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21 November 2005

Stitch 'n' Bitch Nothing like catty crafters!
Don't miss this and this.

Lord, it's an illness. I can't stop hitting the "post" button. But as a friend said when she showed me this spot, "I have run out of piss with which to piss my pants laughing."
Sites that exist just to make fun of people who have commited the horrible crime of *gasp* making tacky clothes offend me far more than the clothes themselves.
posted by jonmc 21 November | 22:11
Welcome home, mihail...

Oh my holy god.

Oh, and I hate blogger navigation. I want "previous 20" or "older posts" buttons or whatever on the bottom.
posted by muddgirl 21 November | 22:13
jonmc, it appears to me that many of these images come from knitting mags, which are actually ADVOCATING for these fugly things...

Besides, it's fun to make fun of people who dress funny.
posted by mihail 21 November | 22:17
You must've been popular as kid. Seriously, what's it to you if somebody wants to wear something the almighty mihail has deemed "fugly."

I'm supposed to be impressed that you consider yourself a hipper version of Joan Rivers crticizing the red carpeteers? Oooh, go out on a limb, why don't you.

Besides, it's fun to make fun of people who dress funny.

I prefer not being mean-spirited to people until they dish it out on others. Call me a sentimental old coot.
posted by jonmc 21 November | 22:21
chill, jon--it is funny, and it's not making fun of people but horrible patterns.
posted by amberglow 21 November | 22:23
Hyper-sensitive self-styled defenders of the common man amuse me far more than even ill-advised craft projects, so don't stop now jonmc!
posted by Rembrandt Q. Einstein 21 November | 22:25
...and the people who wear them. My grandma knits garish afghans. my mother in law wears gem sweaters. But you know what, the people who make this stuff get some satisfaction out of it. more power to 'em.

But feel free to pretend this is any diffeent than Mean Girls style teasing about somebody's shoes.
posted by jonmc 21 November | 22:28
They're making fun of the clothes, and the photography, and the goofy poses, etc. No one is getting hurt by it, so I don't see the harm.

As a powerless victim who was forced to wear some incredibly hideous garments (there, I got in my garment quota for the week, dfowler) while my mother taught herself how to knit, I can totally relate, and laugh. Hell, I'm probably featured on one of those pages!

*goes to check*
posted by iconomy 21 November | 22:28
FYI, jonmc, I was probably forced to wear outfits like that when my mother was going through her "I must make all of my daughter's clothing" period. Which lasted from birth to age 16, when I began working and buying all of my own clothes (though not enough to buy the truly "cool" attire; just enough to avoid being targeted by the rich kids). I was the biggest nerd ever in high school, right down to my Princess Di shirt (that my mom made, natch).

And what amberglow said.
posted by mihail 21 November | 22:29
As is often the case with this kind of thing, the links are good sometimes, the posts somewhat less frequently, and the comments hardly ever.
posted by box 21 November | 22:32
I was the biggest nerd ever in high school,

and years later you make fun of people and things you think aren't cool enough for you? That's not progress, that perpetuating cheap cattiness. Sorry, but that's how I see it.

My mom dressed me in uncool stuff, too, and still insists on buying me stuff I don't like for Christmas and birthdays. But I know she meant well and she was doing the best she could.
posted by jonmc 21 November | 22:33
Ooh, also, people who enjoy YouKnitWhat might also like Go Fug Yourself, which does for celebrity clothing what YKW does for hand-knit.
posted by box 21 November | 22:33
FYI, jonmc, I was probably forced to wear outfits like that when my mother was going through her "I must make all of my daughter's clothing" period. Which lasted from birth to age 16, when I began working and buying all of my own clothes (though not enough to buy the truly "cool" attire; just enough to avoid being targeted by the rich kids). I was the biggest nerd ever in high school, right down to my Princess Di shirt (that my mom made, natch).

And what amberglow said.
posted by mihail 21 November | 22:49
I'd wear this one. Why not? All my socks are from the girls' section at Target already.
posted by interrobang 21 November | 22:53
Oopsie on the double post.
posted by mihail 21 November | 23:10
If jonmc can keep a straight face while getting a load of these, well, that boy ain't right.
posted by go dog go 21 November | 23:14
New fashion? Or are these victims of terrorists and chemical weapons?
posted by mihail 21 November | 23:36
jonmc is always ready to prick the bubble of others' ego: none to consider themselves better than others in matters of style, music, fashion, or taste.

jonmc has never stood in judgement of anyone.
posted by Five Fresh Fish 22 November | 03:39
Haha! The Mother-Daughter matching thing - my mom got into this for a short period, and would make things like matching sundresses for herself, me, and my sister. Thanks goodness she's a lot like me though, and gets bored with new projects relatively quickly.
posted by taz 22 November | 04:07
Let jonmc be. He just likes to dress funnily too.
posted by catfry 22 November | 07:23
postmodernmillie, those are so scary! if it was a little darker and i were a little younger, i'd be rocking backwards and forwards under my duvet about now
posted by flopsy 22 November | 08:37
OK, so I overreacted. Stuff like this still bugs me, though. To devote that much of your time and energy to being snotty about fashion choices just seems mean-spirited to me. YMMV.
posted by jonmc 22 November | 09:38
I see the lights, I see the party lights || ooo--the HP movie is excellent!