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03 September 2005

Feelin' Existential: Does anyone else go through life with the sneaking suspicion that the world is just humoring you? or is that just me. I think this started when I was i kidergarten. I started halfway through the year. The other kids learned something in that first semester that I'll never know.


he knows!
posted by Capn 03 September | 09:33
Isn't that fairly normal? It's a thought that often crosses my mind although I'm glad I can dismiss it as irrational. What bothers me is that one day I'll lose my ability to dismiss it and then I'll be in the looney bin.
posted by dodgygeezer 03 September | 09:45
I frequently get the feeling the slopipsists may be on to something. But then I realize that if they are, then they don't actually exist outside my own imagination anyway. Then I crack another beer.
posted by Jimbob 03 September | 10:05
(Having cracked several beers already this may notice the deliberate spelling mistake. Solipsists. Duh.)
posted by Jimbob 03 September | 10:07
Humoring you? I don't know what you mean.

Kindegarten though, I think I was out on break when the other guys learned that thing you're talking about. Me, I fainted for the first time instead. I was spinning around on a merry-go-round type thing, when I tried to see what was before the big bang, by twirling around and around and imagining away all the stuff I could see, trees, gone, clouds, gone sky, gone.. after sky comes space.. and stars in space.. All gone, until you have complete nothingness... *gasP* *faints*.

(damn straight I was a weird kid)
posted by dabitch 03 September | 16:26
Humoring you? I don't know what you mean.

That the rest of humanity is in on some secret that I'm not privy to, and that they just put up with me, like a lovable but dimwitted child.

I tried to see what was before the big bang, by twirling around and around and imagining away all the stuff I could see, trees, gone, clouds, gone sky, gone.

I used to try to imagine being dead. I never could manage it.
posted by jonmc 03 September | 16:33
Everyone knows that they only teach the "fact" to women. Don't let them tell you otherwise. It's passed down mother to daughter and if you ask them they'll say "I don't know what you're talking about" or "Could you just leave this ridiculous idea behind" or "If you continue to phone me about this, I'm taking a restraining order out on you."

Don't let that fool you. They know. All women know the secret.
posted by seanyboy 03 September | 16:35
The other kids learned something in that first semester that I'll never know.
the secret to spelling kindergarten?
posted by quonsar 03 September | 17:15
It nat nise to mok da iliterit. yer meen quasnar.
posted by jonmc 03 September | 17:21
Yes. The Secret. Keep trying.
posted by puddinghead 03 September | 18:46
I remember travelling in trains as a kid and looking back through the window with my face pressed against the glass, hoping to see evidence of all the actors ceasing their roles and the cardboard cutout buildings being disassembled.
I'm not sure which disappointment was greater...not catching them out or finding that the world is a putup job.
posted by peacay 03 September | 20:49
Maybe it's the other way 'round, jonmc. Maybe you know something the rest of the world doesn't.
posted by jrossi4r 03 September | 23:21
seanyboy, you're not supposed to let on that you know.

We'll deal with you later.
posted by jokeefe 04 September | 19:11
It's not just you. They are just humouring us.
posted by dg 04 September | 23:47
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