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17 August 2005

The first set of emcee 4 is finished. Since this month's full suite of corpses is going to take a little longer than usual, I figured I'd dribble the love out. Here's one of four. (NSFW if your work is strictly strict.)
On the theme of "How naked go the sometimes nude" from the poem The Naked and the Nude. You can click individual panels for more info on each piece.
posted by taz 17 August | 11:20
I love the canary/arm. Nice work folks!
posted by agropyron 17 August | 11:45
I could've sworn that was a bird, not an arm!

iconomy's section is the hinge here -- from grey to pink on her command.
posted by me3dia 17 August | 12:05
I probably should have kept the grey, huh? The best thing about these corpses is that I learn something new from each one, and it's so fascinating to see it all come together. Another beautiful job! I love the way goatdog worked in those rabbits! I wonder if mightynez could tell from his/her strip that there were rabbits there?
posted by iconomy 17 August | 14:12
Wow. They're all great. My favorite panel, if I had to pick, would probably go to me3dia on this one.
posted by safetyfork 17 August | 14:22
Aw, shucks. Thanks, safetyfork.

I didn't mind the pink, iconomy. Fit somewhat with the theme, I thought.
posted by me3dia 17 August | 14:33
All astounding, as per usual.
posted by omiewise 17 August | 15:02
me3dia always manages at least one amazing feat per corpse... Picking up the font here was fantastic.

I loved bdave's ECG feeding into ico's winamp, and then goatdog's faucet from the winamp. Very, very cool.

(And I'm exactly like you, iconomy - I learn something new each time.)
posted by taz 17 August | 15:21
Ooh thanks for reminding me about the font, taz.

How did you recognize that, me3dia? I couldn't get over that. I still can't believe this transition (except now there's a white line there which I never noticed) - it's probably the best one I've ever seen. Still blown away by the doughboy hand. And those two panels together remind me of the Jet video, "Look What You've Done", where the cartoon characters freak out when the storm comes.
posted by iconomy 17 August | 15:33
I originally just skipped through my font list looking for likely matches. I had a different one picked out, then a stroke of inspiration, er, struck and I tried Papyrus. Bingo!

The line in that other one was always there -- it's from the compression on Slack-a-gogo's section. Remember, kids -- maximum quality jpegs for corpses!
posted by me3dia 17 August | 16:42
it's from the compression on Slack-a-gogo's section. Remember, kids -- maximum quality jpegs for corpses!

Unfortunately I'm learning these things as I go along. I've been saving my corpses as 300 dpi jpegs with compression and smoothing set to zero. I've noticed that my final panels seem to be a bit washed compared to the original Corel graphic before exporting, but I'll keep experimenting until something works.

These corpses are forcing me to ramp up my skills - but I feel like a Luddite compared to the work some of you guys pull off.
posted by Slack-a-gogo 17 August | 23:07
No sign of rabbits, iconomy, I'm just psychic in a critterish way. (^_^)

Oh, and very belated birthday wishes to you, taz... (^_^=)
If you like, I'll write any wish you want on an ema(?) for you at the next shrine I visit (unless, of course it's the slightly evil shrine I'm thinking of visiting, in which case I'll wait until I'm back at a good shrine).
posted by MightyNez 18 August | 00:59
Will work on transition next time.

Nice work all.
posted by asok 18 August | 08:19
I am so fucking jealous of the talent these display that I could just spit.

Fantastic work!
posted by dg 19 August | 09:13
I think all MightyNez got from me was a bunny ass and a bunny nose, neither of which was identifiable as such.

Maximum quality jpegs? The slice I got was at 72 dpi, so I stuck with it. Is it not normally so?
posted by goatdog 19 August | 12:07
Maximum quality doesn't refer to resolution, it refers to compression -- you want to use as little compression as possible. I don't know how that's represented in GIMP or Corel, but in photoshop, that means choosing "Maximum Quality" or "12" when you save an image as a JPG.
posted by me3dia 19 August | 17:17
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