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Comment Feed:


16 December 2005

7 a.m., and no word on the strike Anyone going to work?
Wait, it's press conference time!!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 16 December | 07:13
Ok, well that TWU press conference was totally unhelpful. He said they are gonna go on strike, but didn't say when. THANKS A LOT.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 16 December | 07:19
maybe it will be Monday? It's private strikes against some bus lines now.
posted by amberglow 16 December | 07:31
or the MTA will stop being assholes?
posted by amberglow 16 December | 07:32
Here's to hoping- this craziness has got to end. For today, I'm working from home.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 16 December | 07:39
if they have the money to give holiday discounts they have the money to give the union what they want--i want those people happy--we put our lives in their hands every day. (and i won't even start on the MTA's 2 sets of books)
posted by amberglow 16 December | 07:47
It's Monday evening at Midnight now, says the union. (which is dumb--the holiday week doesn't have the impact today would have)
posted by amberglow 16 December | 07:58
I don't take public transportation and live half a country away, but I might stop going to work just in case.
posted by Slack-a-gogo 16 December | 08:11
: >
posted by amberglow 16 December | 08:23
Damn near thing here in Ottawa. The Transit Workers Union voted yesterday 52% in favour of accepting the city's contract. I didn't think it was gonna be that close. Bad time of the year for a transit strike. Good luck NYC.
posted by Cryptical Envelopment 16 December | 08:30
So far there are some outer borough bus strikes (Jamaica and Triboro bus lines), but the trains are negotiating until Monday, or Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. They may call a strike then.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 December | 09:24
Well, I'm here. I was kinda looking forward to working from home, too. That way I can work *and* do laundry at the same time!
posted by TrishaLynn 16 December | 09:30
I'm here, I'm wicked hungover and my sides hurt from laughing so much last night, I had a GOOOOOOOOOOOOD time at the holiday party. I've got one of those I feel great hangovers, praise Jah. I wanted to ask the conductor if he was fucking scab when the train pulled into the station, but I bet he wouldn't have thought it was funny.
posted by Divine_Wino 16 December | 09:34
I'm here, sadly. blech.
posted by gaspode 16 December | 09:48
Oh, I guess I have to go to work now, huh? I was really looking forward to the guilt-free-stay-at-home-all-day day.
posted by nobody 16 December | 09:53
Here. *sigh* My office is 2000 degrees. That isn't hyperbole.
posted by Lola_G 16 December | 09:57
I'm at work, but the trains were fucked up this morning. The N was stuck at Queensboro for like 15 minutes. Then they said that there would be no Manhattan bound service, so I switched to a packed 7 train. Simultaneously both started moving.

I also found out that the reason my office was so cold yesterday is because a coworker had left a window open. I understand. She was contemplating jumping out.

I have to interview for the job I already have in two hours. My resume is in a soiffy Justice League folder. It has Batman, Superman & The Flash. Plus some dude in a gray suit with an X on the front who I don't recognize. Yo, DC, We don't need another hero.
posted by jonmc 16 December | 10:03
Eponysterical names in real life || This is a <BIG> thread.