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Comment Feed:


01 January 2006

FUCKING DRUNK Have you ever been so drunk that you wish you were more sober? Have you ever been so drunk that you run over the events of the night as if it were a dream, soon to be forgotten? I am right now. I am so drunk I am uncomfortable with my level of intoxication. More inside. I danced with two fat chicks and one lithe girl who could barely stand up.
eagerly waiting for more inside, you drunk bastard.

i'm half-gone and still downing scotch... mrs. mosch is ludicrously far gone, and i *think* is finally passed out/asleep.
posted by mosch 01 January | 04:12
posted by taz 01 January | 04:14
Let me tell a former fat could do worse than having a nice plump gal all up on you
posted by LeeJay 01 January | 04:14
Also, I am so drunk I am chatting in #tapes
posted by LeeJay 01 January | 04:15

I got home nice and safe. Had a nice swig of vodka before I left, and then we got to the club and I drank shamelessly. A mistake, as I became as I am now, uncomfortable with my drunkennnes, and wish I had the full capacity of my mind. We went to Perkins and I ordered food I couldn't even eat. It sits in my fridge for tomorrow. Ethly alcohol is terrible, and I feel like this level of intoxication has gone from fun to WEAK. I feel only a little disquiet in my stomach, and yet, ugh. I want my whole mind and it's just not there. I'm left with only a piece a small piece of my humanity. No fun at all.

I shoved a bussness card in the bra of a thin girl who I "danced" with. She won't call me. I hung my drunk arm around her chubby friend and told her to watch her drunk friend. I hope she gets home safe like I did. Anyhoo.

It's 2006! What miseries are born this year> I don't know. Hopefully less death and destruction then the last.
posted by delmoi 01 January | 04:16
I have nothing against plump girls, except for the fact that I have too much ethenol in my blood and could not get an erection if I so dearly wanted one.

What IRC server are all you cool future (2006!) people hanging out in?
posted by delmoi 01 January | 04:19
I'm on right now, but very few people are talking so I'm going to move to #metachat on Slashnet I think.
posted by LeeJay 01 January | 04:21
As a matter of fact, I have just moved to #metachat. Come chat!
posted by LeeJay 01 January | 04:22
And a New Year's romance is born!

Sometime tomorrow:

*ring, ring*

delmoi: "hello"?

her: "Hi, this is thin girl. Are you drunk guy who shoved your business card in my bra?"

delmoi: "uh..."

taz/ wipes away small tear

Oye, LeeJay, I'm too lazy to chat... and I'm eating again. Pretty soon I'll be chubby(er) girl.
posted by taz 01 January | 04:33
delmoi, for one so hideously drunk, your typing skills and capacity for articulation are most impressive. They exceed most people's sober efforts.
posted by Frisbee Girl 01 January | 11:37
It's kind of amusing to read of all the drunkeness. Delmoi, the loss of your brain and wanting it back is not a fun feeling. Such a trick it is, to maintain that balance between nicely buzzed and over the edge.

I overdid it yesterday early, thinking I was fully well when it really just kicked my ass back onto the couch all afternoon and evening watching football and basketball. no biggie. But I'm looking forward to a drink soon. It's been way over a week!!

One of my favorite NYE's ever was dec 31 '95 when I spent it in alone the dark in my living room with lots of beer and my laptop, in a chat room with about 25 people I didn't know! We had a great time!!!
posted by chewatadistance 01 January | 11:42
Thanks Frisbee Girl. I believe I was using MS word to spell check, and proofreading last night. I did make a lot of typos though, I think.

Unfortunately (In this case at least) I don't suffer any memory loss from alcohol, and I remember every thing that happened last night. I also don't feel hung over at all, aside from a vague feeling of mortification...
posted by delmoi 01 January | 13:38
Heck, I lose my brain and want it back while sober. Not a fun feeling, that.
posted by bunnyfire 01 January | 14:13
Radio Mosch || Drunken New Year's Chat?