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01 August 2005

"kill my neighbor" means vastly different things depending on where you go
not to be confused with "kill my landlord"
be right back
i have to stop that banging noise
once and for all
posted by ethylene 01 August | 18:32
upon entering the hall of truth
i'm wondering if there's a good summary
posted by ethylene 01 August | 18:54
Well looks like I've done alright. I can certainly lay claim to number 6:
I have not done daily works of supererogation.
Looks like I fall down on number 20 though:
I have not purloined the cakes of the gods.
Well, it's not like they had their names on them...
posted by nomis 01 August | 19:57
it's all in what you know to be truth so much you would declare it
[still trying to find a good translation for supererogation]
posted by ethylene 01 August | 19:59
Actually it just occurred to me that by "cakes of the gods" he could mean urinal cakes. Which I have never purloined. Those were gifts.
posted by nomis 01 August | 20:01 tells me it's an effort above and beyond the call of duty.
Why that would be a problem for the gods, I just don't know.
posted by nomis 01 August | 20:11
it depends on what you call supererogation and who what call and who's duty
posted by ethylene 01 August | 20:14
I guess if you were to equate supererogation with self-aggrandizement then that could be a problem for the gods. They generally prefer the humble approach.
posted by nomis 01 August | 20:19
i think of it as if you've gone out of your way to be an asshole
what is above and beyond a call you answered

really it just reads like rules of how not to accidentally piss people off

i suppose the pride enters when you confess or what you confess
posted by ethylene 01 August | 20:26
really it just reads like rules of how not to accidentally piss people off
people or gods ... seems to me that many of the uncomitted sins wouldn't offend any ordinary person.
posted by nomis 01 August | 20:31
4. I have known worthless men.
6. I have not done daily works of supererogation.
12. I have caused harm to be done to the slave by his master.
15. I have made man weep.
36. I have abrogated the days of offering the chosen offerings.

one cannot know beyond their scope of knowledge
posted by ethylene 01 August | 20:34
sorry, i'm bleeding off some dumbledoreyness
someone find me that cake in the rain song
posted by ethylene 01 August | 20:36
My landlady lives downstairs from me, so if I killed my neighbor I'd be killing my landlord. It's a tight spot.
posted by jonmc 01 August | 20:44
to be or not to be
or let it be
posted by ethylene 01 August | 20:49
a wonder or a waste?
no hi, mom?
posted by ethylene 01 August | 21:21
JRun closed connection.
It's no wonder, but surely is a waste.
posted by nomis 01 August | 21:34
Ok, now I see it. A complete waste I reckon. Think of the wisdom that could have been imparted in that space.
posted by nomis 01 August | 21:44
wait, i take it back
i've never abrogated
posted by ethylene 01 August | 22:05
Einstein || So I know I already posted something today.