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02 August 2005

I just love me some gay elves. Embedded .wmv clip. Possibly NSFW if your boss doesn't like nearly naked and very gay non-human World of Warcraft videogame characters. I've been playing computer games for most of my life, and am just pleased as punch to see some gaymers having some fun and and sharing it around.
All elves are gay. Trolls are straight, generally. Gnomes, it's pretty much up in the air.

I once saw three "little women," on the subway. One had feathered blond hair and was wearing a faded dungaree jacket. looked kinda hot, to tell the truth. This means I am a pervert. Later that same evening, I was out with some freinds and we saw seven or eight of them drunkenly walking and razor scootering down the street like something out of a Tod Browning movie. Must have been a convention in town.
posted by jonmc 02 August | 12:46
OMFG! Ok, I'm not even going to ask why. I know why.

But how? I didn't know there was so many moves in mmporg's these days. And if those are stock animations, what's with all the crotch grabbing? And how the fuck do you synchronize something like that?

posted by loquacious 02 August | 12:51
Trolls are straight, generally, true jonmc, but you've got to go to more gay bars ;-)

loquacious, the male night elves in WoW's dance animations are all based upon Michael Jackson moves. Which seems both appropriate and very creey. Female night elves moves seem to be based on lap dances.

As to synchronization, it's not that hard if you've got voice chat. And in Guild Wars (which r00lz j00), to synchronize any visible emote, you just type a space and an asterisk after the command, and you'll start the emote on the next tick of the server's clock that ends in a zero. Many dance parties have ensued, complete with bands to supply music. The animated emotes in GW are far more numerous. :-)
posted by WolfDaddy 02 August | 13:06
that is so fucking priceless.
posted by Mrs.Pants 02 August | 13:07
They were no longer little girls, jonmc. They were little women.
posted by Hugh Janus 02 August | 13:09
This (nsfw) has nothing to do with gaming, and yet somehow I think it's appropriate.
posted by danostuporstar 02 August | 13:24
Here's a Guild Wars dance party clip that's got more women for you ;-)
posted by WolfDaddy 02 August | 13:25
Remember the robot in System Shock 2 which did the Macarena?

You fucking kids think you invented everything.
posted by Smart Dalek 02 August | 13:58
Dear wolfdaddy: The YMCA song is still playing over and over and over in my head, only now there's elves. Can you make it stop now? TIA
posted by yhbc 02 August | 15:31
Dearest yhbc: just think of me in my underwear and those elves will go away forever. Promise. Kthxbi.
posted by WolfDaddy 02 August | 15:48
Dear wolfdaddy:
Step 1. Think of wolfdaddy in underwear
Step 2. ???
Step 3. Prophet!

It didn't work. But at least they're now gnomes instead of elves. And you are their god.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 02 August | 18:28
Ok, I'm not sure if I'm more disturbed by the girl elves or boy elves dancing. Both are mechanical to the point of creepiness. Everyone's skinny and/or idealized. But the girl elves seem to have some kind of boy gamer mob scene around them jockeying for better camera positions.


The future isn't what it used to be. ;)
posted by loquacious 02 August | 20:23
: >
posted by amberglow 02 August | 22:23
Dearest DeepFriedTwinkies (mmmmmm, twinkies):
Step 1. Think of wolfdaddy in underwear
Step 2. Get struck by lightning
Step 3. Prophet!

But not for gnomes. That appears to be jonmc's bailiwick. So think of him now! In his underwear!
posted by WolfDaddy 03 August | 00:21
Ok, I was gone for two days, came back, saw WolfDaddy's plea for me to think of jonmc in his tighty whities, swooned, reassessed my latent heterosexuality, confirmed it, and decided to write it all down even though this is already in the archives. Lightning indeed.
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 05 August | 15:24
Eternal Planes || I'm posting this for the cheese factor,