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The date waz set for the trip. Friday the 22nd of June. John Shoemaker tied the thang tew the back of the car and away he went!! He arrived here at 7:00 P.M. and I met him in the front yard. He drug it out and we went in to the TELE-Shack. My heart waz pounding as I followed him and showed him where we wassa goin. I had him lay it onna table I had set up in the middle of the Shack and my fingers jes kept twitchin and arms were reachin out but first thangs first. The video camera and digital camera had tew be set up and all had tew be ready for the moment.
Now John waz a sweatin and almost in tears because he did not know iffin it even worked. I really mean this, John did not know and I gar-on-tee he did not know. This TELECASTER had not been plugged into an amp for years. He had taken it apart for the pixs and expo provided on his page listed in the story above