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Comment Feed:


05 August 2005

Marumushi --very cool
If onlny for leading me to this heartwrenching story, thanks.
posted by LeeJay 05 August | 23:06
you didn't hear about that? disgusting--absolutely abhorrent. i can't believe that man is now going to take care of the baby.
posted by amberglow 05 August | 23:15
I hadn't heard of it, no. It certainly does raise a lot of tough-to-answer questions. A quick Google search tells me that this woman's story became quite a rallying point for pro-life groups. What's the backstory on the husband that makes him such a bad guy?
posted by LeeJay 05 August | 23:23
it's just me--i've seen him on tv, and he's all about the kid, and how the wife would have wanted this--it skeeves me out, altho i understand that at least something could come out of it. I don't like treating her as a baby factory when she would otherwise be dead. It's without her consent, and inhuman, i think.
posted by amberglow 05 August | 23:25
It is a bit disturbing to think of a braindead woman being used as an incubator. As a woman, it doesn't exactly feel like a positive thing. On the other hand I can't see anything that indicates that she would not have wanted the baby to live. It seems to be an incredibly complex and emotional situation on all sides. Of course, I haven't seen the guy talking and am not familiar with the details of the situation.
posted by LeeJay 05 August | 23:30
It's a great website, amberglow, thanks.

WRT that particular news story.... as with all of that stuff, I really just feel like I cannot judge. As a woman, I feel that if I wanted kids, then if I were pregnant then in a coma, I would want my husband to have them. But we just don't know what she wanted. I just have to withhold judgement.
posted by gaspode 05 August | 23:40
It's nice, but I prefer Mashimaro.
posted by me3dia 05 August | 23:47
OK yes, amberglow, that freaks my shit out.
posted by gaspode 06 August | 00:25
Mashimaro's adorable.
posted by amberglow 06 August | 00:49
derail: amberglow are you going to the meetup tomorrow night?
posted by gaspode 06 August | 00:54
it depends on the weather--i'm suffering. i want to--probably will go early for an hour or 2. you going?
posted by amberglow 06 August | 01:06
yes! my first meetup... I am hoping for some ppl I kinda know.. (hint!) I am going early, for I have trendy restaurants to hit at 9.30
posted by gaspode 06 August | 01:10
ok then! it's a deal! (altho i may be cranky and sweaty and stuff)
posted by amberglow 06 August | 01:18
we've getting new people at each meetup, so you won't be the only one, gas.
posted by amberglow 06 August | 01:19
good good. it's still a little scary tho. and cranky and sweaty is fine by me!
posted by gaspode 06 August | 01:33
by you maybe : (
posted by amberglow 06 August | 01:36
this is cool - nice one amber
posted by dodgygeezer 06 August | 04:44
Very cool site.

On the brain-dead mom story, it's totally creepy, but only because of the backstory weirdness. If I personally were in the same situation, I definitely would want to be kept alive only to incubate the baby, if that's what my husband wanted.

Nothing too crazy about that, really... On the other hand, I never, ever would want the condition to be used in some kind of twisted religious propaganda thing, and would definitely come back to seriously haunt anyone who tried to present it that way.
posted by taz 06 August | 06:47
On a completely unrelated story, this came up big and green and after reading it, I learned that one of our major hollywood stars wants to be a fluff. So thanks for that, amber!
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 06 August | 13:48
supposedly she's horrible in the Dukes movie.
posted by amberglow 06 August | 14:18
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