pc / mac ruminations So, this is something that sticks in my mind: in some ancient AskMe thread, someone (I'm too lazy to look up), essentially responded to a Windows user who had concerns about installing updates, "if you don't trust the platform enough to install the official updates, why are you even using that platform?" /paraphrase
But I feel the same way as the hapless questioner; I don't trust Windows updates, and I don't trust the Service Packs 'til they've been thoroughly debugged... So, why do I use Windows? Here's why: I'm caught in a loop. Mr. taz and I were the first of our friends to get a home computer. At that time, it was, relatively, quite an extravagance, and there was no reason for us to choose a much pricier Mac over a PC, since we didn't even have any idea how much we would use our computer, or if it was anything but a sort of over-the-top toy.
If either of us had been using Macs in our jobs, we probably would have gone that way despite the price difference, but that wasn't the case. In fact, we didn't even have desktop computers at work waaaaaay back then. I had a word processer that was jimmied to work with our big wall-sized dedicated computer.
So we accumulated software, and expertise, and time passed, and each time we upgraded we didn't buy a new computer, we just switched out components. So even though our initial choice was money-based, in terms of saving... I don't know - $500 - $1,000? Now it's money-based in terms of basically thousands of dollars to replace everything that would have to be replaced in order to switch. Two networked computers, tons of expensive software, and the ability to easily trade files with most businesses and people we associate with (a little bit different here in Greece than in the US, probably).
It's not even fiscally possible for us to switch as it stands, but I do feel like I'm sort of an eight-track person in a cd world, in a sense (though that's not quite the right metaphor, I know!). So what's your story along these lines? Does anyone else feel like a MacWolf user in PCSheep's clothing? Or alternatively, does anyone seriously feel that the Mac superiority is just way overhyped, and that it's not that much more dependable/excellent than a PC?