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Comment Feed:


01 August 2005

The Brillo® Connection Chat with hot blonde chicks about steel wool.
posted by dodgygeezer 01 August | 16:20
That's almost as bad as "Innocent Escapes" from the Brawny site - creepiest thing ever.

Has anyone seen the Brawny tv commercial where the "super handsome man" (in other words, unbelievably creepy guy) is making a cake for his wife's birthday? He spills something on the counter, and he stares deliciously (barf) into the camera while he suggestively rubs the spot with a paper towel. The he walks towards the camera, smiling, while balancing the cake in one hand and carrying a new beribboned puppy in the other hand, with a leering, perfect smile on his face. IT'S SO CREEPY! Boycott Brawny paper towels, people - their ad campaigns are way too subversive.
posted by iconomy 01 August | 16:26
Why is everyone always picking on Grillo? Grillo is just a poor boy trying to make a living ... what? What? "Brillo" you say? Oh. That's very different. Never mind.
posted by madamjujujive 01 August | 16:58
2. Which Brillo® products have you purchased in the last 4 months?
(check all that apply)

Scrub ‘n’ Toss®
Brillo® Juniors
Steel Wool Soap Pads
Lemon Fresh Brillo®
Strip & Shine® Steel Wool Balls
All-Purpose Cleaning Pads
None of the above

Lemon Fresh? WTF.
posted by Specklet 01 August | 17:23
Have you used Scrub 'n' Toss®?

Yes, all the time 0%
Yes, once or twice 0%
No, not yet but plan to once or twice 0%
Never heard of it 7%

methinks brillo has math issues
posted by purtek 01 August | 17:37
I only use it for smoking crack & plugging mouseholes. You think they want to talk to me?
posted by mygothlaundry 01 August | 17:41
Have you used Scrub 'n' Toss®?
Yes, all the time 0%
Yes, once or twice 0%
No, not yet but plan to once or twice 0%
Never heard of it 7%

methinks brillo has math issues

And imagination issues (what about folks who have heard of Scrub 'n' Toss® but don't intend to use it?)
posted by bugbread 01 August | 20:05
hehehe ... scrub n toss ...
"I was just cleaning it and it went off in my hand!"
posted by nomis 01 August | 20:21
keep me away from that shit.
posted by greasy_skillet 01 August | 20:53
Have you used Scrub 'n' Toss®?
Yes, all the time 0%
Yes, once or twice 0%
No, not yet but plan to once or twice 0%
Never heard of it 7%

How can we use it all the time? Don't we have to sleep occasionally? No wonder no one picked that one. I mean, I like to use Scrub 'n' Toss® as much as the next person, but let's not get ridiculous here.

*stealthily approaches greasy_skillet with a Scrub 'n' Toss®*
posted by iconomy 01 August | 21:01
(what about folks who have heard of Scrub 'n' Toss® but don't intend to use it?)

posted by kenko 01 August | 22:16
Why is everyone always picking on Rillo? Rillo is just a poor boy who can't afford a shirt trying to make a living as personal trainer.

How do you use Rillo? to brighten your world? Talk to Us!
posted by taz 02 August | 00:52
Did you get banned again q? I think I missed something (as usual)...
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken 02 August | 06:47
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