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Comment Feed:


01 January 2006

Oh, the headache. The bunnys pretty damn cute today.

God, my head is killing, vodka and champagne don't mix.
Nothing like a room full of strangers to make a girl feel really lonely. I should have made an effort to meet people but I don't have it in me anymore. So, here I sit. Awake with this massive headache, everyone else is asleep and I am DEPRESSED.

Sad really.
posted by Lola_G 01 January | 08:37
My head hurts much more than yours. You may think your head hurts more but I can assure you it doesn't.
posted by dodgygeezer 01 January | 08:42
No strangers here though, although the cat is looking at me with disdain as per usual.
posted by dodgygeezer 01 January | 08:44
Ha. Even the dogs are still asleep in my apartment.

Yeah, but you don't have last nights perfume and eye makeup aggravating the situation!

I smell.
posted by Lola_G 01 January | 08:45
I smell like a badgers undercrackers.

Hmm.. maybe I should brush my teeth.
posted by dodgygeezer 01 January | 08:52
Nah, its more poetic to lie around in one's own filth. Or that's what I'm going to tell myself!
posted by Lola_G 01 January | 08:56
* smiles revealing green teeth *
posted by dodgygeezer 01 January | 09:06
Poor poor bunnies.
Even sans hangover the first day of '06 was staggeringly, drainingly, desperately hot in ye olde Sydney Town...

44.2 degrees C
= 111.56 degrees F

F is for Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
posted by peacay 01 January | 10:24
Nah, its more poetic to lie around in one's own filth.

Poetic? Then I must be Lord Byron. I haven't showered or shaved since Friday Morning and I'm still walking around the same t-shirt flanel and boxers I fell asleep in that night. I'm only mildly hung over. I only had 8 tallboys and a small Wild Turkey & Coke yesterday. Coffee should squeegee my brain clean nicely.
posted by jonmc 01 January | 10:56
I also haven't cut my hair in three months, and yet I think my hairline is recending. I'm starting to look very escaped mental patient/frazzled physicist.
posted by jonmc 01 January | 10:58
Lola_G, I hear you. I could have had a more exciting New Year's eve; it was within my power, but instead I sat home and moped. And drank.
posted by rebirtha 01 January | 11:12
Oh beautiful bunnies, even though I stayed sober, last night was a clusterfuck beyond standard operating procedure. BUT it is over, it's new year and I am on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. The first in two years. Woo hoo!
posted by Frisbee Girl 01 January | 11:28
I am thankfully not hungover, although I can sympathize fully with the exploding head, dehydrated ughs. Drink lots of water, don't forget to eat, and nap frequently. And pee.

Happy New Year, guys! :D
posted by chewatadistance 01 January | 11:47
I'm not hungover, either, for once.

Masturbate several times, and then watch stupid television shows while eating salty pretzels. It'll help, I promise.
posted by cmonkey 01 January | 12:12
I stuck with one alcohol this year (tequila) and managed to wake up without a hangover. Oh joy of joys.
posted by Slack-a-gogo 01 January | 12:45
God, I'm so hungover it hurts to breathe and I might still throw up. I'm never going to another party; they make me nervous and so I drink too much and then I feel like this in the morning. Christ.
posted by mygothlaundry 01 January | 12:48
No hangover! I save that for the other 364 days.

Actually... I'm either sick again or still sick, but last night the sore throat and stuffy nose started up again, and I ended up drinking a lot more tea and water than alcohol.
posted by taz 01 January | 13:07
No hangover here, but Mrs. Mosch is in bad shape.

Poor girl is in such bad shape that even the Applauding Bunny got no smile.
posted by mosch 01 January | 13:13
Oh NO taz! There is no shortage of mucus at the chewy house, I can tell y'all that.

The worst hangover I ever had was new year's day 1982 I think. All I could do was lie on the couch, not move my head or body, just my eyes, enough to see what time it was. For the whole day.
posted by chewatadistance 01 January | 14:34
Hope everyone is feeling better. I was pretty drunk last night, but awoke with only a mild hangover. That is happy times.
posted by gaspode 01 January | 16:29
Poor girl is in such bad shape that even the Applauding Bunny got no smile.

Whoa, that's really, really sad. I hope y'all are feeling better now.
posted by deborah 02 January | 00:54
Happy New Years!!!!! || Radio Dodgy