Comment Feed:
I like Ann Althouse's comments:
"You know, I've come to see the 'War on Christmas' fanatics as having a much worse effect on the spirit of the season than the bland folk who say 'Happy Holidays.' Personally, I like to say 'Merry Christmas,' but yesterday, when some shopkeepers said 'Happy Holidays' to me and I said 'Merry Christmas,' I had the disgusting feeling that we had just engaged in a political argument! If those 'War on Christmas' fanatics hadn't made such a big deal out of the seasonal greetings, I wouldn't have noticed anything. As I left the shop, I imagined the people talking about me: I guess she's some big FOXNews right-winger."
...if somebody is going to be -- have to answer for following the wrong religion, they're not going to have to answer to me. We know who they're going to have to answer to.
And that's fine. Let 'em. But in the meantime, as long as they're civil and behave, we tolerate the presence of other religions around us without causing trouble, and I think most Americans are fine with that tradition.
Just like rats, the Jews 2000 years ago moved from the Middle East to Egypt, at that time a flourishing land. Even then they had all the criminal traits they display today, even then they were the enemies of hard-working, creative peoples. In large hordes they migrated from there to the "Promised Land," flooded the entire Mediterranean region, broke into Spain, France, and Southern Germany, then followed the German colonists as they moved into the countries of the East. Along they way they remained eternal parasites, haggling and cheating. Poland above all became the enormous reservoir from which Jewry sent its agents to every leading nation of Europe and the world.
Sure, it's thoughtless to assume that everyone celebrates Christmas, but the only people to ever make an issue about it were Christian conservatives on FOX News.