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artphoto by TheophileEscargot
artphoto by Kronos_to_Earth
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02 March 2006

You look good all hairy and laughing.
posted by krix 02 March | 11:00
That's quite the chair in the first picture jon! And that doesn't address the other shenanigans that are afoot...A couple of these look like they were a few years back?
posted by richat 02 March | 11:00
These were all circa 1995-96, when I was a broke-ass bookstore clerk. In the first pic, my friend Patrick the Sci-Fi Guy had just done a drunken James Brown imitation to music on the stereo and I was flying on about 11 different herbs and spices. The chair was in the house of psycho co-worker who once called us up to come resue her from the house of her doper boyfriend down in the projects in the South End.

The second was actually in 2001, the handsome swain next to me is Rob The Cop, although he was just Rob The Paramedic then, the pic was taken at Fox's Sherron Inn, the last great dive bar in Miami.

The third pic was taken in my first fleabag apartment. We had randy Latino neighbors next door who would bang the headboard against the wall and yell "ay, Rrrramon," loudly. below us was a couple who would fight loudly all the time. The husband would throw rocks at the window and scream "let me in, bitch!"
posted by jonmc 02 March | 11:07
New York's quite the city, eh?
posted by richat 02 March | 11:11
That was in Bridgeport, rich. New York's even weirder. Either that or I'm simply a weird magnet.
posted by jonmc 02 March | 11:13
You know, I never saw your eyebrows before I saw your beard in this picture. Fuckin' A, bro, you're a man of many faces. Y'ever think of undercover work -- CIA, police, even just a stoolie, man -- you'd be like the Unknown Soldier, dude.
posted by Hugh Janus 02 March | 11:18
I think you might have hit on it with that whole "weird magnet" thing. There's worse things, you'll never lead a dull life jon.
posted by richat 02 March | 11:30
If the 25-year-old me had seen the 25-year-old you, then, well, let's just say there would have been fireworks (although I was really skinny then so I don't know if they would have been mutual).

P.S. I thought Rob the Cop was Henry Rollins.
posted by matildaben 02 March | 11:41
tilda, while I like big girls, I like the slim ones, too. I just like girls, dammit.

Also, since I'm rifling through the hard drive today, here's some slightly more recent ones (like 3 years ago):

me sipping beer in a weird bar in midtown

throwin up signs for the 'hood

improvised subway art

ridin' da choo-choo

my famous autograph jacket (it's a army surplus field jacket I bought at 15. At that point it had been signed by Lars Ulrich, Jason Newstead, david Foster Wallace, & Douglas Coupland. Since then sigs from Kinky Friedman, Ratso Sloman and Chinga Chavin have been added. It also holds paint stains from the Main Street 7 train stop. And of course it can never be washed.
posted by jonmc 02 March | 11:53
Flickr wants me to sign in to see your pics.

Strangely, I am signed in already.
posted by Hugh Janus 02 March | 11:56
How old are those pics, jon? For some reason, you look really different.
posted by TrishaLynn 02 March | 12:13
The ones at the top where I'm bearded are from the mid 90's. The one with me and rob the cop is from 2001. The last set is from 2003.
posted by jonmc 02 March | 12:19
while I like big girls, I like the slim ones, too.

Woo hoo!
posted by Specklet 02 March | 12:30
I like men short and stacked, or fairly tall and extra skinny. Girls, hard to define, it's a quality thing.
posted by rainbaby 02 March | 12:45
Weird bar. That's the new Siberia on 40th, no? The friendliest street.
posted by eatitlive 02 March | 12:55
Yep. But I've only been there once or twice.

also, this is my favorite NYC shot. I've been told that it looks like 'and album cover waiting to happen.'
posted by jonmc 02 March | 12:57
Jon, I've prolly said it before, but that photo reminds me of the video for the Stones' Waitin On a Friend. I like it.
posted by richat 02 March | 14:30
this is my favorite NYC shot

Dude, that chick is totally checking you out.
posted by nomis 02 March | 16:36
she's checkin' out my buddy. not me. he is the black hole of human attention, trust me.
posted by jonmc 02 March | 16:53
Heh. ;-) ≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by mygothlaundry 02 March | 18:04
Art Rejects mcgraw || I would watch that show.