C-SPan Transcripts Congressmen Jack Murtha and Jim Moran were on a C-Span2 Town Hall Meeting last night. I would very much like to find a transcript but CSpan isn't even listing the show yet!
I was flipping through the channels and noticed Rep. Murtha's name in the bottom ticker. I'd never heard him speak so I stopped and ended up watching the entire thing (about two and a half hours) It was some of the most honest and open discussion about the administration I've ever heard and I'd love to have a more detailed account of the questions and their responses. Is there any chance that MeCha can help me out?
The skinny is that impeachment is out until the checks and balances in the government (i.e. a non-Republican controlled House and Senate) are restored, our nation can continue to be led down the path to destruction. So the mid-term electios next November are more important than ever BUT there are 37 Iraq vets running for Democrat seats (unprecedented!) so maybe we will see some positive change.
One other thing that really struck me was Jim Moran's comments on the US being Sparta when it could have and should have been Athens. Leading by force rather than example, using military might and flipping off our allieds.