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Comment Feed:


03 March 2006

What's the docket for your weekend, MeChas?
Tonight: settle in at home with headphones, a glass of something, and a new CD. (Mahler 6th.)
Weekend: Visit some friends, eat and drink everything in sight.
posted by Wolfdog 03 March | 11:52
Work. Gotta make up for the time lost caring for Pneumonia Girl (who, thankfully, is fever free today for the first time in a week). Then Sun. is a kid's birthday party, which seems to have become a weekly occurence.

Don't forget to take your Pill, ladies of Mecha!!!!!!!!!
posted by jrossi4r 03 March | 11:54
Cantatas! The Seattle Symphony is performing my favorite cantata tonight (Jauchet Gott in Allen Landen, BWV 51), and my darling wife is accompanying me.

After that, a long weekend of reading in bed. With the darling wife.
posted by agropyron 03 March | 11:57

Tonight: relaxing at home with something to drink. I might be in a very much wine-y mood. Might also start watching the Deadwood first season, which has been sitting on the TV shelf since Christmas while I did other things.

Tomorrow, on the road to Connecticut for my friend Peter's 60th b-day party. There will be much happy socializing and probably an acoustic kitchen jam, which is how their parties always end. It'll be fun.
posted by Miko 03 March | 11:58
jrossi, that's hysterical. I'd like to add "and remember that antibiotics lower its effectiveness!"

I too spend an enormous amount of time at birthday parties.

If the weather cooperates, I'm taking my daughter to mini golf. If not, bowling. Then poker Saturday night. Sunday is my sleep-till-11-and-watch-Netflix-movies-all-day day.
posted by mike9322 03 March | 12:02
I'm doing a lot of the usual- brunch, yoga, hanging out with people. I really need a pedicure, too, so might get one of those.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 March | 12:04
Friday night: checking into a fancy downtown hotel.

Sunday afternoon: checking out and leaving the hotel for the first time all weekend.

In between: ????
posted by dersins 03 March | 12:04
Going to a show with bmarkey.
posted by matildaben 03 March | 12:06
Not quite sure.
posted by sisterhavana 03 March | 12:07
Tonight, lazy night in front of the TV (over here they show all three AI shows one after the other).

Tomorrow, bloke coming to fix the oven. I thought I was just burning everything but apparently the thermostat is broken.

Sunday, lunch with 10 mates to celebrate my AA birthday last Monday. At a carvery. So an infinite number of roast spuds and yorkshire puds will be consumed.
posted by essexjan 03 March | 12:07
dersins: I hope you have some company for that experience. Otherwise, it sounds awfully dull.
posted by Miko 03 March | 12:08
tonight: relaxing at the home cave and watching a game, probably, with wine.

weekend: removing a vine that is choking a catawba tree out back, moving a dog poop bag dispenser to the back where more dogs go, usual domestic things like laundry, napping in the afternoon whenever possible. I'm a ball of fire. :D
posted by chewatadistance 03 March | 12:10
Snappin' my fingers; clappin' my hands.
posted by Hugh Janus 03 March | 12:14
Tonight, I'm going to eat pizza (before starting the diet Monday,which is "Clean Monday" here in Greece, and the beginning of Lent), and READ! Melissa May and Sleepy Pete have sent me the "His Dark Materals" trilogy and the first two Disc World novels! I'm so psyched.

Tomorrow I have to shop and clean house, but when I'm done, I'm going to READ! Sunday, I'll probably mostly work.
posted by taz 03 March | 12:21
Friday night: economy hell in a tiny metal tube over the Atlantic
Saturday: Jetlagged, drunk, stumbling around Prague
posted by cmonkey 03 March | 12:22
Sleeping. I need sleep. Badly.
posted by Specklet 03 March | 12:23
Fri night: Nothing!!!! :D

Sat: Sleep in, lab it up and visiting my parent's because my sister and her bf will be there. Try hard to get a free dinner...

Sun: Try to weasel free breakfast at Cora's and then visiting a friend to see his new house and celebrate his son's first birthday. Then home for dinner and Family Guy and sun. night TV goodness.
posted by LunaticFringe 03 March | 12:24
Tonight: Lunch with the grandmother. Errands. Nap. Brazilian Girls in D.C. I'm looking forward to a night of dancing. It's been a rough week.

Tomorrow: Studying. Calling a plumber to come fix my weirdly leaky toilet. Catching up on the movie watching. Lunch with the grandparents.

Sunday: More studying. BELLE AND FUCKING SEBASTIAN. This is my first time seeing them and I am beyond psyched. ROCK.
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 03 March | 12:27
Dying at day at a time.
posted by Eideteker 03 March | 12:27
The same thing I do every weekend, pinky. Try to take over the world.
posted by mygothlaundry 03 March | 12:31
Tonight: See comedy show, try to get out of doghouse with The Husband, using The Friend as a buffer.

Saturday: Six hour round trip to deal with Mom in nursing home.

Sunday: Walk dog. Paper. Run. Oscars.

posted by rainbaby 03 March | 12:36
I hope you succeed, MGL. I think we'd all be better for it.
posted by jrossi4r 03 March | 12:44
Good question! We had a lot planned, including Dollar Store, the Chiditarod, and the Polar Plunge, but as this week has kicked the collective asses of the Daly household, I suspect we'll just pull out the couch and vegetate instead.
posted by eamondaly 03 March | 12:48
Tonight: Making pozole (I've had a hankerin'), drinking some wine, probably watching a movie.

Tomorrow: some assorted chores, and a trip to the pottery studio to get my hands dirty, early to bed.

Sunday: Get up at 5 to drive to a little local marathon that I run every year and for which I am woefully undertrained, try to keep up with my friend Dan who is going to try for his PR, later a nap and then pottery class.

(It seems so short written out like that, that's depressing.)
posted by omiewise 03 March | 13:03
Seein' a show w/matildaben.

Other plans include powerwashing the in-laws sidewalk, long walks w/Science Girl & Lucy in the park, and scaring everyone in the neighborhood by playing these guys at the proper volume. "You got your Zepplin on my Sabbath, man." "Yeah, well you got your Sabbath on my Zepplin." "DUDE!"
posted by bmarkey 03 March | 13:31
Getting my hair cut in a few hours, then practicing salsa dance tonight, which should, I hope, degenerate into a bar crawl. Then.... wide-open weekend! Which is kind of exciting.

I have a friend who's an Episcopal priest, and they've started doing Latin mass on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, so I might also stop by and breathe some incense and listen to dead languages. Plus, he gives good sermon.
posted by occhiblu 03 March | 13:33
Tonight: stop by NYU's open studios to see a friends' work, go home and make dinner, probably watch a movie, read some of Huysmans' The Damned and go to sleep.

Saturday: study french, do chores, go to special saturday afternoon band practice to get ready for our show next friday night, go home and make dinner, probably watch a movie, read some of Huysmans' The Damned and go to sleep.

Sunday: Work on the art of the final pages of the new comic (hopefully I'll be scanning the art by the end of the day), more chores, study french, and make dinner, probably watch a movie, read some of Huysmans' The Damned and go to sleep.
posted by safetyfork 03 March | 13:48
Tonight: Making spicy kabobs and kicking another mechite's butt in Scrabble.

Tomorrow: Shopping and packing for an upcoming trans-atlantic trip.

Sunday: Most probably come into work to tie up a few loose ends before my trip.
posted by ramix 03 March | 13:59
Tonight: Antarctica with jonmc and whomever cares to come. This is just stumbling distance from work, which is good.

Tomorrow: Friend might come over this weekend to finally help me get my room organized. I haven't unpacked since I moved in back in October. Also going to play with my money a bit and maybe talk to a small business loan person so I can figure out how much money I'm going to need to start my publishing empire.

Sunday: More cleaning, prepping all my receipts for Tax Day next weekend.
posted by TrishaLynn 03 March | 14:02
Damn I love those spicy kebabs, ramix. Those were SOOOOOOOOO good.
posted by matildaben 03 March | 14:04
Tonight: cooking fajitas and watching a girly romantic comedy anime.
Tomorrow: Cross country skiing on Mt. Hood. w00t!
Sunday, meeting potential new roommate, giving her the tour.
(If you know anyone else looking in SE Portland, send 'em to pi!)
posted by pieisexactlythree 03 March | 14:07
Tonight: dinner with the SO and her rock star friends.
Tomorrow: maybe a birthday party for a toddler belonging to someone I don't know (SO's friend), then showing von Sternberg's Crime and Punishment at my theater.
Sunday: Oscars
posted by goatdog 03 March | 14:08

I can't believe I got suckered into doing some wetwork this weekend. Sheesh.

And now instead of working part-time after my defense until June, I've gotta work full-time until the end of April.
posted by porpoise 03 March | 14:10
posted by omiewise 03 March | 14:15
"a little marathon?"

posted by rainbaby 03 March | 14:23
Ya' know, not many people.
posted by omiewise 03 March | 14:25
My weekend involves a plastic bag and model airplane glue. Also, womans underwear.
posted by puke & cry 03 March | 14:37
Friday night: going to see Dave Chappelle's Block Party with a friend of mine who's extremely excited about it.

Saturday: reading a few chapters of Francis Parkman's La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West; listening to part of a recorded lecture on Wagner's Ring cycle; watching the last three episodes of the Wild Palms miniseries on DVD.

Saturday night: a friend of mine is coming by, and we're going to watch Fritz Lang's film Kriemhild's Revenge.

Sunday: who knows.
posted by Prospero 03 March | 15:05
Tonight: playing EQ with the mister 'til the wee hours.
Saturday: trip to storage to drop off xmas stuff and lunch.
Sunday: unknown.
posted by deborah 03 March | 15:13
Tomorrow: 2K row (on a machine) for charity.
Sunday: Two hour karate seminar by the top Isshin Ryu sensei in the US.
posted by tommasz 03 March | 16:14
Tonight: Going out to dinner, belatedly, for the SO's b'day, which was a few days ago and which was sort of fraught with, well, stuff. (I think it was her 50th, but it may have been her 49th, and I'm too chicken to ask, so I'm just going to not mention it and pretend I'm being respectful.) She'll have to pay since I'm broke. Happy birthday to her.

Tomorrow: Yard work, if the weather holds.

Sunday: I have no idea. I don't make plans more than a day in advance.
posted by mudpuppie 03 March | 16:18
Friday: abject boredom, some relaxing. Probably shave, exfoliate and cleanse before bed.

Saturday: work, where hopefully my bargain-price season 1 box set of new Battlestar Galactica DVDs will arrive. Get paid, go home, head out to the store to get the ingredients for my parents' anniversary dinner, veg out with Starbuck and Apollo.

Sunday: Nice long walk, a good coffee, a spot of lunch, and then into fixing the big three-course anniversary meal. Aperitifs at 5pm, with service beginning an hour later - bruschetta, followed by chicken boscaiola, then forest fruits in a meringue nest and a flute or two of chilled Bollinger. There's also fresh coffee, Continental chocolate truffles, and a cheese board for the evening.
(I couldn't have managed it without the help of a good friend, who taught me a couple of recipes - she's a chef at WildFire, on Sydney Harbour!)

... I might find some "me" time in there, but I wouldn't know what to do with it.

Monday: Well, since I work Saturdays, Monday is my Sunday. Lie-in, bit of cleaning, yoga...
posted by Incharitable Dog 03 March | 16:43
Tonight: happy hour with my boyfriend, where a friend of his is having a debut-cd release party.

May or may not go to the club after, depending on how tired I am.

Working all afternoon, then going to see my roommate's band.

Sunday: Work again, and then maybe some grocery shopping with the roommate and cleaning.

Kind of a low-key weekend since I'm going to Toronto next friday to see The Sisters of Mercy.
posted by kellydamnit 03 March | 16:49
If any LA MeChatters are interested, there's a Monkey Meetup at Hamburger Mary's on Saturday. We're likely to go to HotDog afterwards, too. Here are the deets (copied from the_bone's post):

7:30 Saturday
Hamburger Mary's
8288 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood

"Hotdog" at Club 7969
7969 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood
The club starts to pick up around 11, although I've gone earlier and had fun. Cover is usually $5 (or is it $10? Whatever. Drinks are a little pricy. Be forewarned: it's a dance club in West Hollywood with all that entails, albeit with more of a mixed gay/straight crowd than most clubs in WeHo)
posted by ooga_booga 03 March | 16:58
Tonight: Hockey game with guy friends
Tommorow : Painting a huge version of this on my office wall
Sunday : May work, may watch Oscars

posted by miles 03 March | 17:02
By the way, I love the word "Docket".
posted by Miko 03 March | 17:12
* Visit American Museum of Radio and Electricity to see about reparir and restoration of my ancient RCA AM/FM set and to discuss the Tesla mechanical oscillator I'm building.

* Draft petition to intervene and pleading for my likely lawsuit to pry open public records at WWU. I was just informed one of the miscreants intends to seek an injunction to block my public records request.

* Graft heritage King apple scion onto new rootstock.

* Visit Deming gun show and see what's up with the looney right (if anything) and fondle firearms.
posted by warbaby 03 March | 17:45
Oh, and the actual reason for me to go down to LA (aside from LA Monkeys/Bunnies) is The Masters of American Comics exhibit at the Hammer Museum and the MOCA.
posted by ooga_booga 03 March | 17:53
OMG! Bee Bunny! || Beautiful, just beautiful.