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02 March 2006

I certainly hope heaven is nothing like earth- that's the whole point. I mean, I can't imagine life without Doritos, either, but if the joys of heaven are supposed to be beyond worldly pleasures, I bet I'll be happy, anyway.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 02 March | 15:53
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson 02 March | 15:59
I'll buy you lunch in hell.
posted by rainbaby 02 March | 16:00
It's probably a bunch of Southern Baptists and Mormons in cheap muslin nightgowns twanging on harps.

If Budda's not there, I wanna go where he is.
posted by warbaby 02 March | 16:09
Sex is totally overrated
posted by pieisexactlythree 02 March | 16:09
Not with me, it ain't!
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson 02 March | 16:12
A more relevant question may be whether there's sex in the other place [hell]. There certainly will be lots of interesting souls, so it may depend on how well the underworld is supervised.

I hope it's supervised by a bevy of dominatrices!
posted by matildaben 02 March | 16:20
matildaben takes a break from work to chime in!
posted by richat 02 March | 16:21
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

No, that's suburban New Jersey.

the joys of heaven are supposed to be beyond worldly pleasures

I always imagined it that way, too. Our libidos are great, don't get me wrong, but they're also a burden too, and maybe (I'm just spitballing here) it'll be nice to lay them down. That goes for all our worldly apettites I guess.

I'm not trying to sound all Holy Joe. I'm as ruled by my base urges as anyone here, but I'm always impressed by those who are willing to self-deny and take up their cross as it were. There's a gospel song I have called "I Wonder What Their Doing In Heaven," that always moves me to tears with it' not really, I guess because they seem aware of the world and it's troubles, but some quality about it gets to me. Maybe heaven's where you get to be your best self, finally.

I do remember a great joke the priest told in his sermon when I was a kid: a man gets a guided tour of heaven. the angels show him the Jews and their Land Of Milk & Honey, and the Native Americans with their Happy Hunting Ground and all the other afterworlds. At one end of Heaven the man sees a huge fortress surrounded by a high stone wall. 'Who lives there?' he asks. "Oh," says the Angel "that's for the Catholics. They think they're the only one's here."

Never let it be said we lack a sense of humor.
posted by jonmc 02 March | 16:30
I can't even begin to understand the workings of a religious mind. It's like they're a different species.

Also, what's the fun in having sex with virgins all the time?
posted by nomis 02 March | 16:30
Makes one's own lack of experience/ability less daunting?
posted by Hugh Janus 02 March | 16:36
I reckon by the time you got to number 72 you could be considered fairly experienced :)
posted by nomis 02 March | 16:37
But, but, but, but... Belinda Carlisle says, Heaven is a place on earth!
posted by King of Prontopia 02 March | 16:42
I can't even begin to understand the workings of a religious mind.

They're's really not that much of a mystery. they're just people, dude. As a wise man once said: Nothing human is alien to me.

Also, what's the fun in having sex with virgins all the time?

I dunno. I often wish I had lost my virginity with a fellow virgin. It'd be like leaving on a journey together, as corny as that sounds.

I was a girl's first kiss once (needless to say, she was a virgin, too).It was college. I had been broken up with my first serious girlfriend and I was lonely. This girl was pretty and sweet, but mousy and shy. I was really lonely and one night while playing her some music, I kissed her. She was kind of awkward and told me it was her first kiss. She got nervous and flustered and left. She kind of kept her distance from everyone for a while after that. I could've been gentler and more understanding but I was young and cloddish. I still feel bad about that.
posted by jonmc 02 March | 16:45
A more relevant question may be whether there's sex in the other place [hell]. There certainly will be lots of interesting souls, so it may depend on how well the underworld is supervised.

I hope it's supervised by a bevy of dominatrices!

There will be tentacles. That, you can count on.
posted by pieisexactlythree 02 March | 17:03
they're just people, dude

You're quite right, of course, and I am overgeneralising as I am wont to do. What gets me is the vast amount of speculation and debate that goes on when religion should be about faith. I mean, if you believe in a God who loves you with a love greater than any human is capable of, why would you need to worry about the nature of Heaven? I say: relax, believer - God's got it all under control.

I often wish I had lost my virginity with a fellow virgin.

The first time, sure. But as an experienced man, don't you prefer an experienced woman?
posted by nomis 02 March | 17:49
well, sure. but it's not a dealbreaker or anything.
posted by jonmc 02 March | 19:42
I think Andrew Greeley put it best in one of his novels, the first one about the guardian angel Raphael (who was a woman, btw). The main character falls in love with his guardian angel and they have a metaphysical experience that almost burns out the human because it's just too intense for the human body to endure, but just right for angels and other metaphysical beings.

I firmly believe that if there is an afterlife like heaven, there will be ecstatic frequencies to be experienced that will be like sex, but better.
posted by TrishaLynn 02 March | 19:56
I think complete annihilation is best. Don't have to deal with anyone or anything that way. Just zot! no more!
posted by Five Fresh Fish 02 March | 20:01
FFF, are you talking about sex or death?
posted by nomis 02 March | 20:18
Can we have a little happy? || Remember the spate of charity records