on a bed of frog shanks, but I eased my way through it with a tall boy of cheap beer and this good ass book Hugh lent me.)
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 10:42
Warbaby, can I be on the invitation list for your parties? That sounds awesome!
posted by matildaben 03 April | 10:43
Also, I have decided that in MeCha: The Motion Picture, Divine_Wino will be played by Donal Logue.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 10:45
High: Friday Night. It was a two-parter but it was awesome because it was spent with friends.

Low: Having to wash 12 loads of laundry.

Monday Highs and Lows:

High: Coming to to work to learn my crazy new boss got fired.

Low: Clothes are too tight. Realizing I have to start going to the gym.
posted by Lola_G 03 April | 10:48
Oh, and after seeing Swingers, we decided that the jonmc's personal version of the cast goes like this:

Mikey: jonmc
Trent: Rob the Cop
Sue: Hugh Janus
Rob: Divine_Wino
Charles (aka, the token black guy): joe famous
posted by TrishaLynn 03 April | 10:48
Low: Clothes are too tight.

This thread is worthless without pictures. By the way, cute dimples.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 10:49

Not tight in a good way.
posted by Lola_G 03 April | 10:51
Go is required viewing before Vegas.

(I think about "Go" whenever someone says anything about "Swingers". . .)
posted by rainbaby 03 April | 10:53
A big gong on Donal Logue, but that's life. In all my contracts it specifically says that Denzal plays me in any all films that cannot star me as myself.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 10:57
I have great dificulty imagining Denzel wandering drunkenly through chinatown and then inciting fisticuffs with a horse.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 11:00
I don't know who the fuck Denzal is but I'll bet you a Genoa and Provelone on pita bread with lots of mustard I meant Denzel.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 11:00
I have great dificulty imagining Denzel wandering drunkenly through chinatown and then inciting fisticuffs with a horse.

He would be playing slightly against type and that horse was giving me the fucking stink eye and you know it.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 11:01
What? Come on, guys, I couldn't back down, that guy called me a bitch. We kept our rep, bro.
posted by Hugh Janus 03 April | 11:01
High: Starting Apple Plan (putting things in order to start organizing my move)

Low: Picking up work yesterday. Why the HELL would I pick up on my weekend off????
posted by amesbelle 03 April | 11:03
I gotta rep to protect.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 11:04
Dude, that horse was laughing with you, totally with you. Sheesh, I can dress you two up, but I can't take you anywhere.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 11:05
Hey man, you're not from here, alright. You don't know how it is. I grew up in L.A. It's different out here. It's not like New York, Mikey.
posted by Hugh Janus 03 April | 11:13
Donal Logue is way cute. That is all.
posted by matildaben 03 April | 11:13
Donal Logue is a Harvard grad and a former Shakespearean actor. He was also the cab driver in the best commercials MTV ever ran. I love him. That is all.
posted by amro 03 April | 11:30
It's the middle of my weekend still, but:

High: having mudpuppie, occhiblu and wimpdork over to watch movies (ended up watching Eddie Izzard instead) and eating kick ass Chinese take-out.

Low: I can't think of one yet.
posted by Frisbee Girl 03 April | 11:35
I like Donal Logue, but those commercials always struck me as kind of...mean. While we're on the subject of MTV, did anyone else have a crush on Alison Stewart back in her VJ days, or was that just me
posted by jonmc 03 April | 11:37
Is Donal Logue the guy who played Susan Lewis's husband in ER? If it's him, he is very cute.
posted by essexjan 03 April | 11:44
In the interest of frankness I'll also admit that I still carry a torch for Tabitha Soren.

and there is a distinct resemblance between Logue and the Wino.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 11:48
Low: Tearful talk with good friend about how my life is unsatisfying and in turmoil and all that I need to do about it.

High: Tearful talk with good friend about how my life is unsatisfying and in turmoil and all that I need to do about it.
posted by Specklet 03 April | 12:01
Highs: Friday night dinner with the mecha crew, Sunday afternoon in Central Park (beautiful weather).

Lows: oft-mentioned awful-thing-that-steveo-saw, pulling a nearly-allnighter last night for a presentation today.

(bonus: the presentation went fine).
posted by gaspode 03 April | 12:16
High: Grand Raggidy's first bout ever! 1700+ fans and some great derby action, plus an appearance by Rob Base at one of the many afterparties and a couple of hours drunk in a jacuzzi with some derby rock stars. Unbelievable.

Low: dining on what had to be the world's worst prime rib and mashed potatoes while nursing a very nasty hangover in preparation for a very long, very boring drive back to Chicago. Awful.
posted by eamondaly 03 April | 12:18
High: A full weekend of shooting for a movie that went really well and resulted in great performances from the actors that was followed by an amazing screening from George Romero who then answered questions from the audience.

Low: Mid-way through the weekend, we attended a fund raiser that was advertised as providing free alcohol and didn't, and which had virtually no one in attendance, except for us.
posted by shmegegge 03 April | 12:24
High: 61 degrees. Low: 42.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson 03 April | 12:28
He was also the cab driver in the best commercials MTV ever ran

I still pronounce "Madonna" Mmmmmmm-Madonna.

Vince Vaughn was so hot in Swingers. So hot. Damn, I hate that the mister is back at work this week.
posted by jrossi4r 03 April | 12:33
plus an appearance by Rob Base

Maybe we should switch formats from High and Low to Joy and Pain or Sunshine and Rain.
posted by jrossi4r 03 April | 12:34
high: yes, being high, and being profoundly entertained

low: a tie between getting hit on by this weird squeaky irishman who had signed his divorce papers and a truly sad excuse for pizza

vince vaugh use to bug me.
anymore i don't mind.
posted by ethylene 03 April | 12:50
You were hit on by a pizza?
posted by Hugh Janus 03 April | 12:57
Well, you know those Italians...
posted by jonmc 03 April | 12:59
High: Date involving roller derby and other stuff.

Low: 5 hours sleep, then 6 hours work at the datacenter fixing the unacceptably sloppy-ass work of my predecessors. Harsh fluorescent lighting, 100 dB ambient noise from fans & hvac, 85+ ambient temperature from overcrowding and xeon processors. Imagine someone pointing a hairdryer at you for 6 hours while you work - fun fun fun.
posted by Triode 03 April | 13:08
it tried but had no chance from the start. it lacked all character and style.
posted by ethylene 03 April | 13:12
High: What Frisbee said.

Low: Continuing, dreadful, physically painful anxiety over money.
posted by mudpuppie 03 April | 13:15
high(s): a) seeing a great concert, Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins, at the Orepheum theatre here in LA, having great seats despite buying them 3 days before.

b) Attempting to see the grunion mating on Venice Beach and missing them by an hour but having fun anyway b/c of the people I was with and the amusing random Venice Beach hippies.

low: Sunday. Sitting there being unable to motivate myself to do anything until 4pm. Realizing how old I am that I had a slight hangover from two vodka and tonics (I blame the cheap "rail drink" vodka)
posted by drjimmy11 03 April | 13:15
High: Being tantalized and tantalizing in return.

Low: Spring Forward, not enough sleep.
posted by matildaben 03 April | 13:15
High: What Frisbee and mudpuppie said. Times ten.

Low: Eating way too much food. You'd think that couldn't possibly be a low, but it wasn't "Ha ha, I ate too much!" It was more like, "Oh geez, how did I think that could possibly be a good idea?" It's embarrassing. I blame the tiredness.

High: Frisbee and mudpuppie and occhiblu!
posted by wimpdork 03 April | 13:46
She can't believe she ate the whooole thing.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 13:48
She can't believe she ate the whooole thing.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 13:48

jmc, we ordered a ridiculous amount of food, but it was totally worth it. And we had ostrich. YUM!
posted by Frisbee Girl 03 April | 14:05
We had frog and duck! We win the weird animal eating contest!
posted by jonmc 03 April | 14:08
And I went again yestiddy and had squid.
posted by Hugh Janus 03 April | 14:45
Duck is not nearly as weird as you think it is jon lad. Frog is exactly as weird as you think it is, though.

I still win the weekend eating contest boys, valve down!
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 14:46
Baby Octopus, you cannot chew it up, fletcher had nothing on a baby octopus!
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 14:47
Well, what if we ate the duck and frog by bobbing our drunken heads in the waters of a pastoral lake and devouring anything we could catch in our ravening jaws?

That'd be pretty weird.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 14:48
Not as weird as Grizzly Man.
posted by Hugh Janus 03 April | 14:53
Dooooods. Is there anything that isn't a competition with you guys?
posted by Frisbee Girl 03 April | 14:59

Ha! I answered Frisbee first! I win! I win!

*does Ickey Shuffle*
posted by jonmc 03 April | 15:02
Ahhh, jmc, that made me laugh.
posted by Frisbee Girl 03 April | 15:06
We have never grown up and I assert that garbage bellies, drinking and foul mouths aside it is our only good quality.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 April | 15:14
Run, wino, captain hook is coming this way!
posted by jonmc 03 April | 15:15
Competition? I prefer to think of it as a VICTORY!
posted by Hugh Janus 03 April | 15:19
Exactly. Somebody needs to photoshop our heads on the Iwo Jima statue. Or at least me and the winos heads on the Born To Run cover.
posted by jonmc 03 April | 15:23
My weekend was kind of a flatline.
posted by Miko 03 April | 15:26
Highs: spending most of the weekend (except for a hike in the woods with the dog on Sunday afternoon) online/on msn with friends planning for upcoming trip to Europe in May.

Lows: after spending all weekend online planning trip, finally getting around to the laundry and cleaning up the kitchen, finishing at 12:30 last night. Argh. At least the place is clean. *props eyes open* Also, I should have known better than to read the "What is goatse" thread on Askme.
posted by jokeefe 03 April | 15:26
High: Great party Saturday night, saw lots of old friends, flirted outrageously, drank copiously.

Low: Missing last night's Michael Franti concert because we were too hungover to peel ourselves off the couch. And we'd already bought tickets. This was a hangover for the ages.
posted by elizard 03 April | 15:29
My weekend was kind of a flatline.

Mine too. Not that that was bad.
posted by tangerine 03 April | 15:29
Competition? I prefer to think of it as a VICTORY!
posted by Hugh Janus 03 April | 15:19


Miko, your comment just reminded me that you were in one of my dreams this weekend. You were outlining a plan for a huge life change.
posted by Frisbee Girl 03 April | 15:30
My weekend was kind of a flatline.

Was Keifer Sutherland there? Did you see that creepy kid you pushed out of a tree when you were young?
posted by drjimmy11 03 April | 15:33
My favorite thing about this thread is how much "High" looks like "Hugh." I feel so popular!
posted by Hugh Janus 03 April | 15:46
You were outlining a plan for a huge life change.

Wow. Sounds like maybe some combination of me as me and the pupster's "Life change" thread.

Anyway, if it's prophetic, I sure hope it's a good change.
posted by Miko 03 April | 15:57
I had cotton candy. And beer. Both free. I win!
posted by eamondaly 03 April | 17:09
High: spending $20 on about a dozen used books and finding out the Value Village near us is a good one (bought a few more books and a temporary footstool).

Low: fighting the cold/flu I've had for a week.
posted by deborah 03 April | 19:28
Thank you, thank you (I'm welcome) || The second annual smallest, coolest apartment contest.