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Comment Feed:


17 January 2006

Huh, there's a metachat tag at consumating (dating site). I'm apparently 3rd most popular and I only logged in once. C'mon people, you can do better than me.
i definitely think this will improve our shallowness. ratings abound!
posted by panoptican 17 January | 17:42
furthermore, i think we should all vote for tps and al so they can be in the top 10 cause they are hot and far more deserving than most of the ladies in the top 10.
posted by panoptican 17 January | 17:49
I refrained from saying it over there, but who are those people? Other than panoptican and pink (and mathowie), I've never seen a comment by any of them.

Am I just being an arrogant Mefi celebrity? (I was told in IRC I'm a celebrity -- I had not known that until then.)
posted by orthogonality 17 January | 18:11
/Triode elbows his way past panoptician to bask in the sunshine of popularity
posted by Triode 17 January | 18:18
Uhm...ortho. I'm there and if you've never seen a comment by me...well, pbbbblt on you.

And thanks panoptican...I'll take all the inflated ranking I can get.
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 17 January | 18:28
Well, yes, I have seen you. But not under the name "GirlThing".
posted by orthogonality 17 January | 18:36
I'm all elusive like that. :)
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 17 January | 18:43
I had completely forgotten I had a profile on that site until I got an email from someone last week. It must be over a year ago that I set it up.
posted by matildaben 17 January | 18:47
I'm considering giving panoptican my number.
posted by WolfDaddy 17 January | 19:18
What, the bare-chest shot, wolf?
posted by orthogonality 17 January | 19:27
here goes nuttin.
posted by moonbird 17 January | 19:29
I think you are all impossibly cute.
posted by mudpuppie 17 January | 19:50
I'm happily taken and you've all seen enough pictures of my fearsome mug.
posted by jonmc 17 January | 20:06

I just looked at the "popularity" Top 10, and one of my exes (whom I haven't seen in years) is right there on the list.

You have no idea how wrong that is. No idea.

*curls into a little ball*
posted by mudpuppie 17 January | 20:14
Ouch. That sucks. But at least you know people like your taste in men.
posted by orthogonality 17 January | 20:18
I thought mudpuppie prefered the ladies. (apologies if I'm wrong)
posted by jonmc 17 January | 20:21
ortho, you dirty, dirty, dirty person! You just LED me to the bare-chest shot. Freak! I was just going off the shot in the metachat tag list. God, I must be easy.
posted by WolfDaddy 17 January | 20:28
I do, jon. But I can still find the boys cute, no?
posted by mudpuppie 17 January | 20:31
('Cause they are.)
posted by mudpuppie 17 January | 20:32
Sorry, mudpuppie, I thought you were a chick.
posted by orthogonality 17 January | 20:45

Ortho, are the two mutually exclusive?

(Maybe I should go edit my wiki page...?)
posted by mudpuppie 17 January | 20:49

mudpuppie is a chick. an equal opportunity chick it seems.

posted by panoptican 17 January | 20:49
Hook 'em!

(The girls, that is. To be clear: I find you boys cute, but that's about it. I like baby octopi, too. And bunnies. But not that way. You know.)
posted by mudpuppie 17 January | 20:57
You guys are an awfully cute looking bunch. Maybe I should make a profile? I don't think I have a photo of myself on hand though.
posted by kosher_jenny 17 January | 21:21
Woohoo, I am the 7424th most popular! That's more popular than I have ever been before!
posted by dg 17 January | 21:32
Now that we've established how fabulously lesbonic mudpuppie is, can we please get my popularity up a little bit, gang?
posted by matildaben 17 January | 21:34
Matilda, I'd have to make a profile to give you a thumbs up.

I might. I might.

I might not.
posted by mudpuppie 17 January | 21:36
I signed up. Make me popular, please, because I'm having a miserable evening.
posted by mygothlaundry 17 January | 22:02
Just a thought - if I go around marking people as "don't like", does that make increase my popularity rating?
posted by dg 17 January | 22:06
Hey, this is cool - i am just as popular as mudpuppie and mygothlaundry!

posted by dg 17 January | 22:13
i totally added you to my hotlist dg.
posted by panoptican 17 January | 22:16
Ok, I knew the mudpuppie mass confusion regards pan and dg:

panoptican: you have an infant kid right?

dg: I seemed to have your pic mixed up with kmellis for some reason.
posted by danostuporstar 17 January | 22:19

I do have an infant kid. Mother and I are not in a relationship though. Hopefully that will change at some point in the future (I fear I'm the only one hoping it however). To eliminate further confusion, I am in a relationship according to this site.

With a tree.

We make passionate love.

I have a child with him too.

It's blooming quite nicely.
posted by panoptican 17 January | 22:25
also, it's really difficult to pee deodorant residue off of a toilet bowl. Just in case you were wondering.
posted by jonmc 17 January | 22:26
I tried that just now to confirm it. It is indeed really difficult. I think you have to eat and drink lots of terrible things that may make your pee very toxic. That might work.
posted by panoptican 17 January | 22:34
I think you have to eat and drink lots of terrible things that may make your pee very toxic.

Uh, dude, remember who you're talking to here. My pee is prolly toxic enough to be registered as a weapon. It aint budging the Arrid stick from the big white phone, I'm afraid.
posted by jonmc 17 January | 22:36
Don't you boys ever put on Playtex Living Gloves and just scrub?
posted by WolfDaddy 17 January | 22:48
OK I just found a guy on that site who's adorable, my age, in my city, single, and has awesome tags and witty brilliant answers to the questions. I sent him an email. If he writes back it's all your guys' fault.
posted by matildaben 17 January | 22:54
Just something I noticed - 5 girls, 6 boys tagged metachat and 23 boys, 6 girls tagged metafilter. I like that we are more equal in that way and this probably goes some way to explaining the nicer vibe here.
posted by dg 17 January | 23:03
You're just now noticing that?
posted by kmellis 17 January | 23:16
No, not just now. Seeing the numbers there just brought it to mind, that's all.

Oh and wolfdaddy, no, we don't do that. Only girls clean toilets.

posted by dg 17 January | 23:25
I am not visiting that site. It sounds... wrong. And bad.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 17 January | 23:45
[Also, I was just kidding. My brother isn't really a transvestite. Not that there'd be anything wrong with that.]
posted by mudpuppie 18 January | 00:15
At least I leave the seat up! AND I have magazines (and Ambush Bug #1) sitting on the top of the tank. No soap dish or anything like that.
posted by WolfDaddy 18 January | 02:11
Well, that's all right then. But you shouldn't leave the seat up - bad Feng Shuei and all that.
posted by dg 18 January | 02:23
sasshat's a chick?!?

Pretty cute though.
posted by orthogonality 18 January | 05:08
Yeah, that surprised me too, orthogonality. She is, isn't she?
posted by dg 18 January | 06:24
cmonkey does not look like I expected. He looks like a bouncer.
posted by orthogonality 18 January | 07:07
And I expected ikkyu2 to be much older.
posted by orthogonality 18 January | 07:08
And more professorial.
posted by orthogonality 18 January | 07:10
the tags! if you've got nothing nice to say shut your pie hole!
consumaters? mean!
posted by flopsy 18 January | 07:47
Yeah, some of the mecha girls have been treated rudely by the taggers. Not classy at all.
posted by orthogonality 18 January | 08:36
With a tree.

We make passionate love.

I have a child with him too.

It's blooming quite nicely.
posted by panoptican 17 January | 22:25

Ummmm . . . *looks around*
posted by tr33hggr 18 January | 09:06
Okay, I signed up. Make me feel popular, please! : )
posted by sisterhavana 18 January | 09:23
I'm in. For the community.
posted by jonmc 18 January | 09:40
Some people just feel a need to insult girls who are not skinny. They must have very small wee wees.
posted by matildaben 18 January | 09:42
I think the hating comments are funny. But I can never understand the mentality of people that waste their time insulting strangers online.
posted by gaspode 18 January | 09:53
I beat them all to it by insulting myself. I found that's generally a good policy. But then I'm a stupid sonuvabitch.
posted by jonmc 18 January | 10:03
gaspode got the tag I thought was reserved for me: "prob_kinda_funny_but_mostly_annoying"
posted by orthogonality 18 January | 10:16
hee, ortho. Probably applies to a buncha us.
posted by gaspode 18 January | 10:21

I think the random people adding tags is my new favorite part.
posted by panoptican 18 January | 10:25
Apparently I'm probably_a_magician,
terrible and I trys_way_too_fucking_hard
posted by Capn 18 January | 10:30
Ha! You probably are a magician. I wish more people would give me tags. And I think someone just added i_bet_your_mustache_is_retard to the fray. The nerve of some people, insulting mentally underdeveloped mustaches.
posted by panoptican 18 January | 10:35
I wanna add "noir" to matildaben's. She makes me think of '30s and '40s detective movies. Ye-ah, yea-ah, the dame's got moxie, ye-ah.
posted by orthogonality 18 January | 10:43
Gah, I'm such a joiner.
posted by deborah 18 January | 12:17
Ok, so let me get this straight: this is a nerd version of "Hot or Not"? And I have to join to vote? If I join in order to provide internet validation for all y'alls and then unjoin, does the vote stick?

This makes my head hurt.
posted by Frisbee Girl 18 January | 13:17
I got tags related to my emotional openness which I promptly deleted. For the record, I'm the most accessible person I know.

So take that, haters! :)
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 18 January | 13:59
Ack, I joined, now I can't log in again, and 2 people don't like me, which is making me way nervous, also somebody tagged me as "my sister's friend look!" and that makes me even more nervous.
posted by mygothlaundry 18 January | 14:22
Heh. I got tagged "coked out."
posted by mudpuppie 18 January | 16:24
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