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I've known Harriet for over a decade. I've worked with Harriet. She's a woman of principle and character. She's highly intelligent. She's been a pioneer of law in my state of Texas. She was the first woman hired by her law firm -- first woman partner, I mean, by the law firm. She managed the law firm. She was the first head of the Dallas bar -- first woman to head the Dallas bar, first woman to head the state bar of Texas.
the notion of helping people immediately worked pretty good. It worked good because the government responded with the checks. It also worked really good because our individual citizens responded in an incredibly generous and compassionate way.
But I was disappointed, frankly, in the vote I got in the African-American community. I was.
I've done my best to elevate people to positions of authority and responsibility -- not just positions, but positions where they can actually make a difference in the lives of people.
I put people in my Cabinet. I put people in my sub-Cabinet. I've elevated people from all walks of life, because I believe there's a responsibility for the president to reach out. And so it's not a matter of tone, it's also a matter of action.
And just got to keep working at it.