This is A Thank You Post for the Metachatters Who Made My Christmas Great! This is a post of thanks to Mechatters who made me happy this Christmas and why
1. Matildaben for the Chinese Food, videos and utterly great CD's (Epynt! Epynt! you go, Gruff!)
2. Mudpuppie for saying she was a reindeer and letting me hang my laundry on her antlers.
3. JonMc for all the kickass Peter Green downloads.
4. Agropyron/Diva Despina for Indian food, and numerous great evenings at their house.
5. Dame for calling me Smootchie.
6. PinkSuperHero for the whole PinkSuperChihuahua back-and-forth, and for the chat that started "Okay, WHO ARE YOU??"
7. Eideteker for the great spinsets.
Now feel free to add to this list, I know you wanna!
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