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30 October 2005

MetaChat Survey, Please Enlighten How much do you spend on groceries per week? (Extra points if you live alone.)
Well, I just spent fifty-five bucks. But I live with 1 other person. Usually it's between 40 and 70. Would probably be higher if I never ate out.
posted by selfnoise 30 October | 14:25
About 25 dollars a week for food only. With other things one gets at the grocery story, probably about 40 dollars a week.

This is an estimate since I usually go get stuff once a month and my bill ranges from $100-160 per month.

I eat cheap (cooking for one sucks, but that just means leftovers) so I can live high. Or something like that.

Lately, though, I've been ordering takeout coz I've been too busy to cook. That hurts the wallet.
posted by WolfDaddy 30 October | 14:44
A hastily-completed Quicken report shows that for a family of five (Mom, Dad, three teenagers), we spend about $150 a week.

Yikes. Think they'll notice if we cut back to just water and ramen?
posted by mr_crash_davis 30 October | 15:03
I just got back from Vons: $217.28 (I 'saved' $20.38 by using my club card, yipee!). That is unusal. We are having people over and I got good stuff.
posted by Mr T 30 October | 15:14
I live alone and spend between 50-60 a week.
posted by AllesKlar 30 October | 15:14
I live alone and I spent 62 bucks at the grocery today. I didn't go the grocery last week. All told I'd estimate that I spend 45 bucks a week on groceries.
posted by sciurus 30 October | 15:14

Actually, between $12 and $30 USD on average. I cook for the week, freeze meals, and make my own stocks. The highest weekly tallys would include replentishment of staple items, (foil, spices, condiments) with the occasional delicacy (rock crab claws, game meats, farm fresh cider).
posted by Smart Dalek 30 October | 15:21
prob. 30 a week, give or take.
posted by amberglow 30 October | 15:42
Maybe $50? I mostly eat out.
posted by orthogonality 30 October | 15:46
Converting to USD, probably 50 a week for the two of us.
posted by dreamsign 30 October | 15:47
Why am I the only extravagant one? Or maybe I'm just a lousy shopper. I spend between $75 and $125 a week - there are two, sometimes three of us living here and I'm including feeding two big dogs and two cats into that. Sometimes, when I have a party or my son is home, it's more than that.
posted by mygothlaundry 30 October | 15:59
What are groceries, anyway? Do they include the meat? The vegetables? The bread?
posted by Skrik 30 October | 16:20
Groceries be the food, dude. (Thanks so far everyone.)
posted by dame 30 October | 16:39
I can get by on one $20-$30 trip to the Ralphs/Kroger per week for food, household and personal items (and that involves major use of double coupons* and sale stocking-up; the tape usually shows 'Amount Saved' almost as much as amount spent - I really impress the checkstand babes). But I have to add $10/every-2-weeks at Trader Joes and another $5/week/minimum stocking up on loss leaders at other stores. That's under optimium conditions, and lately, conditions have been far from optimum, so check back with me in a month or two...

*and the value of the coupon doubling is the ONLY reason I usually use Ralps/Kroger.
posted by wendell 30 October | 17:01
15 dollars a week is about average for me. I do have an extensive garden, and trade with a guy who raises organic meat animals, so could add another 10 bux a month to the total. (Canadian $)
posted by reflecked 30 October | 19:17
We spend around AUD200 (~USD150) to feed a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 kids). We should spend a lot less.

reflecked - how can animals not be organic?
posted by dg 30 October | 19:50
Good point, dg; black plague is organic, too.

There is a legal definition for organic meat, and the animals that are bred for that meat get feeds that meet specific standards. This meat meets meat that has met. :D
posted by reflecked 30 October | 20:34
I have no idea. I just buy food when I need it, usually making 3-4 small trips throughout the week.
posted by Eideteker 30 October | 20:38
Yeah, I actually do know what it means, reflecked - it is just one of those little things that annoys the crap out of me for no good reason. I see lots of food advertised as organic and I feel like asking for some "inorganic food" because what's the point in advertising that something is organic if everything is organic? Don't even get me started on the whole "this product is totally natural, comtaining no chemicals" crap. Oh and genetically modified vs selective breeding and what the fuck is the difference?

Now look what you did, you got me up on my soapbox again, damn you!
posted by dg 30 October | 20:39
This is nothing. Our local health food store sells organic firewood.
posted by mygothlaundry 30 October | 21:32
*grins up at dg, so tall on his box*

Would you froth a bit, please?
posted by reflecked 30 October | 21:52
Our local health food store sells organic firewood.
That, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with the world today. Every bad thing you can think of that has happened in the past 20 years has done so because of things like that. Thanks a lot, yuppies.
posted by dg 30 October | 22:24
We budget $AU 150/week for the two of us. After reading this thread lordy, do I feel like a spendthrift!
Actually, we typically come in under that (and this is for all household items as well) around the $AU 100/week on average. So that makes me feel better. Kinda.

Also: Sing it, dg. Organic != what you* think it means.

* You = the rest of the world. Not you.
posted by coriolisdave 30 October | 23:23
I budget and spend $50 a month on groceries, but I don't buy meat except for the occasional bird or fish if I can help it.

And I pay for it with organic money.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 30 October | 23:31
I pay something like $50ish every two weeks for groceries. Sometimes a little more. I do eat a fair amount of meat and fish, but I try to make up for that financially by eating a lot of cheap things like rice, pasta, homemade bread, etc. I also have burritos from a local taqueria several times a week, since I tend to find my meals lose a lot when they're reheated. So that adds up to a certain amount of non-grocery food expenditure. [Living alone, by the way.]
posted by ubersturm 31 October | 00:27
About $120 US for just groceries each week. Approximately, $40 US a week dollars for breakfast, and lunches at near/work, or dinner out (or ordered in). Figures are for two mouths.
posted by safetyfork 31 October | 09:13
Week dollars, weak dollars. Freudian? And, apparently, we're spending too much!

*high fives mygothlaundry*
posted by safetyfork 31 October | 09:17
Huh... remind me to design a t-shirt that says "Organic does not mean what you think it means." maybe with a few carbonaceous molecules in the backgroud. Possibly a picture of Inigo.
posted by Eideteker 31 October | 09:32
I'd buy that shirt in a second.
posted by coriolisdave 31 October | 20:17
Organic firewood. Oh my.

For the record, dg, I'm pretty sure I don't know any yuppies. Not to say I've never seen one, as I work in Seattle often.

I just want my meat to be clean; it's pretty much "never eat a cow you haven't met".
posted by reflecked 01 November | 07:04
Yeah, More Music. || For Halloween,