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Comment Feed:


31 July 2005

i think that's kinda mean, actually. why subject a dog to that?
posted by amberglow 31 July | 01:49
Like those people who revel vicariously in their children's achievements.
posted by nomis 31 July | 02:44
i thought it was cute. and the dog seemed to enjoy it...
posted by mudpuppie 31 July | 02:47
I think most Golden Retrievers love the water. In the article the owner is quoted as saying that the dog would have been upset if he saw him (the owner) swimming and he (the dog) couldn't swim.
posted by taz 31 July | 03:19
Amberglow, the dog had a blast. Animals can be competitive and driven and enjoy hard work and athletics. Not all of them. But some. When my dog was younger she would enjoy a 40-60 mile run. It'd be cruel if I tried to drag some unwilling dog over that kind of distance. It's not cruel when she's out front with her tail up leading me the whole way. It would have been cruel if I didn't give her an outlet for her natural athleticism.

> Like those people who revel vicariously in their children's achievements.
Or those "coaches" and "trainers" who revel vicariously in the achievements of the teams and atheletes they help develop.
posted by Wolfdog 31 July | 08:08
but dogs always want to please and will run or swim themselves to death for us. They'll do anything for us and to get love. That doesn't mean it's right.
posted by amberglow 31 July | 11:15
plus, dogs can't consent--at all, because they always consent. Even kids have the capacity to say no.
posted by amberglow 31 July | 11:16
the word in some native american language for horse is dog+something because horses will burst their heart trying to do as they are asked. so will dogs.
i find this admirable but this is also why i like cats. i've had very loyal cats who won't get themselves killed but steel for a latter sneak attack.
there is nothing like a kitten purposely peeing on someone i don't like as a token of affection for me
posted by ethylene 31 July | 11:21
MetaChat: there is nothing like a kitten purposely peeing on someone i don't like as a token of affection for me *sigh*
posted by amberglow 31 July | 11:23
> dogs can't consent--at all, because they always consent
Nonsense. Dogs can say "No" and "I don't want to" emphatically. Have you ever worked with dogs?
posted by Wolfdog 31 July | 11:29
it's incredibly subjective, no?
so much of it is training and breeding and raising--
my brother's cat was badly traumatize as a baby so she will never have proper "manners", of course neither will her surviving son, but that's because my brother is a bad pet parent. The son will never have that flinch she will never get rid of, though.
posted by ethylene 31 July | 11:35
some horses will burst their heart trying to do as they are asked. so will some dogs.

So will some people(Tom Simpson? Stephen Roche?).

And some dogs and horses will say "I've had enough, piss off." And then they will dig in their heels, or turn around and head for home, or lie down, or howl and scream, or bite, or buck and kick...

>dogs always want to please
I'm still laughing about this.
posted by Wolfdog 31 July | 11:39
Damned dog keeps flinging himself in the water and I have to keep dragging him out 'cause I don't know if he's consenting to go swimming or not. Fuck. Maybe he's not consenting to stay out of the water. Oh woe, how can I ever know what he wants?
posted by Wolfdog 31 July | 11:44
it's that part they are legendary for
or at least in stories and cliches for
i think we all know those "--who, me? Fuck you, oh look, poop--" dogs as well
which is still better than the "hold still, i want to vomit on you" dogs
either we get super general or super specific
or everyone just get offended right off the bat to make sure
posted by ethylene 31 July | 11:44
>stories and cliches
I strongly suspect that's where amberglow has learned about animals.
posted by Wolfdog 31 July | 11:55
I strongly suspect that first waterskiing squirrel had more arthritis than your average squirrel
posted by ethylene 31 July | 12:25
I strongly suspect you have no clue what i do or don't know about animals. And the dog my family had would have joyfully done anything, including jumping off a roof, had we told it to.
posted by amberglow 31 July | 13:14
> I strongly suspect you have no clue
Well, I have clues but I wouldn't actually know unless you tell me.
posted by Wolfdog 31 July | 13:20
> I strongly suspect you have no clue
Well, I have clues but I wouldn't actually know unless you tell me.
posted by Wolfdog 31 July | 13:21
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