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23 September 2005

Ha! I see your Japanese vending machines and raise you this American model.

I have actually used one of these, right here in West Asheville. Night crawlers in a styrofoam cup of dirt for $1.
posted by mygothlaundry 23 September | 19:17
Why can't america have really cool vending machines? I'm totally jealous of Japan in so many different ways. Also, there's a bait machine outside of the bass pro shop in grapevine. I couldn't beleive it when I first saw it.
posted by puke & cry 23 September | 19:36
There have been trials of Japanese-style vending machines here in the U.S. As I recall, giant automated "convenience stores" were placed in a few spots around Washington, D.C. several years back. Result? People bypassed them and went to 7/11 instead. I think egg and lingerie vending machines are likely a money-making proposition only in settings as culturally predisposed to giant robots and general gadgetry as Japan.
posted by killdevil 23 September | 19:53
It should, however, be noted that our citizens would benefit immeasurably if we had ready access to these:

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by killdevil 23 September | 19:58
i want to try the Water Salad : >
posted by amberglow 23 September | 22:19
My college had a french fry vending machine in the lobby of one of the lecture halls.
It made the whole building stink like grease.
posted by kellydamnit 23 September | 22:48
sounds pretty sweet.
posted by puke & cry 23 September | 23:37
Haven't seen Water Salad in a while... things appear and disappear so quickly here, though sometimes they reappear.

I didn't see my favorite: chocolate vending machines (ie: Pocky), nor ice cream vending machines...

I really wish the cigarette machines would be replaced by these. I've also seen machines selling batteries, and some shrines/temples sell fortunes via vending machines. I have no idea why that guy thinks Pachinko games are vending machines, though.
posted by MightyNez 24 September | 11:35
Nez, I used to love those cigarette machines when I was a kid. Saw some in Vegas last year when I was there. Very, very cool.
posted by Frisbee Girl 24 September | 15:58
Cheesy beats || Sad country music songs make me cry