Comment Feed:
Who is it comes whom every man admires,
Who sets the air with clarity atremble?
Bringing Love too, so no man dare dissemble,
By speech, but each can only now suspire?
O how to catch her from the eye's swift gyre?
Love tells me: "No, you'd only bumble,
Because of woman she's so far most humble
Than any other you must then call 'ire.'"
No one could count her many charms, though modest,
For toward her bends every noble power;
Thus beauty sets her forth to be her goddess.
Still my mind is not so high and grand,
Nor have I felt the grace at any hour
To encompass her and say, "I understand."
Chi è questa che vèn, ch'ogn'om la mira,
che fa tremar di chiaritate l'âre
e mena seco Amor, sì che parlare
null'omo pote, ma ciascun sospira?
O Deo, che sembra quando li occhi gira,
dical' Amor, ch'i' nol savria contare:
contanto d'umiltà donna mi pare,
ch'ogn'altra ver' di lei i' la chiam' ira.
Non si poria contar la sua piagenza,
ch'a le' s'inchin' ogni gentil vertute,
e la beltate per sua dea la mostra.
Non fu sì alta già la mente nostra
e non si pose 'n noi tanta salute,
che propiamente n'aviàn conoscenza.
No, and it's been several years, I think. But I develop a crush on every third person I meet, so it's not as though I'm without a pulse.That describes me, too. It's really been quite a while since I fell in love. I'd be happy to do so, though. And I am prone to crushes.