The Party is Dead. Long Live the Party. Yeah, that Bloc Party being number one was so faux-hipster of us. We had to go unseat those poseurs and make our top artist the unfiltered, undeniable brilliance of one Modest Mouse!
Followed by some Flaming Lips, Pixies, and Neutral Milk Hotel -- I think we must be trying to undermine our indie cred with those obvious picks.
As for top tracks, we had
* The Killers - All These Things That I've Done
* Wolf Parade - Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts
* Barenaked Ladies - If I Had $1000000
* Built to Spill - Randy Described Eternity
It always fascinates me, the odd things that float to the top.
(For those new to Last.FM, the group stat numbers indicate
how many group members played an artist or track during the last week -- hence, 11 of us 28 members played a Modest Mouse track at some point.)