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Comment Feed:


26 January 2006

Blogger's 1/2 hour of "Planned Maintenance" was supposed to end 18 hours ago but its still unavailable. Is this Bush's fault too?
No, Ashcroft's. He was uploading a big video to his bestialty blog and it gummed up the whole works.
posted by jonmc 26 January | 11:25
Damn that Ashcroft. And now I'm going to have his awful song stuck in my head. Which is alright as I've had Blues Traveller's version of "Gin and Juice" stuck in my head since last night and I didn't even listen to the song (it's awful about five times too long).

I think I'll jam some Richmond Sluts on the way to work and see if I can burn out the Ashcroft.
posted by fenriq 26 January | 11:31
It's working fine for me - last night & I just checked again now.
posted by mygothlaundry 26 January | 11:33
are you sure you don't mean the gourd's cover of gin and juice? maybe blues traveller did in fact do one, but the gourds did a pretty popular bluegrass version that's all over the internets and is always mislabelled, artist-wise.
posted by sam 26 January | 11:43
I got an email this morning from my domain registrar (namecheap) that they can no longer provide whois-privacy protection on my .us domain, effectively immediately.

That is definately Bush's fault. Bastard. He wants to tap my calls, read my email and know the exact address I registered a domain under...but will he turn over his Katrina email? Nooo, it's his private email. What are you hiding, Chimpy McTerrorist!?
posted by danostuporstar 26 January | 11:46
On that same gourds album is a swell cover of ziggy stardust, which is what I blame the blogger outage on.

Ziggggeeee played gui-taaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!
posted by Divine_Wino 26 January | 12:04
And another thing, the Today Show had some segment on Medivac helicopters today with a reporter in Sandy Springs, Maryland.


I've kinda gotten used to the media constantly calling Silver Spring Silver Springs, but must you now pollute Sandy Spring too? Don't you have fact checkers or something?


This is clearly Bush's fault too. Bastard.
posted by danostuporstar 26 January | 12:28
I've got a lot of Friends in Sandy Spring.
posted by Hugh Janus 26 January | 12:46
Not to mention Roy's Place is near there.

If You'll Stop Stealing Our Menus, We'll Stop Slashing Your Tires!!!
posted by Hugh Janus 26 January | 12:51
The Friends have been there foreverish, but when did the Medevacs move in?

I had really fond memories of Roy's from childhood, so one of the first things I did when moving back to Maryland was to go eat there... I guess I just didn't know what a dump was when I was little. That place reeks.
posted by danostuporstar 26 January | 12:59
sam, please don't make me inflict this atrocity on MeCha. Yes, its John Popper in his over-twanged and incredibly irritating glory.

dano, yeah, I saw the lockdown on the Katrina communications. Its astonishing how brazen these crooks are, isn't it?

And Blogger's back up now, phew, I had a post in me that was killing me!
posted by fenriq 26 January | 12:59
Roy's reeks, danostuporstar, but likewise, it (actually, Roy's Place Too, which was in Columbia, and wasn't quite as divey) was an integral part of my youth, and I go there around Christmas every year with my brother and a few other out-of-town friends. We still tell stories of getting Stevie Motown to order the Bender Schmender without knowing how huge it was, and how his eyes almost popped out of his head when the waitstaff brought it out, singing and banging pots and pans. Good times!

Ever go to Elsie's German Delicatessen in Severn? There's one in Woodbridge, too, but I think they're unrelated.

Now my stomach's growling, my mouth is watering, and my mind is wandering further on, to all the tasty eats in Savage.
posted by Hugh Janus 26 January | 13:31
In the Spirit of the Lovers || I am eponymous.