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01 April 2006

Nasty, Nasty Food What food (or food product) makes your skin crawl?[More:]And, perhaps more interestingly, what food(s) should make your skin crawl but doesn't? (I.e. Marmite, kippered snacks, etc.)
Fake cheese. *shudder*
posted by mike9322 01 April | 14:12
posted by tommasz 01 April | 14:13
Liver and/or kidneys. Not only does the texture make my gag reflex go into overdrive, but they're filters, goddamnit. Filters! Blech. (er...for some reason that doesn't stop me from eating liverwurst, but that's because there's a place near me that makes all their own sausage and their liverwurst is from heaven, I tell you. Yes, I am comfortable with my hypocrisy.)
posted by elizard 01 April | 14:22
Almost all vegetables. My mom says I was always this way, even with baby food—and the combination of me being extremely stubborn and people forcing me anyway resulted, I think, in a permanent deep dislike. I wish this weren't the case, it's not healthy for me. Off the top of my head, the worst would be cauliflower, followed by peas. Just writing about them makes me shudder.
posted by kmellis 01 April | 14:22
The consumption of cilantro totally makes me squirm, which I guess is the internal equivalent of skin-crawliness.

I also can't stand the texture of eggplant. It's squeaky!

And I'm quite fond of marmite in very small doses (which is how it's intended to be cosnumed).
posted by mudpuppie 01 April | 14:23
Okra. ICK!

And I guess mushrooms SHOULD gross me out, but I love them. I mean, it's fungus.
posted by WolfDaddy 01 April | 14:26
Mushrooms. Because of this line in Jitterbug Perfume:

Alas, it could endure but for so long, and no sooner was Alma hiccupping the mushroom scent of his spurt than he was regretting his choice.

So, cream of mushroom soup is RIGHT OUT!!!
posted by jrossi4r 01 April | 14:30
Peanut butter. Ewwwww.
posted by cmonkey 01 April | 14:34
Creamed Calves' Brains on Toast.

Because I'm a vegetarian, people think meat grosses me out. But it doesn't. Except for the creamed calves' brains, that is.
posted by amro 01 April | 14:37
Pickled beets are the only thing I can thing of. Oh, and brains.

Pickled beets because I used to love them, and when I was four I ate a whole bunch, which coincided with me getting a stomach bug. So I was puking bright red in the toilet, which to my 4 year old eyes looked like blood. And I screamed and screamed and screamed.

To this day, I cannot stand the smell or sight of red beets. I like to think that this is because my brain is working as it should!

Things that I feel like I shouldn't love but I do: kidneys, porkfat, brussels sprouts (am I the only person who loves them?).

Things that I can't understand why everyone doesn't love: marmite/vegemite!
posted by gaspode 01 April | 14:38
I know I've had eel before, but somehow I can't bring myself to order it. Mackrel sushi and sardines turn my stomach.
I hate Beets, Rutabegas, Okra, Pig's Feet, Chitterlings and any food with brains, tongue or blood innit.
posted by black8 01 April | 14:39
McDonalds fries and Big macs. Salad dressing on a burger? Bleeec
posted by arse_hat 01 April | 14:39
ooh yeah and I love black pudding!
posted by gaspode 01 April | 14:41
(I love brussel sprouts, too, gaspode. Especially with cheese.)
posted by jrossi4r 01 April | 14:46
Oooh yeah, jrossi. brussel sprouts with cheese. mmmmm. Or really small new ones VERY lightly steamed with a bit of butter.
posted by gaspode 01 April | 14:49
Intense dislikes - turnips and parsnips. Other nips are okay.

I know I shouldn't like lobstah (bottom feeding filter spider), but it is a favorite treat.

Brussel sprout lightly steamed and then sauteed in bacon fat is surprisingly good. I don't know what part of the world this comes from - anyone here know?
posted by vers 01 April | 14:52
A couple months ago on NPR, they ran a story about some jackass who'd come up with a way to turn dark chicken in to white meat. It turns out that in the US, demand for white meat vastly outstrips demand for the darker stuff, so these guys came up with a system for centerfuging it to get the dark particles out, leaving a delicious meat slurry. The product could then be frozen and deep fried. The only catch is that this was just about the only way to use it, because if left standing at room temperature it would turn into a liquid. Slurry anyone?
posted by pieisexactlythree 01 April | 14:53
Kimchee. Sweetmeats. Brains. Various types of gelatinous fish preserved in tins.

But Kimchee, for me, is the worst. Just the merest whiff of it engages gagging suppression reflexes, and I can smell just a few molecules of it hundreds of feet away. I used to bike through Koreatown in LA, through traffic, past a ton of Korean restaurants and it was an interesting exercise in trying to watch the road, trying not to breathe, trying to breathe, and trying not to chunder over my handle bars.

I don't know what it is, 'cause I can handle many other Korean foods, but Kimchee just kills me. I can tell when someone had it for lunch *last week*. :(

And there's lots of stuff I should be grossed out about. I like Uni - sea urchin roe sushi - with the quail egg and everything. OMG so good. Like salty butter, a giant wall of savory umami flavors write large with just a hint of the sea.

Mayo isn't gross, dude. It's just the ticket for a big sammich.
posted by loquacious 01 April | 14:58
Me too on the sprout-lovin'. They're also good with toasted pecans or walnuts. Or my *ahem* fabulous cheese sauce.

For textural reasons, I also refuse to eat bananas, peas, or avocadoes in their natural state. *shudder*

On preview: Okay, add chicken slurry to the list as well.
posted by elizard 01 April | 14:58
...and caraway seeds. Man, I can taste if bread has been next to bread with caraway seeds.
posted by elizard 01 April | 15:01
posted by Eideteker 01 April | 15:01
Walnuts, raw onions, and most of all, coconut!
posted by King of Prontopia 01 April | 15:02
Avocado is fuckin' ambrosia. It's heaven.

You're probably just eating it too ripe. It needs to be firm and sliceable, not grey-green paste.

Chicken slurry is pretty damn nasty though.
posted by loquacious 01 April | 15:04
cream of mushroom soup

Ditto. I'm gagging just thinking about it. And, oh yeah -- lima beans.
posted by ericb 01 April | 15:04
Man, you people have weird food phobias. It seems like the only food I dislike is stuff that's rotting or actively imitating road kill.
posted by loquacious 01 April | 15:06
loquacious: ah, but I'm not eating it at all, that's the thing, although I have tried it many times just to be sure. It's got that smooth/firm combo that my mouth automatically rejects. I love guacamole, though.
posted by elizard 01 April | 15:07
best snack ever: wheat toast with a bit of wholegrain mustard on it. Then as much avocado as the toast can handle, sliced tomato and freshly ground black pepper. Heaven.

(yay, avocado!)
posted by gaspode 01 April | 15:07
Seriously, y'all are making me hungry. I wish I had an avocado to make a avocado, cheese, raw onion, sliced mushrooms, sprouts and baby spinach sammich w/ some mayo, spicy mustard, pepper and a drizzle of vinagrette on sourdough or something.
posted by loquacious 01 April | 15:08
*adds sliced roma tomatos to sammich*
posted by loquacious 01 April | 15:09
Mayonnaise. I can barely look at it.

I love Brussels sprouts, blanched then sauteed in garlic with pecans.

w/r/t the chicken slurry: That is exactly how chicken McNuggets are made (though I guess not with dark meat). A friend in high school worked at McD's and showed us how, when you thaw a McNugget, it's a jellylike liquid inside the crust. Vile.
posted by Miko 01 April | 15:21
Mayonnaise. Butter in any but very small quantities.

Really fatty cuts of beef. Organ meats. Iccck. Other meat doesn't gross me out, though I don't consume it.

I cordially welcome all vegetables into my eating hole with the exception of sprouts, which are not invited.
posted by killdevil 01 April | 15:26
"McDonalds fries"

Damn. I think their fries are the one thing they do well. I love McDonald's fries.
posted by kmellis 01 April | 15:30
That is exactly how chicken McNuggets are made (though I guess not with dark meat). A friend in high school worked at McD's and showed us how, when you thaw a McNugget, it's a jellylike liquid inside the crust. Vile.
posted by Miko 01 April | 15:21

Miko, I dunno what was done to the McNugget that your friend showed you, but in three years of working at McDonald's in highschool and on break from university, never once did I see I McNugget thaw to be a "jellylike liquid". Someone was seriously messing with you and they done messed with you good. This didn't happen to take place on April 1st, did it? ;) [Not to say that they're particularly appetizing, because, well, they just aren't.]

Baked green peppers stuffed with ground beef and tuna casserole are pretty much the only things I can think of that will almost guaranteed turn off my appetite.
posted by Frisbee Girl 01 April | 15:46
Any bird small enough that you are served the whole bird on your plate.
posted by Space Coyote 01 April | 16:18
Eggs, except in egg drop soup. Can't stand the little fuckers. Celery. It actually makes me gag when I taste it, and someone once sold me a line about it having some chemical in it that my body won't tolerate. Which, I have to admit, is just what that reaction feels like.
posted by rebirtha 01 April | 16:31
Peanut butter. ::shudder::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 01 April | 17:07
This didn't happen to take place on April 1st, did it? ;) [Not to say that they're particularly appetizing, because, well, they just aren't.]

Huh. I don't remember what time of year it was, but I do remember the demo vividly. Maybe we were being fucked with.
posted by Miko 01 April | 17:59
Offal. Sago (frogspawn) pudding. Anything that has a snot-like consistency.
posted by essexjan 01 April | 18:05
when i had brains, i really think it was the sauce that make it. i would have eaten anything with that sauce.
too high in cholesterol, brains, to be worth it.
posted by ethylene 01 April | 22:24
my dad would talk about eating birds whole, beak and all.
and large bugs.

my sister apparently danced for grasshopper cookies.
i don't know if that is a euphemism.
posted by ethylene 01 April | 22:25
i want some pancreas.
never had it.
knew i was missing something.
posted by ethylene 01 April | 22:26
I think I wouldn't eat any kind of brains because of prions. Not that brains has ever threatened to be on my menu.
posted by kmellis 02 April | 00:58
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