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03 April 2006

Bluebonnets! OMG! [More:]Spring has sprung in the country, and the wildflowers are so beautiful. This is about the only time of year when I actually like living in Texas. Everything is so green and the wildflowers are so amazing.

Unfortunately, it appears my mom has been futzing with the camera's focus settings, so I'll have clearer pictures next trip. Sigh.
What a beautiful place you live in, WolfDaddy.
posted by essexjan 03 April | 16:29
A neighbor has bluebonnets planted in the garden of her Houston home. We have been going out of our way to pass that home, while they last.

Yay, wildflowers. Even planted ones.
posted by sarah connor 03 April | 16:31
Also, the primroses we planted last year have spread, so our front garden is filled with them. They track the sun.
posted by sarah connor 03 April | 16:32
Texans and their fuckin' lupines!

Just kidding, wolfdaddy. Your photos are gorgeous. The wildflowers are one of the few things about Texas that I miss. The mix of Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrush, Marshmallow and Winecups is something everyone should see. I have some nice photos as well, but my Mum has custody of them.
posted by deborah 03 April | 18:11
That almost, almost makes me homesick.

Here's a bit of local color for people who have never lived in Texas.

Most of the thickest patches of bluebonnets grow on the side of the highway or in medians, because Lady Bird Johnson, as part of her highway beautification effort back in the 60s, decreed that Texas highways be seeded with wildflowers.

And on Easter Sunday, it's a bit of an unwritten tradition to take pictures of your dressed-up kids' in a field of bluebonnets. You know, after church.

So at about noon on Easter Sunday during a good bluebonnet year, one will find scores of cars pulled over on highways across the state, with families having their pictures taken in the bluebonnets.

And at about 5 p.m. on Easter Sunday during a good bluebonnet year, one will find scores of buttprints in bluebonnet patches across the state.

Very quaint, very Texas. Show me a kid who grew up in Texas who didn't have their picture taken in the bluebonnets at some point....

[And deborah, I had to move to the West Coast before I knew that they had "lupines" in other places too. And the ones in California are actually bigger. Shhhhhh. Don't let that get back to Texas.]
posted by mudpuppie 03 April | 18:38
Holy shit, Essexjan!!! I searched all over for that song earlier today, but it's disappeared from my hard drive. I considered posting a request for it. Bizarre.

posted by mudpuppie 03 April | 18:38
I've got a special place in my heart for the bluebonnets. They're even part of my 'Texas' tattoo.

The funny 'other side' to pup's story is that my parents would take me on the same day to take pictures in the same flowers. Difference? My parents were in biker leather with tattoos showing...freaked out a few church-goers, I think.
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 03 April | 18:46
That's hilarious, Al.

If my family had pulled over on Highway 67 and your family was there with their leather and tattoos and menace, we would have proceeded to the next exit. Heh.
posted by mudpuppie 03 April | 18:55
Essexjan, pup -- I feel so stupid, I just posted those three lines on WD's Flickr, and then came back and saw your comments!

Nanci. What more can you say?
posted by Miko 03 April | 20:15
I don't think you should feel "stupid," miko.

I think it's just further evidence of the vortex/mind-meld that we've already established.

posted by mudpuppie 03 April | 20:17
But it's so cool in your head! The music's great.
posted by Miko 03 April | 21:44
The best bluebonnets near me are in a green strip that is like a highway for powerlines. They can't build anything under them, so the bluebonnets take over. Yep, right beside the 7-11. Sigh. I love Texas and its two week springs.
posted by MadamM 03 April | 22:31
They smell amazing too! When I visited the Lady Bird wildflower center last month, the people there made a point of letting me know they were starting to come out and I saw more later in San Antonio that had been helped along.
posted by brujita 03 April | 22:34
They smell amazing too! When I visited the Lady Bird wildflower center last month, the people there made a point of letting me know they were starting to come out and I saw more later in San Antonio that had been helped along.
posted by brujita 03 April | 22:35
Brujita, I worked there during college! Right when it opened.
posted by mudpuppie 03 April | 22:36
I love the wildflower center. I used to do a trail ride every year to the Austin rodeo and one of the highlights was on the last day, we'd stop there for lunch. Nothing like riding down that driveway and smelling the flowers.
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 03 April | 23:19
I made it to the wildflower centre once. It was gorgeous but freakin' cold! I'd love to visit the Hill Country again. BC has some wildflowers but nothing like Texas, dammit.
posted by deborah 04 April | 14:20
Peeps drinks. || My favourite of this years April Fool websites.