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did she do the preattack buttwiggle? i love, too.
i had a dream after phil was killed.
Penn and Teller were owned a dive of old dark wood and dim lights and were working the bar.
Teller did all the talking [i love his voice] of what little ther was, trying to shut up Penn, who was doing tricks with eggs.
i asked if i could do the shot glass trick [moving the egg from one shot glass to another without touching it] when Teller started doing "egg tricks", smashing them together to make a smash that would turn into a whole egg, that would then hatch into a little chicken, and then a mass. At five eggs, the egg mass spun into a whole egg and flew off the bar, into the wall by the jukebox.
And there appeared phil.
i ran up to hug him tightly
and then after too soon
i knew he was dead and i had to let him go
and he looked back once
and i woke up