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Comment Feed:


14 August 2005

Spam on Blogger It looks like there are now scripts that will post comment spam to blogger blogs (even registering with Blogger to be able to do it). Will Google be able to stamp out this abuse, or will we all have to emigrate?
spammers suck.
posted by dabitch 14 August | 13:32
just to add something really redundant/obvious to the conversation..
posted by dabitch 14 August | 13:33
[Hee, dabitch, you make me laugh]
posted by Frisbee Girl 14 August | 13:36
I've got a Blogger account, and this one of the reasons why I've closed off comments. Movable Type also experienced this problem.
posted by Smart Dalek 14 August | 14:43
I had one of these the other day on my Blog. I deleted it, so now harm... but if the numbers start to climb, this could be a problem.

I set Blogger to send me comments as e-mail. Interestingly, the spam comment was correctly flagged by my e-mail system and shunted t the holding cell.
posted by mmahaffie 14 August | 15:11
Interestingly enough, LiveJournal, which is owned by the same people as Movable Type, has no trouble with comment spammers.
posted by Skrik 14 August | 15:11
Maybe the people at LiveJournal just don't need viagra.
posted by wendell 14 August | 16:18
I got one too. I was kind of insulted actually - it was for a singles hot line and it wasn't even on the post where I was whining about being single. I mean, if the stupid bot can't even line it up to the right post - geez.
posted by mygothlaundry 14 August | 17:56
livejournal has a clever little CAPTCHA solution. when you start making comments at a fast rate, it displays a CAPTCHA, but most of the time you won't even notice, because most people (read, those who aren't total lj fags) make at most two comments a week.
posted by michelob 14 August | 18:35
Wait, there are total lj fags?
posted by dhartung 14 August | 18:55
... but if the numbers start to climb, this could be a problem.
If you can find some way to bet on the numbers of these increasing, do it. You could retire on your winnings.
posted by dg 14 August | 19:21
I thought that having a non-common blog-widget would "save" me from comment spam, but this thing actually got so much spam I had to turn comments off. I dunno how they found it even (5 people visit, or maybe even 12 a month) but there they were spamming casino offers and crap from different IP's each time. I changed the name of the comment script - and they found it again, weird. I removed the comment link from the site - but the spam continued in the comment script anyway (so I guess they never visited the site.. ahem). I couldn't be arsed with it so I just shut comments off.

Now trackback spam, I get a little of that.. But referer spam I get so much for years that my stats are all but useless these days. That really pisses me off. :(

Frisbee Girl, I must come to your bar and get drunk one day.
posted by dabitch 15 August | 08:12
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