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Comment Feed:


16 August 2005

New York Ave. is always a rude way to get into DC. No president has been able to change that, and Bush only adds to it.
posted by omiewise 16 August | 11:56
But they finished the 25-year construction project, didn't they? Just in time for repaving, probably.

Them Moonies sure do lack perspective.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 August | 12:07
But they finished the 25-year construction project, didn't they? Just in time for repaving, probably.

It was terrifying. One day I drove in and there weren't any barrels or abandoned construction equipment or closed lanes and I got so scared. I thought I had entered some sort of parallel universe.
posted by LeeJay 16 August | 12:12
Of course, W. has never been on New York Ave. a day in his life and likely never will be.....
posted by mmahaffie 16 August | 12:21
I like it, though.
posted by mmahaffie 16 August | 12:22
Driving in DC is crazy. I've never been anywhere else that had signs that said things like, "No Left Turn, Monday thru Friday, 7am-5pm."

And you can never get out the same way you came in.
posted by jrossi4r 16 August | 13:18
And, every damn light says "No Turn on Red". Those went in when congress mandated Right Turn on Red After Stop way back in the 80's. Except at marked intersections, where it was forbidden. Trust DC to mark every intersection.

It has been 25 years. I am not bitter.
posted by sarah connor 16 August | 13:37
Trust DC to mark every intersection.
Also trust DC not to mark every illegal parking space.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 August | 13:50
Hey, easy on the DC bashing here. It's a prince of a city, unfairly locked in a dungeon because its citizens are taxed without having representation in congress, which then enacts all its stupid and petty laws on the citizens. Also, the tax base is awful because Federal land is not taxable, and congress won't allow the institution of a communter tax.

/DC quasi-native rant
posted by omiewise 16 August | 13:58
Driving in DC is crazy. I've never been anywhere else that had signs that said things like, "No Left Turn, Monday thru Friday, 7am-5pm."

Shoot, even Buffalo has those. It's so you don't have someone waiting to make a left backing up rush hour traffic for miles.
posted by kellydamnit 16 August | 14:05
Wasn't meant as a bash, omiewise. Just an observation. From what I understand, Philly's no picnic to get around either. But I'm used to it, so I don't notice.

I've never driven through Buffalo, kellydamnit, but now I'm prepared if I do. The first time we saw one of those signs in DC, by the time we read it and figure out what day and time it was, we were already through the intersection.
posted by jrossi4r 16 August | 14:17
I'm not bashing DC either. I'm just saying that they give you parking tickets for no good reason there.

Oh yeah, and drivers there are the meanest in the country. Loads of total assholes who will not, under any circumstances, let you merge into their lane.

But I spent every weekend there as a kid, and my brother lives in Alexandria, so I'm in our nation's capital all the time. I love the place, but the traffic is stupid.

Jaleo is great, though, and so is the Burma.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 August | 16:13
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