aaargh. Sorry... But I feel the need to moan for just a tiny moment. I just got off the phone from someone connected in some unspecified, mysterious way with a site I maintain.
She: The logo is wrong and needs to be changed.
Me: Okay, just ask the gallery to send me the new logo.
She: But you need to change it.
Me: Okay, just send me the new logo and I'll put it in.
She: The word "Gallery" needs to be removed and the lettering is wrong. This is not the right logo.
Me: I used the logo the gallery gave me to use; if they have a new one, ask them to send it to me.
She: But it's your responsibility to change the logo.
Me: And I will, as soon as they send it to me. I didn't make the logo, and I don't decide what is used - I use what they tell me to use.
She: But it's wrong, and it needs to be changed.
Me: No problem. As soon as I get it, it will be changed.
She: But it needs to be changed on the page. Don't you have the new press release?
Me: No. (*confused*)
She: Well how did you change the text, it's the same as the press release.
Me: Well, the gallery sent me the new text, and I put it in.
She: But you used the wrong logo.
That was the more sensible part of the conversation. It got worse. Unfriendly even. In fact, my hands are still shaking (anger). Hold me, milksops!