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Comment Feed:


09 August 2005

...because it's really amazing how much Metafilter sucks.
posted by mcgraw 09 August | 13:10
I'd like to personally apologize for ever posting in that thread. I've given myself a 1-week suspension from posting in MeTa so I don't share my Tuesday grumpiness with the rest of the civilized world.
posted by selfnoise 09 August | 13:16
I just shake my head in disbelief at some of the stuff that goes on over there.
posted by puke & cry 09 August | 13:17
/me sucks
posted by Capn 09 August | 13:19
Great comment, selfnoise.
posted by mcgraw 09 August | 13:21
I disagree.
posted by grouse 09 August | 13:23
Yeah. I've basically stopped posting in MetaFilter. I skim the FPPs and answer an AskMe or two, but mostly I'm here now.

Because I like youse guys.
posted by Specklet 09 August | 13:26
I like Metafilter but there's a lot to be said for the informality of this place. : )
posted by sisterhavana 09 August | 13:28
I'm with grouse. Crappy comment. Thanks though.
posted by selfnoise 09 August | 13:28
I'd like to echo mcgraw's thank you to everyone. Y'all rock.
posted by gaspode 09 August | 13:34
I like both. Reading MeTa is my version of watching pro-wrestling: stylized silliness masquerading as conflict.

But then again, I post grumpy things here too. So I'd like to thank you all for either loving me anyway or not throwing me out for being grumpy even though you hate it. I'm hoping it's number one.
posted by dame 09 August | 13:44
I'm going to post a MetaChat fpp with science articles in an effort to offset the negative vibe of this "Mefi sux" thread.

I think now's a good for all of us to make the most of taz's work by contributing great fpps to this site.

Viva MetaChat!
posted by mcgraw 09 August | 13:45
good time
posted by mcgraw 09 August | 13:45
Wow. What a thread. Something must be done...
posted by gramschmidt 09 August | 13:51
gramschmidt I think you killed it. Not even getting a jrun error.
posted by peacay 09 August | 13:57
Yeah, now I'm getting "document contains no data" and I can't even save what's in my browser.

But the MeTa front page isn't loading either.
posted by gramschmidt 09 August | 14:01
there's a lot to be said for the informality of this place.

It's informal here? Cool.

*takes off pants*
posted by jonmc 09 August | 14:06
*leers at jon's plaid boxers"
posted by Specklet 09 August | 14:13
*leers at specklets leer*

I should also mention that I'm wearing my bright green Jameson's Whiskey "Keep The Spirit Irish" tee today. I'm a fashion plate, baby.
posted by jonmc 09 August | 14:16
jonmc: that is clearly hipster green despite your protests to the contrary...

posted by Schyler523 09 August | 14:20
But then again, I post grumpy things here too. So I'd like to thank you all for either loving me anyway or not throwing me out for being grumpy even though you hate it. I'm hoping it's number one.

dame, that's the most endearing thing I've read in a long time.

[please don't yell at me.]
posted by Frisbee Girl 09 August | 14:22
169 comments? God. What is this about anyway?
posted by Quartermass 09 August | 14:28
schuyler is allowed to make fun of me, since he's one oa select few MeChatters who's seen me pee on a tenement roof. Otherwise, I'd have killed him for that. ;)
posted by jonmc 09 August | 14:28
Thanks, Frisbee Girl. I'm actually disturbingly cheerful (for me) today. Something must be wrong.
posted by dame 09 August | 14:42
I just enjoyed the chance to post about lesbians.
posted by matildaben 09 August | 15:29
First, it was not in common parlance until perhaps the early 90s, when it was popularized by TV. For their entire 20th century existence prior to that point, they were known as "white sleeveless men's undershirts", perhaps with the addition of "ribbed" to differentiate them from plain cloth versions.
Not in common parlance until the early nineties? C'mon! I was ten when I learned that name for those shirts and that was the early eighties.

By the way, am I the only gal to find them sexy as hell? I got a few for my man and feel like eating him up as he prances around in it showing off his arms in the summer heat. Rrraouw!
posted by dabitch 09 August | 15:37
By the way, am I the only gal to find them sexy as hell? I got a few for my man and feel like eating him up as he prances around in it showing off his arms in the summer heat. Rrraouw!

Sing it, sister!
posted by Frisbee Girl 09 August | 15:44
Guys, are you with me on that "sexy" thing, or does it not work when girls wear 'em? My wifebeater reads "hellbound" across the belly (which is funny, now.)
≡ Click to see image ≡≡ Click to see image ≡
Wifebeater shirts, front and back. Trivia, they are called "brottarlinne" in Swedish which means wrestling 'undershirt'. (roughly, "linne" also means linen, as in the type of cloth.)
posted by dabitch 09 August | 15:46
By the way, am I the only gal to find them sexy as hell?

If I ever wore one, I'd look like a concentration camp escapee. My nonno used to wear them around the house, they displayed his armpit fro's nicely.
posted by jonmc 09 August | 15:50
Sing it, sister!
I recall seeing an advert for pasta (of course, jesus I've watched a lot of ads in my lifetime) when I was a wee lass. It was an old italian ad, late 50s even, shot in black and white where the young strapping italian man eats his mothers pasta for breakfast. He is wearing his wifebeater and slacks with suspenders (braces). He then grabs his shirt, hops out the window, climbs down the raindrain, catches a passing tram and travels with it on the outside across town, switching trams a few times along the way while they are moving like some acrobat from hell. Once he reaches his destination he puts his shirt on, pulls up his braces (suspenders), checks his hair in the shopwindow and walks in to work. It ended with some line about pasta giving a lot of energy. All I remember was a sexy italian flying around town showing off his gorgous arms in a wifebeater. I swear that ad made me feel tingly.
posted by dabitch 09 August | 15:52
I loathe the term 'wifebeater' and actually don't see anything wrong with the callout. Language is important; the names that we give things are important, and in themselves determine important other things.

I will now go and hide until it's safe to come out again, shall I?
posted by jokeefe 09 August | 15:56
I loathe people who beat their wives, but as a name for a shirt, it's merely darkly funny. Should terms like "felony fliers," "jesus sandals," and "ghetto blaster," all be abandoned, too?
posted by jonmc 09 August | 15:59
Wifebeater the word? unnecessary, but certainly not worth the level of hysteria it got (is getting?) on MeTa.

Wifebeater (or singlet!) the clothing item? Rowr!

the only thing that has gotten me to watch The O.C. is when my friend tivoed the blond guy doing chin ups in his wifebeater. Well, actually, we just watched that scene over and over
posted by gaspode 09 August | 16:02
I actually prefer the white tee shirt. Makes me think of boys workin' on cars or carpenters.

No way, gaspode. Seth, the dark haired emo-boy, is the cutie! Obviously I need to kidnap you for a Thursday this fall.
posted by dame 09 August | 16:11
jokeefe, I think that the point is less about the call out and discussion of the language and it's implications as the seeming inability for the discussion to remain civil, coherent and intelligent in that thread.

I agree with you to an extent, but I also think that it is also important to understand that we have power over words,we inveigh them with meaning and that process is a sort of contract or agreement, but not fixed in stone or omnipotent. Which is to say that I think that it's important to be cognizant and sensitive, but I also deeply believe in not sublimating the power of my person and expression to a word.

To give some background, I was beaten regularly and quite violently growing up. It was a rough damned ride, and frankly, it was only the grace of God (or my mother's drunken/drugged ineptness) that kept me alive and in one piece. It's not a pretty world, but I'm not willing to shirk away or live in fear.

Additionally, please stick around and pipe up, jokeefe, we try to keep the bullshit to minimum in this sandbox.

[and may I dream a thousand dreams of dabitch's advert man.]
posted by Frisbee Girl 09 August | 16:14
Very well put, Frisbee Girl.

(the dark haired one *is* a cutie, dame, but... the arms, the arms! -- kidnap away baby, we can drool together)
posted by gaspode 09 August | 16:19
I just have to add that the Freudian use of 'inveigh' as opposed to 'imbue' was intentionally used for comic relief.

No, really!

*coughs in embarrassment*
posted by Frisbee Girl 09 August | 16:22
Am I the only one who doesn't know what a felony flier is? : )
posted by sisterhavana 09 August | 16:47
Not a clue here, sisterhavana. An orange jumpsuit?
posted by Feisty 09 August | 17:24
My biggest problem with that thread was that I thought my "Aristocrats" comment was hysterical and, yet, got no play.

/me as Rodney Dangerfield
posted by papercake 09 August | 17:33
I thought it was great, papercake. I ain't goin back to that thread though.

Also, I believe felony fliers are shoes. CONS or converse. I think at least. Never heard the term before.
posted by puke & cry 09 August | 17:40
the noobs kilt mefi. for example the arial thread - there's people in there who think everyone reads mefi in verdana. (i read mefi in 8 pt. tahoma.) these are people of the same caliber as those who still have thier internet explorer homepage set to whatever thier ISP/computer vendor set it to, people who go to yahoo and search for the sites they want to visit even though they already know the domain name. i'm rarely interested in what such people think on any topic. /withering arrogance
posted by quonsar 09 August | 18:06
Notes on camp.
posted by jokeefe 09 August | 18:48
I agree with quonsar. Whatever you say, I will never be convinced that completely opening the floodgates to new members has not sucked almost all the fun right out of MeFi.
posted by dg 10 August | 09:45
frisbeegirl you should have stayed put - I very much admired the use of 'inveigh' and was totally impressed. And then you blew it. Heh. ;- )
I also disagree with quonsar and dg at least in principle. You old fuddy duddies. There are dicks everywhere - new old doctors russian lefthanders doesn't matter.
posted by peacay 10 August | 10:06
Would you post about something like this? || A faskinating graph