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Comment Feed:


24 August 2005

Spelling peeves. My writing skills are not very good, and I have terrible punctuation, but there are some common misspellings that drive me nuts. It makes me loose my mind if you catch my drift. Perhaps it could be looser, I don't know. Show me yours.
Its a petty thing to get upset about, no? A word is worth more than it's spelling.
posted by mudpuppie 24 August | 20:20
Woah, your just being pedantic!
posted by WolfDaddy 24 August | 20:22
No, I think there being pedantic.
posted by eekacat 24 August | 20:24
Beware the Rouge Rogue.
posted by selfnoise 24 August | 20:26
Apostrophe catastrophe.
posted by Armitage Shanks 24 August | 20:38
Homophone homogenization.
posted by goatdog 24 August | 21:17
Loath v. loathe. I see this everywhere. Why is it hard? Why?

Also: sentance.
posted by dame 24 August | 21:27
I just about shit myself a month ago when I saw on one of our billboards: "We cater to you're needs".

Speck, sometimes it is just the spelling. If my business can't even spell (don't get me started on our wine menu that said we have red's and white's), then why would I expect anyone to spend cash with us? We'd probably just fuck up.

(On a side note, when I am in the F4F chat rooms under the name LusciousLabes, I will NOT respond to any other dudes pretending to be women who ask me if I want to wipser. I have standards.)
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 24 August | 21:32
to blathe means to love!

Stationary stationery...i know the stupid papers not moving!
posted by Schyler523 24 August | 21:33
It helps to be discrete about your chatroom activities.
posted by matildaben 24 August | 21:34
Actually, in all seriousness and seriosity...

Does "American English" not differentiate between the noun (practice) and verb (practise)?
posted by gaspode 24 August | 21:46
It don't.
posted by goatdog 24 August | 21:53
The other day I got an email from a coworker who said that he was in charge of "the acquiescence of beveradges" for a meeting.
posted by goatdog 24 August | 21:55
Goatdog, that is brilliant.

It isn't pedantic to care about spelling, either. I like to respect words by actually using them well. And to respect my audience by putting forth the minor effort it takes to spell well.
posted by dame 24 August | 22:02
I don't know whether to attribute most of these to laziness or lack of book-learnin', but the one that absolutely stops me in my tracks is:

"So the magician pulls the rabbit out of his hat -- 'Walla!'"
posted by dreamsign 24 August | 22:37
Congradulations! Thats to funny.
posted by WolfDaddy 24 August | 22:56
All of them.

I came up with a mnemonic to help my writers keep its and it's straight:
It has no apostrophe.

They still screw it up.
posted by me3dia 24 August | 23:01
I think wolfdaddy win's.

Seriously though, I do take into account national origin when applying my peeve. I also consider typographical errors as well. It's the repeated errors that get me. "A lot" is two words. It's not alot, nor is it allot. I think I am loosing my screw....
posted by eekacat 24 August | 23:52
I've got a blind spot for the word bueatiful.
posted by seanyboy 25 August | 03:21
I always mis-spell tomorrow. I know how to spell it, but I never get it right. It really pisses me off, because I am a bit peedantic about correct spelling - it makes you look lazy, I think.
posted by dg 25 August | 07:53
When people use "your" instead of "you're" this pisses me off to no end.
posted by Mrs.Pants 25 August | 10:06
People who confuse to and too.
People who confuse your and you're
People who confuse ad and add. (I get this ALL the time and it drives me "I want to place this classified add.")
And of course people who like to use AOL-speak. (Hi how r u r u m or f?) It doesn't take that much more effort to spell the whole word!

I am very anal about spelling. Always have been. I won school spelling bees in 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 8th grade. : )
posted by sisterhavana 25 August | 12:06
I relate to so much here (and am wonderously thankful for the schoolin' by gaspode -- some of the Amerispeak has now got me confuzzled on a seemingly permanent basis -- especially 's' & 'z') but I won't voice anything out loud as that will of course cause me to make more mistakes. [But I refuse to use a spellchecker. It's like a capitulation. I will stand and fall on my own mishteaks.]
posted by peacay 25 August | 13:00
It's not a spelling peeve, but 99% of the time people use "myself," they use it wrong, and it drives me nuts. "You can give that to myself." "Tom, Dick, and myself are going to the bar." "They gave presents to my brother and myself." Wrong, all wrong.

"Myself" is a reflexive pronoun, and should only be used when the subject and object of the sentence are the same: "I woke this morning and got myself a beer."
posted by kirkaracha 25 August | 16:25
I always mis-spell exersize. Exercize.

I hate it when people use "I" incorrectly. "Joseph gave Jason and I the project.

Also: "It peeked my interest."
Also: "I literally jumped out of my skin."
posted by Specklet 25 August | 16:44
At least "I" is usually spelled correctly.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 25 August | 22:30
Is it just me, || No Sympathy for Schwarzenegger