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Comment Feed:


24 August 2005

Hey. How're you doing?
No, how YOU doin'?

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posted by iconomy 24 August | 15:13
posted by mcgraw 24 August | 15:13
OK, I guess. You?
posted by me3dia 24 August | 15:15
Really well, thanks for asking. You?
posted by omiewise 24 August | 15:16
I'm okay. Work is tedious yet busy. I'm still heart-owied over my breakup. I'm gonna bounce some checks because the stupid agency I work for screwed up on my fees. I'd kill for a shoulder rub. On the other hand, my burned tummy is hardly tender, just permanently pink. It's lovely outside, and I think I'll take myself out for lunch. And I'm getting my hair cut later today, which I always enjoy. You?
posted by Specklet 24 August | 15:18
Pretty well, pup. I'm going to see Chuck Brown tonight, and kick it DC-style here in Manhattan. I just had a meeting with my boss and she liked my pitches for new experiments. And I only have a couple more hours to go at work. My knee is still sore, so I can't run at the moment, but I'll go work out later at the gym.

How are you doing?
posted by gaspode 24 August | 15:21
Not so hot.
posted by kenko 24 August | 15:22
Pretty well. I just spent several minutes staring at the wall and then I tossed a couple of comments onto Metafilter. I think I might take a nap. You?
posted by LeeJay 24 August | 15:23
I'm sick.
posted by interrobang 24 August | 15:25
You want to careful when you ask questions like that. I hope Kenko and interrobang are OK. Me? I'm hospitalized just now.
posted by mmahaffie 24 August | 15:36
I'm going to see sweet baby James Taylor tonight under the Berkeley stars, so it could suck worse.
posted by puddinghead 24 August | 15:36
Specklet, go out drinking. Omie, good on you. Me3dia, have some Dingle -- on me. 'Pode, what'd you do to your knee? Leej, a nap is always a good idea. Puddinghead, enjoy the Greek.

Things are okay here. My folks are visiting, which makes for a unique and horrible kind of exhaustion.

But oh no! Kenko? Whatsamattayou? Bang Bang? How sick are you?

And mmahaffie -- poor thing -- do tell!
posted by mudpuppie 24 August | 15:51
I had tacos for lunch!
posted by greasy_skillet 24 August | 15:54
Good vibes to the sick ones.
posted by puddinghead 24 August | 15:55
Aw, best wishes to the sick, infirm and otherwise not too hot. :(
posted by LeeJay 24 August | 16:20
Thanks, guys. It's just a cold sweats/sneezing/lots of snot/every-muscle-sore kind of thing, but at least I'm not in the hospital, like poor mmahaffie.
posted by interrobang 24 August | 16:26
I'm doing ok. Allergies are killing me, but I successfully cut my own hair, just got my new boots in the mail today, and have plans to go out tonight. So a bit of sneezing isn't enough to make me complain.
posted by kellydamnit 24 August | 16:26
Happy fluffy bunny vibes to all who need them.

pup, I hurt my knee running. Blech.
posted by gaspode 24 August | 16:28
posted by jonmc 24 August | 16:33
posted by Hugh Janus 24 August | 16:44
Eh. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I'm in the hospital for a couple of days with a blood clot in my leg. Mr. clot has shed few pieces that are in my lungs. Nothing too threatening, though I understand its should be. I hope to get sprung tomorrow. I'll have to give myself twice-a-day injections for a while, but it could be worse. Being an inveterate blogger, of course, I posted about it as soon as I discovered the hospital's wifi network.
posted by mmahaffie 24 August | 16:58
mmahaffie: Yikes. I'm glad to hear it's not as serious as it could be. Hope you get to go home soon. What was the pain in your calf like? I've had lingering pain in my right calf for about a week now and DVT runs in my family. /hypochondriac

Hugh Janus: That almost makes me wish I had a lawn.
posted by LeeJay 24 August | 17:06
Mixed. I'm under a pile of work having went on a brief vacation, hoping to get to a mecha exq corpse if possible, and nervous for the upcoming shows my new band will be playing this thursday, friday, and saturday.
posted by safetyfork 24 August | 17:07
Damn, mmahaffie: I just read your post. I'm glad you got it diagnosed before more of the clot broke up.
posted by gaspode 24 August | 17:09
The question is not "how", it's "who".
posted by ooga_booga 24 August | 17:10
phew mmahaffie, i hope your out of there soon.
posted by dodgygeezer 24 August | 17:14
yeah, mmahaffie, you shouldn't feel guilty for getting help, we're glad you did. And, we're sending you the good vibes even if you think maybe you shouldn't have said anything.

It's odd, but I was worried a bit about kenko for no reason a few days ago and now he's reporting "Not so hot". Hmm....psychic?

interrobang, I'm glad you didn't take a time out from here. Feel better.
posted by safetyfork 24 August | 17:19
I'm okay. Working at my boy's house. Vacation starts on Saturday. Nice thoughts make me uncomfortable, must stop--

(Oh, nice thoughts for all the poorly off, and blood clot details, please, for us hypocondriacs!)
posted by dame 24 August | 17:53
All, thanks for the good thoughts.

Lee Jay, Listen to your body! I'm going to have to learn to do a better job of that! It's always better to have them say, "Ah, it's nothing, don't worry about it. Pay the lady by the door" than it is to let it slide and get hurt.
posted by mmahaffie 24 August | 18:12
Please get better, sick bunnies!

(me? I'm meh-ish)
posted by taz 24 August | 18:26
I had cramps yesterday, but I'm fine today. And I GOT NEW HARVEY GIRLS CDs!!!!!
posted by matildaben 24 August | 18:27
It's always better to have them say, "Ah, it's nothing, don't worry about it. Pay the lady by the door" than it is to let it slide and get hurt.

That's only true if you aren't a health-insurance-less hypocondriac. If I went to the doctor every time I though I was gonna die, I'd be eating dog food. (I'm glad you're okay, though.) What did the hurt feel like?
posted by dame 24 August | 18:36
The Harvey Girls have a CD??? Doesn't this deserve its own post? (Or was there one that I missed?)

mmahaffie, best of luck to you and your leg. And your lungs. And all your other parts.

I've spent the day splitting firewood with my Dad and am about to teach Mom how to use Flickr.
posted by mudpuppie 24 August | 18:52
Meh here too, and I hope everyone gets better. Interro, I miss you a lot. Poor mmahaffie! I read your blog post and hope very much you are okay soon.

matildaben darling, I hope you liked your package and the kiss to your karma. We do have a couple of cds on our site -- hand-made doodads but we've tried to make them nice. We do have a new record due out soon -- and it'll have net label distribution in the UK, hee. We're working out the domestic details now. And holy smokes we're making shirts and some of them will even have a bunny. Thanks for asking, the puppie!
posted by melissa may 24 August | 19:09
The question is not "how", it's "who".

Actually it's "whom".
posted by kenko 24 August | 19:21
What did the hurt feel like?

It was a dull ache in my calf that didn't go away and didn't respond to the usual things I try for muscle pain (heat, stretching etc.).

It may also have been a growing sense of "something wrong" that built up around symptoms that I wasn't really sensing at the top level of my mind.

I guess there comes a point when you just sorta know that something is right.
posted by mmahaffie 24 August | 20:00
I guess there comes a point when you just sorta know that something is right.

That's kind of how I feel about everything these days.
posted by eekacat 24 August | 20:22
I'm feeling better now. I'm on my 3rd tallboy and my Italian Sub (capicola, genoa, provolone, sweet peppers, vinaigrette) just arrived.
posted by jonmc 24 August | 20:45
Wow, jon. Either I just had a wicked case of deja vu, or you've said that before.
posted by mudpuppie 24 August | 20:48
in IRC, mudpuppie. But it's still true.
posted by jonmc 24 August | 20:56
Thanks, mmhaffie, for taking the time to answer. Seriously.
posted by dame 24 August | 21:28
Sick. Still can't remember how to sleep alone. Drinking too much.

*sends a hug to mmhaffie*
posted by Schyler523 24 August | 21:32
I'm having a swell day actually.

Feel better mmhaffie.

Oooh matildaben, listen to The Harvey Girls backwards! You'll hear MM sing "President Cheney makes me wet all over". I was shocked and awed and totally drunk the first time I heard it.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 24 August | 21:35
Terrific..just got a free 6 month magazine subscription, plus it's Friday tomorrow...yippee
posted by Chimp 25 August | 07:01
Meh. About to sign a contract on a new block of land, but need to land a promotion to allow us to keep our first (current) house, which we are quite attached to and rent it out. Otherwise, we have to sell it. No pressure or anything, but it's all up to me.
posted by dg 25 August | 08:09
Good news here. I'm being sent home today. I will have to take it easy, but my Doctor seems sanguine about my situation. Interesting experience....
posted by mmahaffie 25 August | 08:57
That's good to hear mmahaffie. Everyone else who needs it gets much love and mad props from me. I have no idea why I wrote that like that, as if I'm some urban slang dictionary that's out of date, but I'll let it stand as a testament to spontaneous good vibes.
posted by omiewise 25 August | 09:42
I'm doing okay, thanks for asking.

Lotsa great big bunny hugs to those who need/want it.
posted by deborah 25 August | 16:26
Late to the party. Sorry to hear some bunnies aren't feeling so hot, or downright bad. Hope things get better soon!
posted by Frisbee Girl 25 August | 16:44
J Run, baby. You know? || Beautiful People use Internet Explorer.