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Comment Feed:


03 January 2006

So how we doin', alla youse folks quittin' smokin'?
Jon, no heckling.
posted by Specklet 03 January | 14:07
I've got a pretty good nicotine gum habit.

It sucks but here I am. Nighttime is the worst.

posted by Divine_Wino 03 January | 14:08
on new years day, pips said that if I quit smoking, she'd get me the largest iPod I wanted, payable on completing three smokeless months.

I told her I'd think about it. A 2-pack habit may have a greater siren song than technology & music somehow.

(see, no heckling)
posted by jonmc 03 January | 14:08
I'm taking a month off the drink too. So, this should be interesting.

Just started today.
posted by Lola_G 03 January | 14:12
Oh and I have been a "social smoker" since 14 (though I probably only started to inhale around 16). I'm thirty. It isn't so much the cigarettes but the drinking and cigarettes.

I love it all so much but it just has to end.
posted by Lola_G 03 January | 14:14
So there are going to be a lot of healthy, cranky people around here, huh. It's a good trade-off. Good luck to everyone trying to kick a bad habit or make lifestyle changes.
posted by iconomy 03 January | 14:14
::puts on pink cheerleading outfit::

Go, quiters! Go go quitters!

You can do it
That's no joke
You can do it
Do not smoke!

GO go go go GO go go go GO go go go!

::triple backhandspring, lands in splits::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 14:15
I just worry about society if I quit smoking. Yours truly in nicotine withdrawal would not be a pretty sight.
posted by jonmc 03 January | 14:17
Maybe we could dress the bunny up in a pink cheerleading outfit with a placard to mark our successful days.

I don't know...I just miss seein' the little bunny dressed up.
posted by Lola_G 03 January | 14:17
I haven't made the leap yet (will some time in Feb), but I'm down to 4 a day.
posted by jrossi4r 03 January | 14:20
It isn't so much the cigarettes but the drinking and cigarettes.

Exaaaactly. I think I may have to take time off the sauce too.

Thanks, Pink.
posted by Specklet 03 January | 14:21
None on Sunday. Three yesterday. Two already today and I'm cranky as hell. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
posted by mygothlaundry 03 January | 14:23
Ok, mostly. I've slipped a few times, but am way way down from where I was (about a pack a day, give or take). Last night was bad, I was pretty tipsy and wanted to smoke or smash something. There were no smokes in the house or anywhere though, and I'm happy to report I survived. I look most forward to the time when I have no or little desire. It used to be quite repugnant to me; it'd be easier if it felt like that again.
posted by tr33hggr 03 January | 14:26
It smells better around here lately.
posted by Eideteker 03 January | 14:28
If I had a scanner I would post a copy of my itemized hospital bill from my last heart attack. ;-P
posted by mischief 03 January | 14:34
I'm not really quitting anyway and you can't make me and I don't care, everything sucks, I hate you all, no I don't, but maybe I might have some mood swings if I'm not smoking, not that there's anything wrong with that, IS THERE? Or not, and anyway I'm not quitting, because I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT it's not because I'm addicted or anything or crazy, no not that, I could quit anytime, just maybe right now is not the right time, maybe the right time will come along but maybe it's not now? Gaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a friend who quit for a while because every time she wanted a cigarette she instead smoked some of that medicinal Aunt stuff and it worked fine and she was delightful company if somewhat out there until she ran out of medicine and that was that, back on the nicotine. I had another friend who quit with altoids and you could smell her coming for several blocks, this wafting visible cloud of pepperming, and I quit for six months one time by eating candy every time I wanted a cigarette but I gained 30 pounds and I don't want to do that this time. And I quit once for 6 months just cold turkey, and I quit once for 2 years by getting pregnant but that seems a bit drastic.
posted by mygothlaundry 03 January | 14:35
Good luck folks. I've been trying to get my mom to quit for years, but to no avail.
posted by sciurus 03 January | 14:38
I hate the smell of cigaretts in my clothes. And I've told all my girlfriends that I will not kiss them if they keep up the habit.
posted by keijo 03 January | 14:39
For me, the worst thing is the smell of smoke on the hair of a girl. Sorry :)
posted by keijo 03 January | 14:40
/*Hugs*/ mygothlaundry
posted by matildaben 03 January | 14:46
No smoking at work. Then work out, then one or two after dinner. Buuuut drinking? A party? Out? Forget it. However, no smoking at work = 10 to 15 a week and that adds up. I just. . .I can't be told I will never ever do anything again.
posted by rainbaby 03 January | 14:47
I imagine it would be hard to avoid smoking while on the sauce. Too bad. That's why you shouldn't start in the first place :P
posted by delmoi 03 January | 14:57
Smoking isn't too bad for fetuses, it just makes your kids all runty. Not like alchohol.
posted by delmoi 03 January | 14:59
Taunting people who are quitting smoking is like poking a bear with a pointy stick, delmoi. It might seem like fun, but it will end badly.
posted by bmarkey 03 January | 15:01
::shakes pom-poms::

Ready? OK!

You're doing good
Don't be sad
Don't be fooled
Cigs are bad!

::jumps around, cartwheels::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 15:09
I don't smoke but I visit these threads anyway for the cheerleader hottie.

Do the splits again!
posted by mike9322 03 January | 15:10
::goes into splits and jumps right up out of them like Michael Jackson::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 15:11
Not smoking is the worst.

I am going to kick all of your collective asses.

I tried to fight some dickwad "genius" at the Apple store on Sunday, my first nicotine-free day... not my greatest moment, but thrilling nonetheless.

I'm not sure if I'm officially banned, but I don't think the wife wants me to return with her to pick up the ailing ibook.
posted by ph00dz 03 January | 15:13
Nothing ruins a cheerleader hottie image like comparing her to Michael Jackson. I'll pretend I didn't see that.

And, seriously, best of luck to all of the former smokers.
posted by mike9322 03 January | 15:17
I'm liking the cheerleading thing a whole lot. Keep it up, Pink!

I've become convinced that I'm never going to be able to quit unless I give up alcohol, and this is depressing me.
posted by Specklet 03 January | 15:20
I am not quitting till I move and I am doing the cut down slowly method. So far, in preparation, I'm down to ten per day from twenty (known in some parts as a "pack"). Once I can't smoke in my house, down to five should be easy. Then fewer. Does anyone know where they sell cinnamon toothpicks in this town?

Also, people who do shit like "I won't kiss you if you smoke" are bad people. Just don't date someone if you don't want to, but the judgemental ordering around crap: ugh.
posted by dame 03 January | 15:23
At least you get plenty of exercise, dame... I'm an out-of-shape Specklet, yes I am.
posted by Specklet 03 January | 15:27
Specklet, I'm with you. It helps that one can't smoke in bars here but when I'm drinking I just WANT ONE SO BAD!!!!!!!!

Honestly, can't we invent something with all the joy and none of the badness.

Badness. Sweet word.
posted by Lola_G 03 January | 15:28
I think giving up drinking and smoking is a bad idea, psychologcally speaking. I've done it myself in the past and found that when I cracked and went back on the booze (which was kind of inevitable) the ciggies were not far behind. You see once you link the two, and then crack on one then you're left with less will power to fight off the second.

Personally I found giving up smoking easier while I was drinking - if I fancied a fag I just drank more and soon forgot about wanting to smoke at all. For the first two weeks I was absolutely hammered. It was fun though...
posted by dodgygeezer 03 January | 15:29
Last night, I was watching old SATC On Demand and I was smoking and own fond farewell party I guess and I saw Bunny (Charlotte's mother-in-law) smoking and I seriously thought "Hey if that old bitty can do can I"

Then I had to run up the platform for my train this morning and I was wheezing for five straight minutes afterwards.

Dame -- I'm off to the pool tonight!
posted by Lola_G 03 January | 15:31
Good luck all. You can do it. Quitting the things that make you smoke makes it easier.
posted by omiewise 03 January | 15:31
It's the exercise that's convinced my to quit, Specklet. A lot more tangible than "you might get cancer," you know?

You should go swimming, anyway. It'll make you feel better. And you can neither smoke nor drink in the pool.
posted by dame 03 January | 15:31
Whenever someone told me that they hated when (boys/girls) smelled like smoke and they wouldn't kiss them, I just shit in my pants, which put the whole thing in perspective.

I will repeat that I haven't smoked since saturday, if I could smoke just a few a day or just smoke once in a while then I would never quit. I still can't believe I can never have another cigarette. Fuck.

I once tried to quit by smoking reefer every time I wanted a cigarette, this lasted until I blew through about a half ounce of weed in a day and was more or less comatose, not a viable option for me.

On preview:

I totally agree dodgy, I thought that I wouldn't be able to drink at all (and I have cut down anyway, which is nice) but I can totally drink, in fact drinking helps, I get kind of jumpy and agitated rather than cranky (I went from a pack a day to about 4 - 5 pieces of the gum a day) and the booze just smoothes it all out. Although If I get too drunk I will probably just forget that I quit smoking.

posted by Divine_Wino 03 January | 15:33
Yay, Lola! Is it your first class? I'm swimming tonight, too.
posted by dame 03 January | 15:33
Not tonight. Just going to the gym and swimming. I'll update you tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous. Fighting for lane space and all -- plus I am out of practice but I have my suits, goggles and cap...NO MORE EXCUSE FOR ME!!!

Sorry, I have to shout to motivate myself!
posted by Lola_G 03 January | 15:39
...when I cracked and went back on the booze (which was kind of inevitable) the ciggies were not far behind.

This is a really good point. I'm one of those people who only smokes while drinking, so booze and smokes are very much linked. I really want to quit smoking (even if it is only occassionally, it's still too much for me), but I'm not giving up the booze permanently. No way.

You should go swimming, anyway.

You're right, dame. The only thing is: I don't have much money or a car, so gym memberships and getting there easily are kind of hard for me to do... But. Part of the no smoking thing also includes increasing my daily exercise.

Or even just doing something daily.
posted by Specklet 03 January | 15:40
I did once manage to quit for almost 8 months. My downfall was thinking that I could still have one occasionally. That first bummed smoke was like heroin.

Also, I put on about 40 pounds over those 8 months, not a bad thing for this scrawny bastard, but I really cant afford to buy new trousers right now.
posted by jonmc 03 January | 15:41
just over a year now. It's a good thing. I feel so much better having done it. Don't miss it one bit.

Don't believe the hype - it's bullshit that it's hard to quit. That's just what we've been told since day one. The first few weeks are the hardest, but even then it's not bad. 90% of it's in your mind, 100% after 21 days. Hold out on the pang and notice how quickly it goes away. It's like 20 or 30 seconds.

I suspect the myth that it's so freekin' hard is perpetuated by the nicotine industry.

you can do it, mygoth, dwino, lola...! I'm a big weakling dumbass and I did it. And I still drink and do other things, like smoke crack.
posted by Hellbient 03 January | 15:43
It's harder to quit shitting your pants than it is to quit smoking.
posted by Hugh Janus 03 January | 15:45
Exercise is great because there is a whole - what - hour and a half/two hours of dressing, exercising, transporting yourself there and back where you won't be smoking. Then you just won't FEEL like it for another hour or so after.

But like the Speck, no way am I Never Drinking Again, and also, I live with a chimney type smoker. Yeah, he smokes upstairs or outside, but it's a lurking temptation.
posted by rainbaby 03 January | 15:46
Actually, without cigarettes and coffee, I might never shit at all. It's ingrained in me biologically, I think: wake up, light smoke, poop. go to work, sip coffee, poop again.
posted by jonmc 03 January | 15:47
But you can afford seven bucks a day for smokes?


I suspect the myth that it's so freekin' hard is perpetuated by the nicotine industry.

My Uncle in Law just said the same thing to me and he quit after smoking for 50 years, he is one of the reasons I'm really trying this time, if he can quit after fifty years I can certainly quit after fifteen. He also suggested counting the hours, not the days.

posted by Divine_Wino 03 January | 15:47
But you can afford seven bucks a day for smokes?

Dude, I've simply reconciled myself to the fact that I cannot function well without the aid of several chemical crutches. Best of luck to you guys though. I guess I'm gonna have to hang out the South Pole's smokers bench by myself now.
posted by jonmc 03 January | 15:51
and I spend roughly $14 a day on smokes. ($8 if the corner store has a decent 2-fer offer going on like today.
posted by jonmc 03 January | 15:52
Don't believe the hype - it's bullshit that it's hard to quit.

Well, for people like me, people who never really got addicted to the nicotine, overcoming the mental thing is what quitting is all about.

And for me, that's damn hard.

Actually, without cigarettes and coffee, I might never shit at all.

I have an ex-smoker friend who, when constipated, will think about having a smoke. Works every time.
posted by Specklet 03 January | 15:52
But you can afford seven bucks a day for smokes?

Man, you guy's should see my porn collection now!
posted by Hellbient 03 January | 15:54
This is what I think about. Works every time:

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Hugh Janus 03 January | 15:55
Specklet - I was in the same boat. I was okay at controlling it, and that made me think I wasn't addicted. You're addicted.
posted by Hellbient 03 January | 15:58
I'm considering an askme thread on the cigarette/shitting connection. But like I said, I might not be quitting right now anyway. Just cutting way, way down.

It is hard though. I've quit lots & lots of times, although not recently, and I've lasted anywhere between 10 days and 2 years (the record) and the toughest part for me is always about 4 - 6 weeks in, because that's a) when I start thinking, hey, I quit, I can just have one, or b)as long as I can keep the stress level at bay, or c)when I start going out again, and all my cool friends are out there smoking in the rain.
posted by mygothlaundry 03 January | 15:58
I can't function at all, with or without crutches, I still believe in you buddy. Don't worry, when you are out smoking I'll come out with you and shit my pants.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 January | 16:01
I cheated already. At 3:30 this a.m., I woke up, walked outside and found a ciggy under my car seat, and I smoked it and I loved it and I think that's the last one. The gum is helping, but I'm also carrying a small note pad to doodle on if the urge should strike. Good luck to everyone.
posted by go dog go 03 January | 16:02
I'll come out with you and shit my pants.

If you were really my friend, you'd shit my pants for me, flatleaver.
posted by jonmc 03 January | 16:04

Everyone in my family but me smoked at one time in their lives. They've all quit now. For some reason, I frequently dream that I smoke Marlboro Lights. No idea.
posted by chewatadistance 03 January | 16:04
Dang jonmc. Here in The Promised Land (VA), premium smokes are $2.85 - $3.33 a pack. See! See! There - I have another excuse! But I don't mean to derail. I AM trying to get a handle on it. The whole not smoking during the day thing has been surprisingly easy after the first few days. And I'm getting to a point where I won't be able to take my jogging to the next level unless I quit.
posted by rainbaby 03 January | 16:05
but mygoth:
a, b and c - don't think that. You're fighting it as if it's stronger than you. It's not.
posted by Hellbient 03 January | 16:06
Go quitters!

*considers teaming up with ThePinkSuperhero to make a cheerleading squad*
posted by gaspode 03 January | 16:08
If you were really my friend, you'd shit my pants for me, flatleaver.

Check your inside jacket pocket cheese horn.
posted by Divine_Wino 03 January | 16:19
Ah. Nice shaping on that one.
posted by jonmc 03 January | 16:19
Don't ever let anyone project their addictions on you by telling you you're an addict. It's okay to treat a child like a grownup, but it's never okay the other way around.
posted by Hugh Janus 03 January | 16:22
Divine_Wino:But you can afford seven bucks a day for smokes?

jonmc: Dude, I've simply reconciled myself to the fact that I cannot function well without the aid of several chemical crutches. Best of luck to you guys though. I guess I'm gonna have to hang out the South Pole's smokers bench by myself now.

I'm not quitting soon, so you'll have me to chat with on that bench, jon. Unless I get pregnant, in which case I'll sympathy-quit for the sake of the healthy-healthy baby. (And it probably doesn't count if I'm only impregnating a non-smoking lesbian friend, which is probably the only short-term likelihood...)

As for the cost, I order from the indigenous internet, which is $30/carton. This time I ordered a couple $10 cartons of bargain brands, which, if they aren't disgusting, would be less than one spends on coffee each day.

::shakes pom-poms::

Ready? OK!

We're not quitters!
Our lungs are strong!
Who cares if we can't
sprint for as long!

::jumps around, cartwheels, pauses for breath, looks around for the pack that must have fallen out amidst all the tumbling::
posted by nobody 03 January | 16:24
::hands gaspode a pink cheerleading outfit and some pom-poms::

Work it girl! One more person and we can build a pyramid!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 16:25
::hands gaspode a pink cheerleading outfit and some pom-poms::

So I didn't make the squad, Pink?
posted by nobody 03 January | 16:32
OMG, Nobody is the best. Me thinks I'm in love.
posted by Lola_G 03 January | 16:35
But nobody, you're cheering for the opposite team. We'll have to have a cheerleading competition face-off.
posted by gaspode 03 January | 16:42
I'm sorry about your gym situation, Specklet. I just signed over way too much money to my team today. Good luck on doing anything.

And Lola, don't take any shit! I'll be waiting for updates.

*off to tha pool; can smell the chlorine already*
posted by dame 03 January | 16:43

::flips hair like stereotypical head cheerleader in teen movie, snaps at other girls to follow as I walk away, skirt swishing::

As for a cheer-off, BRING IT ON! Just like the movie. And we're the black squad. Oh yes. Oh yes.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 16:45
We ain't proud, no, we ain't cocky
Gonna ride over you like a Kawasaki
Vroom vroom! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Vroom vroom! Beep! Beep! Beep!
posted by Hugh Janus 03 January | 16:45
project their addictions?
Come on Janus, this is a thread about nicotine addiction.

If I sounded like i was talking down to anybody, I apologize. It wasn't intentional. I'm just trying to help out, FFS. Do you not suppose it's possible to be addicted to something without knowing it?

Specklet - sorry for assuming you are addicted. I really don't know your particular situation.
posted by Hellbient 03 January | 16:48
When you smoke (and drink coffee, the old one two punch) you can kind of schedule your dumps. Have a cig, have a cup, take a dump. Very convenient. So when I quit (cigs) the problem wasn't that I was constipated it was that I didn't know when I was going to have to go. I smoked for nearly 30 years so I got out of practice noticing the little internal hints that now might be a good time to start looking for a bathroom.
posted by timefactor 03 January | 16:51
Have a cig, have a cup, take a dump.

That needs to be set to music.
posted by jonmc 03 January | 17:02
This is a thread about people changing their practices.

"I'm addicted so I ________" is a good way to keep it up as, in my experience, it validates a certain kind of helplessness that encourages me to knuckle under to the next ________.

"I am in the practice of ___________ after work, after meals, when I drink, or whatever," puts ___________ in the realm of controllable, regular actions, that can be changed or erased or augmented or whatever.

I almost never want to sound as didactic as I do, (For Fuck's Sake?), but I really get scared when I see people telling other people what their lives mean, what their practices are, or who they really are underneath what they feel.

But really, sorry for going off half-cocked. I hope you see my point of view, but I understand that I was indelicate and impolite.

Also, in the future, please spell out any foul language you intend to use. F is ambiguous. ;]
posted by Hugh Janus 03 January | 17:02
yeah, i wondered why i didn't just write that out after I wrote it. I saw it an earlier thread somewhere.

I do see your point of view, but it really depends on how you look at it.
For someone to say "I'm addicted", it can be liberating, seeing it as time to take action.
Whereas someone that's just "in the practice of ___" can think "but at least I'm not addicted".

My point was that I was your latter example. That thinking is part of what kept me from realizing I was addicted.

In any case, it's really a case of calling a spade a spade. If someone's addicted, they should admit it (I'm certainly not speaking about anyone in particular here). That said, I am aware that it's possible to be a social smoker and not be addicted. That's why I backed off.

It's so easy to go off half-cocked this time of day. My brain's always on auto-pilot from about 4 until I leave work. In any case, don't go changin' - your indelicateness and impoliteness is part of what keeps me coming back...for fuck's sake.
posted by Hellbient 03 January | 17:39
Specklet - sorry for assuming you are addicted. I really don't know your particular situation.

Ain't no thang, baby.

I'm certainly not addicted to nicotine, but I most definitely am addicted mentally to smokes. And they've got to go, dammit!

I'm leaving for Florida for ten days soon, I know that the change of scenery will distract me from wanting to smoke, but I'm worried about when I come back. I really need to avoid going out to bars, but it's hard when you're on a pool league team to avoid the bars. Oy.
posted by Specklet 03 January | 17:41

posted by Specklet 03 January | 17:41
As for a cheer-off, BRING IT ON!

We're not quitters!
Our lungs are pink!
Smoke's not as damaging
as you might think!
posted by nobody 03 January | 17:57
Stuff your lies!
They aren't the answer!
Doctors know
Smoke gives you cancer!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 17:59
Doctors make a living
from exploiting disease!
They make you sick
and extract the fees!
posted by nobody 03 January | 18:03
Dumb addiction!
Causes friction!
Gotta kill this bad affliction!
GooooOO TEAM!!!
posted by mudpuppie 03 January | 18:12
Don't be listening to his ruse
He be sounding like Tom Cruise

Smoke all you want in your youth
But sooner or later you'll face the truth

Go ahead and talk your smack
But know you sound like you're on crack

If you find conspiracy theories OK
tell us, who killed JFK?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 18:15
Oh yea, I definitely should have been a cheerleader. ::snort:: Definitely.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 18:15
Now if only every political war on MetaFilter/MetaTalk could be carried out using cheerleading rhymes....
posted by matildaben 03 January | 18:16
Hahaha, I'm all for that!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 18:18
You guys are awesome.
posted by Specklet 03 January | 18:18
I'm just here to say
Say what? Say what?
Everything's just a practice
Though I think I may
Roll my dick in cactus!
We haaaaave a dick shun!
Go go go go go go go 2 3 4...
Auuuuuuugh! Ack! Aieeeeeee!
posted by Hugh Janus 03 January | 18:38
Now if only every political war on MetaFilter/MetaTalk could be carried out using cheerleading rhymes....

Great idea!

To the Haters on MeTa:

Don't bore us
with mean old slurs!
Make 'em rhyme
and we're all yours!
posted by nobody 03 January | 18:40
(Go-o-o-o-o MeCheer!)
posted by nobody 03 January | 18:42
You're not as slick as you think
That FPP is one big self-link!

So get outta here and don't get hysteric
Or you'll be banned quick, like Pretty_Generic.

Goooooooooooo MeCheer!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 January | 18:48
jrossi4r - I'm starting to stop smoking sometime in Feb too.

I hope everyone's who's started stopping makes it to when we start stopping!

Anyone on wellbutrin or other antidepressants to help with the nicotine ceasation?
posted by porpoise 03 January | 19:17
I don't know if I'm quitting smoking or not, but I haven't had one since November 22nd. Not that I'm keeping track, or anything.

I'm using Commit lozenges. So far they do a fantastic job of suppressing the urge to kill.
posted by mosch 03 January | 21:17
Doin' OK, but it's only been just over a year, so there is plenty of time for backsliding. Once an addict, always an addict.
posted by dg 03 January | 21:21
I gave up. I went to the bar and had five beers and umpteen cigarettes, and sweet weeping bebby jebus, I feel so much better now.

I would do a cheer but I can't think of anything that rhymes with addict except autodidact, and I can't work it in somehow.
posted by mygothlaundry 03 January | 22:25
Don't quit smoking!
It smells pretty!
Kissing is nice
when it's yellowed and gritty!

Yay for gothlaundry!
Our team is no joke!
We'll use our Peer Pressure
'til everyone smokes!
posted by nobody 03 January | 22:44
This seems passible for a rhyme with "adict":

Smoking is easy!
It's so automatic!
C'mon, try a couple:
we'll make you an addict!
posted by nobody 03 January | 22:49
i know lots of people who have successfully used wellbutrin (and the same stuff in different dosages under different names). Some found out it worked for them for more than smoking.

i've tried it and it's not for me (don't screw with my dopamine, man) but i can say it does effectively block any pleasure or sensation of smoking so you find yourself sucking on a smoky stick for no reason for you throw the thing down in disgust.
it doesn't mean you don't try to light another and i know people who have continued to smoke on it.

porpoise has the right idea: you need to prepare yourself if you're really serious.

figure out why you smoke, when you smoke, where, etc. and what it does for you.
there are benefits to smoking for some just as there are almost sure fire fates for others.
know your family history on your lungs and what your goals are.

i don't mean to be pedantic girl, but everyone is different so don't expect the same thing to work for you as it did for someone else.

a new fiscal year isn't as much of an occassion as say lunar new year or spring or that it's too damn cold out.

put the money you'd spend on a pack of smokes on a jar and watch it grow.
drink orange juice.
try acupuncture.
seriously, ask yourself why you smoke or why you want to quit.
and seriously, if you really want help, i'm here to help.
posted by ethylene 03 January | 22:56
Today is my first day without cigs in about 15 years. I smoked way too much on NYE and have been coughing up lungs ever since. So, I quit. And I was feeling crap and then I came over here and found all this which has made me smile. Thanks, chaps.
posted by blag 04 January | 09:45
Oh I found a new way to avoid the pangs, if you feel one coming on, punch yourself or someone near you, briskly, in the business. In the ensuing pandemonium you can sometimes forget that smoking was the only thing in the world that made you truly happy for upwards of six seconds.

Day Three - Wino's Withdrawal Diary:

In which our hero discovers just how black the blackest night of the soul is...
posted by Divine_Wino 04 January | 09:59
Waaaaaaa Yay! || Make your own MTA sign