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05 March 2006

What Are You Thankful For This Weekend? [More:]In the light of my recent money woe, I've decided to let this post be about simple things to be happy for in life. As in, "LT is happy because he could actually afford a new razor and shaving cream this weekend."

What are some simple things you've had to go without that when you had them back in your life, you felt like royalty?
New clothes. I've got a lot of amazing thrift store stuff, but I'd be lying if I didn't say there's been a time or two when I just wanted to buy something brand new and not worry about the price or feel guilty about it because I didn't really need it.
posted by amro 05 March | 18:25
Also, on a non-monetary note, making Dean's List in law school. There is no better feeling at this time in my life.
posted by amro 05 March | 18:27
A vet who knows what he's talking about, so my dog can finally be treated for her skin problem.

And my expensive shampoo. When I can't buy my shampoo, I feel very poor, indeed.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 March | 18:27
Good one, Amro! I love thrift store stuff myself, but can get behind the occasional nicety. My deal is that I worry over who had to make the clothing, i.e. some poor fucker in the Third World. If I can go somewhere recycled, or hand-made, or whathaveyou, I feel great.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 05 March | 18:29
I did amazingly well in the row-a-thon, finishing in the middle of the pack of guys my age. And I had a great karate seminar, too. I'm just happy to be able to do these things. And thankful for the opportunity.
posted by tommasz 05 March | 18:43
That my Mom is doing better. She was sitting up today, and made perfect sense for the duration of my visit, except for this gem:

Her: "You know I've been on marajuana since January."

Me: (beat, beat) "You mean morphine?"

Her: (beat, beat, beat) "Oh my yes! MORphine! I've been telling everyone marajuana!"
posted by rainbaby 05 March | 18:46
I'm thankful that even though I spent a lot of money when I got there, I was able to get to Target and back, safely, and without a car.
posted by TrishaLynn 05 March | 19:05
(the one in Queens, TrishaLynn? I LOVE that Target!)
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 March | 19:09
m&m speckled eggs : >

(i wanna go to target--i've never ever been!)
posted by amberglow 05 March | 19:14
::record scratch::

amberglow, you've NEVER been to Target??????????
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 March | 19:16
I like having enough money to buy books without worrying about it. Sadly, I don't now and won't for a while, but I hold on to the dream.

What I am glad about now? Last week's talk went very well, and my work is currently giving me no hassles. Life is peachy!
posted by nomis 05 March | 19:22
amro - congrats! And amberglow how can someone as hip as you never have been to a Target?!

Today I was thankful for the sun, and for my yard work gloves that I haven't worn since last year. We un-choked the catawba tree from the trumpet vine this morning. Today was beautiful.
posted by chewatadistance 05 March | 19:43
oh, and rainbaby - good to hear about your mom. funny drug story too. :D
posted by chewatadistance 05 March | 19:45
Hot tea and hot showers. I have had a flu like thing going on and tea and showers are nice.
posted by arse_hat 05 March | 19:47
It's T'arjet

(faux French pronounciation of "Tar jay").
posted by porpoise 05 March | 19:49
actually it occurs to me that I have never been in a Target either. Rainbaby, here's hoping things go well.
posted by arse_hat 05 March | 19:49
Regular dentist visits. Without dental insurance or the money to pay out of pocket, I'm convinced I am going to die from some sort of fatal mouth-disease. Also, the ability to walk into a bookstore or music store and feel ok buying a few things.
posted by ubersturm 05 March | 20:06
take me one day? i actually have an oldham lite brite lamp from there, but a friend on the island picked it up for me.
posted by amberglow 05 March | 21:09
Yes, I will take you one day. Because the fact that you haven't been to Target... breaks my heart.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 March | 21:51
(i haven't ever been to a walmart either, but that i don't wanna see)

: >
posted by amberglow 05 March | 22:06
Grateful for the end of the weekend so I can come to work and have a rest.
posted by dg 05 March | 22:27
TPS/Amberglow: Yes, the T'arjet in Queens. I miss the one in Brooklyn at the Atlantic Center, though. That one was a two-story T'arjet!

Maybe we should organize a T'arjet trip sometime...?
posted by TrishaLynn 05 March | 22:41
I'm thankful that I have some really awesome, smart friends.
posted by Miko 06 March | 00:38
I'm thankful that I'm 6,000 miles away from home, and having a lovely time.
posted by cmonkey 06 March | 06:12
I've been scouring || I didn't get the apartment.