Movie Night? I feel pretty blah right now. I'm thinking about getting junkfood and renting a few movies, either for tonight or for tomorrow.
Any recommendations for stuff either of my local Hollywood Videos should have?
I'm thinking of something goofy that I've wanted to see for a while, like Constantine. Not necessarily a really good mindblowing movie or something uplifting. Something with a unique or different premise might be nice (never saw Adaptation, either). Something that was just "interesting" or a
good B-movie (or whatever you'd call Constantine).
So what "hidden classics" can you recommend that are popular enough to be at my local rental place and yet unpopular enough to be available? (No foreign language; I'm not in the mood to squint at subtitles tonight).
Please be thoughtful and try to make all your suggestions in one comment, or I fear I'll never be able to wade through them all (the quote thread was fun but exhausting!). Otherwise, go wild! Inventiveness is appreciated!