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11 September 2005

Silber, The Light of Reason, and a blog's end When a dream dies...

(warning-sadness making--more inside)
... Writing was the last dream I had for my life. For the most part, especially over the last year, it’s turned into a nightmare. People have different limits, and as I suggested the other day, there are no rules about how much people should be able to “take.” My limits were exceeded some time ago.... Almost no one has read those essays, and almost no one gives a damn about them. For the most part, it’s as if I’ve written precisely nothing over the last three years. That’s fine now. In a mere week, it will be exactly as if I’ve written nothing. I, for one, will be immensely relieved. Given how events have transpired, I’m deeply sorry I ever wrote one single word. ...
posted by amberglow 11 September | 12:52
Amberglow, I'm not familiar with him, so I guess I don't get it. I know there must be more to the story, but from reading that post it seems like he's saying he's going to be homeless because he can't make money with his blog?
posted by taz 11 September | 13:20
I began blogging three years ago today.


And if he thinks people owe him a living, he is sadly mistaken, too.

Are we supposed to feel guilty?
posted by Skrik 11 September | 14:00
THE FINAL STRAW: I was very bitterly amused this evening to see that Matthew Yglesias and Atrios are wrestling with the “national greatness” issue, and from whence it arises. Of course, I’ve written about this at length, in two of what I think are my very best essays—here and, in even more detail, here. Almost no one has read those essays, and almost no one gives a damn about them.

Part of the sadness I'm feeling is that he seems to have really gotten lost somewhere along the way. His life is apparently falling apart. It sounds like he pinned all his hopes on making a name and a living for himself in the blog writing world, rather than writing because he needed to and doing something else to keep body and soul together in the meantime. When that didn't work out, it became pretty devastating. The occasional drivel I've put online is important to me, but I'd die in short order if I tried to live off of it.

Amber, do you know any more of his back story, what he was doing to get traffic to his blog, whether he was trying to get published in traditional media, etc? For all I know he didn't have any other possibilities. Like Taz, I've never heard of Silber before this.
posted by PinkStainlessTail 11 September | 14:12
I don't know much, but i've been reading him for a while--he's very good. He has health problems to begin with, and can't work normally.

I found out about it from BOPNews
posted by amberglow 11 September | 14:44
It's a very sad final note. Mainly, because it reads like a precursor to a suicide note. It's troubling for the guy's continued well being.

I think the attitude he seems to have is somewhat childish, but that is beside the point. He may be completely unable to do anything with whatever it is that ails him. But it is quite obvious from that post that he is deeply, deeply troubled, and his troubles go well beyond dissatisfaction with blogging.

I hope he'll find something to keep him going. But it sounds unlikely. What he really needs is family to help him and psychotherapy to help deal with what's overwhelming him. Sadly, it doesn't sound like that's coming.
posted by teece 11 September | 15:47
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