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Comment Feed:


03 April 2006

I have Frankenlip. [More:]The stress of firing clients and tangling with the HOA over the last week has manifested itself in l'fever blister large. I'm ugly.

I'm taking Lysine and slathering Abreva. Any other OTC suggestions welcome, since I can't afford the doc or a valtrex prescrip.

[recovers head under blanket]
posted by Miko 03 April | 07:27
Fuck HOAs. That is all.
posted by mike9322 03 April | 07:36
Oh, I feel for you chewie. I'm about due for my annual spring cold sore. It's so humiliating. Lysine and Abreva are the way to go, though.
posted by jrossi4r 03 April | 08:35
jrossi - I thought i was the only one who got them like clockwork every spring & fall. It's nice to have company.
posted by chewatadistance 03 April | 08:38
You too? I wonder why that is. Is it triggered by the change of seasons or is the virus just set on a timer that happens to go off the same time every year?
posted by jrossi4r 03 April | 08:48
I don't know, it's weird isn't it? I get stressed other times of the year too, but the cold sores only show up in spring or fall. Maybe they are tuned to the atomic clock thing in Denver.
posted by chewatadistance 03 April | 08:55
I'd really like to know what it is about the change of seasons that effects me biologically.

I once cut the tip off one of my fingers and carefully taped it back on and its just fine, except that twice a year the tip peels a little skin like a sunburn.
posted by StickyCarpet 03 April | 10:25
Where's our cell specialist sciencey MeCha contingent?

We need answers!
posted by chewatadistance 03 April | 10:34
i have a zit that's close enough to my lip ao it looks like a cold sore.
it will leave a large scar.
posted by ethylene 03 April | 12:17
Abreva made my biannual cold sore immediately worse, with the added bonus of pissing it off enough to migrate.

I use the lysine in diary products. Milk/yogurt plus plenty of water, sleep, and destress seems to make it go away the fastest.
posted by loquacious 03 April | 13:51
At day's end it doesn't look nearly as bad as it has in the past. I have to look close to know it's there. So maybe it's not totally frankenny after all.
posted by chewatadistance 03 April | 17:02
Subtle innuends follow. There must be something inside. || Happy Birthday jaksemas!