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13 August 2005

since people are in a musical mood: I proudly present "LoveCats", the Cure song, as sung by...
Mr. Paul Anka! ; >
posted by amberglow 13 August | 01:22
Oh LoveCats. We ARE the LoveCats, you and me, Paul. Let's have each other with cream! It's the grooviest thing.

My nipples are hard.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 13 August | 01:36
"You're Having My LoveCat?"

Let me be the first to say: NO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O!!!!!
posted by wendell 13 August | 01:41
I'm wondering how he ever heard the song in the first place. A granddaughter? At a party?
posted by amberglow 13 August | 01:42
or maybe he got an ipod as a present and had someone load it with "music the kids are listening to" (20 years ago?)
posted by amberglow 13 August | 01:44
In 1982, I managed a record store in Monterey, CA, where Mr. Anka lived at the time. (Might still, I dunno. I haven't been back there in 20 years.) One day, this short, balding man with a gold chain a-dangle in his chest hair and the pre-cancerous glow so popular among the jet set came into my store with a copy of Billboard under his arm. Yep, that's right: Paul Anka bought the top fifty albums that week. All of 'em. I don't remember precisely what was on the charts at the time, but I do have a memory of debating the merits of The Clash with him.

So it's entirely possible he came across that song on his own.
posted by bmarkey 13 August | 01:54
ahhh! thanks must have taken him a while to get to the Cure?

It's not a horrible rendition at all. Definitely not as cringeworthy as some.
posted by amberglow 13 August | 02:06
I refuse to even listen and you can't make me ;-P
posted by dg 13 August | 06:16
Get the fuck out.

Oh and I'm liking, it's wonderfully pretty : ) There's a certain Love Boat'esque'ness.
posted by Feisty 13 August | 06:56
"[Paul Anka] has five daughters: Amelia, Anthea, Alicia, Amanda... and Alexandra."

source: Wikipedia
posted by grouse 13 August | 09:06
That is glorious. There is nothing I like more than an unlikely cover.
posted by ITheCosmos 13 August | 09:22
dg, take a's really not terrible at all. it's smooth, baby.
(but there's no "ba da ba da, bup ba da ba..." part)
posted by amberglow 13 August | 10:55
I wonder what he would do with Mint Car?
posted by amberglow 13 August | 10:57
Rock Swings is a really funny album, you should hear all of it.
posted by mr.marx 13 August | 12:13
i'd love to hear his version of True (which is a lounge song to begin with)
posted by amberglow 13 August | 12:19
ITheCosmos: In that case, you've come across Copy, Right?, right?
posted by benzo8 13 August | 13:43
(where I'm guessing amberglow found this..?)
posted by benzo8 13 August | 13:49
i think so, but via towleroad.
posted by amberglow 13 August | 13:52
oh, that site is excellent! thanks!

smalltown boy cover

maybe i know cover

and one of my alltime favs: only love can break your heart cover by st. etienne
posted by amberglow 13 August | 14:01
oh, True is better by Anka!
posted by amberglow 13 August | 15:47
Don't diss the Hadley, man! One of my Gods, is Tone - a more talented, intelligent, humourous man you could never hope to meet...
posted by benzo8 13 August | 16:41
i love em, benzo and have for decades, but it is kinda easy-listening, mostly. True, Gold, To the Barricades (my fav of theirs), Only When You Leave...
posted by amberglow 13 August | 17:27
This is to discuss the latest mix || The Duke of Slack.