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Comment Feed:


10 August 2005

Legal threats What was the thread that Matt removed due to legal threats? Anyone know? Or can guess?
Maybe Matt will email the information to someone, and a user who's feeling saucy can post it on a non-mefi page so the info will show up on a Google search. :)
posted by agropyron 10 August | 16:30
/me feels like a nice red sauce (over some fresh fettucini)
posted by papercake 10 August | 16:48
this was 3+ years ago, so I doubt anyone will guess it.
posted by puke & cry 10 August | 16:59
I'll bet it was the single-link FPP to Good times.
posted by gramschmidt 10 August | 18:40
I could be wrong, of course, but if memory serves me correctly, it may have involved a certain group associated with a certain product featured in the movie Repo Man.

And no, I don't mean the 7UP Corporation, or that company which makes Christmas tree air fresheners.
posted by Smart Dalek 10 August | 19:18
posted by interrobang 10 August | 19:39
To avoid death threats and legal action, my answer would have to be "Chevrolet".
posted by Smart Dalek 10 August | 20:15
A handful of customers die in a furniture showroom and some jackass thinks that gives him the right to post about it to the front page of Metafilter.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 10 August | 20:26
From one of matthowie's post:

then threatens me with hosting speech that their lawyer considers slander and libel in a country where the laws don't protect speech in the way they do here...

This is the only hint I picked up. The company is not US based.
posted by TurdBlossom 10 August | 20:37
uhhhm... But since MeFi is in the usa(the server/data that is) wouldn't the lawsuit also have to be settled there then? And according to US laws? That's how it always works on teh intarweb...innit?
posted by dabitch 10 August | 22:04
I could be wrong, of course, but if memory serves me correctly, it may have involved a certain group associated with a certain product featured in the movie Repo Man.

The Plate o' Shrimp corporation threatened to sue? Damn.
posted by scody 10 August | 23:37
Heh, and over here I can't even get an ISP to have a little chat with their user who's running a mad bot that calls on my server 60 times a second, for each IP I have (60*16 = 960 times a second) every time I start eggdrop. I think his bot is just fubared and not really intending to act like a DOS attack but they don't reply to emails, and their ISP don't even extend the curtesy to let them know about the busted bot.
Next time it comes around I'll just slap it with a defamation suit shall I? ;)
Netheads long pondered the question of whether the Net would export the First Amendment to the rest of the world
.. Uhm, yeah I hate to break it to yas but that whole freedom of speech thing (and not just for press) is not restricted to only the US of A. In fact my freedom of speech rights seeem better over here.
posted by dabitch 11 August | 00:51
and by "yas" I meant Wendy M. Grossman who wrote that line.
posted by dabitch 11 August | 00:52
dabitch, UK libel law is notoriously more favorable to the plaintiff (despite silly things we have in the US like "defamation of a foodstuff"). I imagine that's also slightly true for any country with a more recent fork from English common law.

Freedom of speech is not a defense to a libel lawsuit.
posted by stilicho 12 August | 14:23
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