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Comment Feed:


26 July 2005

I'm hung over and my heart hurts. If I get some serious work done this morning, what's the earliest I can leave and go home?
I'd say noon, lunchtime.
Go out for lunch and then call in for the rest of the afternoon, say your car had a problem or something.

Also, gatoraid is your friend.
posted by kellydamnit 26 July | 12:55
gatorade it up. Depending on how much work you get done, noon might be a little early to cut out.
posted by Mrs.Pants 26 July | 13:04
about 2PM sounds good
posted by matteo 26 July | 13:18
Never make up a story. Simply say, "I have to go now, sorry." Or, "Something came up and I have to leave around one."

People remember any reason you give, and soon enough it'll be, "Lots of car trouble recently, eh, Specklet?" On the other hand, they will respect your silence, particularly if you don't weight it with a mood (you know, don't necessarily appear glum when you say you have to go, or people will assume bad news. I recommend neutrality, so they can't assume anything).

Leave in an hour. If you're so hungover you're taking trips to the jakes to puke, leave immediately.

I hope your heart feels better. I'd massage it, but my hands are shackled to my desk.
posted by Hugh Janus 26 July | 13:21
oh, and by the way if you have access to a gym with sauna/steam room try going there during lunch break -- it often does a lot of good (I can testify). just drink plenty of water before you go in, and eat an apple or something to raise your blood sugar -- the heat will lower your already not-great blood pressure.
posted by matteo 26 July | 13:29
When you have a piece of shit in your heart it's always time to go home.
posted by omiewise 26 July | 13:30
(I can testify)

i say go for a smart drink with lots of b complex
and something to balm your gut
and cut out as soon as possible, i have
it's not a day to be around people you don't actively like
posted by ethylene 26 July | 13:40
I concur with all comments. Hungover + work = great suckfullness, aside from the heart-hurt. When that's added in, it's time to bail. Keep those fluids up, girly.
posted by gaspode 26 July | 13:46
Sadly, I have no access to steam or Gatorade. And I have no car to blame (which might explain the lack of access). Poor, poor (whining) Specklet... But. I just took a whopping dose of acetaminophen and some antacid, and have peppermint tea brewing. (And I did not spill the boiling water on myself this time. Thank the goddess for small mercies.)

Yeah, making up stories is no good. Usually, I just say "I don't feel well and I'm going home." Or simply, "I'm taking off, do you need anything before I go?" My kind-of-supervisor is also my friend, and he knows what's been going on with me, so I have a little slack there.

As much as I'd like to leave at lunch, I think I've got to stick it out until matteo's suggestion of 2.00. What sucks is that my mother's coming into town tomorrow, so I've got all these errands to run, and I just want to lie down. (Wait, it doesn't suck that my mom's coming, it's just the timing that sucks.) It's hotter 'n hell today, and bussing/walking to the grocery store and the bank and to Fred Meyer to get a damn curtain rod and then carrying everything home and cooking and mopping and putting up the damn curtain rod and changing the fishie's water all sound horrible. I'm all weepy and sweaty and feel like my eyeballs are full of sand.

On preview: those last two comments make me think I should do the minimum and get the hell out of here.

Oh yeah, tummy update: it's been over two weeks since I burned myself and things are healing nicely. All the blisters are gone and the skin is smooth. It's still very red and tender, though, so I still haven't been able to wear jeans, but matteo (the sweetie) sent me some lovely salve (and some pretty design publications!) which helps. Thanks, baby!
posted by Specklet 26 July | 14:08
You wanna know the only real hangover cure? I've said it before on these very pages:


Particularly when you lie down for your 2pm shuteye. Just grin; force it until your face relaxes. You'll send all sorts of good chemical signals that your body and mind are overdue for, and you'll doze off for 20 minutes or so and wake up feeling fine.

Or at least, much better.
posted by Hugh Janus 26 July | 14:33
Aw, Specklet. Happy to hear about the belly. Sorry to hear about the heart.

My favorite hangover remedy is spicy food. Helps you sweat out the toxins, plus releases endorphins. Also---milkshakes.
posted by jrossi4r 26 July | 14:34
Thanks all! I've probabably got another two hours worth of work, and since I really don't feel like eating, I'll just skip lunch and work on through...
posted by Specklet 26 July | 14:55
Check out this email I just got from my mom:

Sweetheart--I somehow got into today's chat records and found out you are sad and hung over: Fuck the curtain rod, fuck the mopping and fuck the cooking. I'm self-propelled. Go to bed. I know you love me. It doesn't have to be on schedule.

Can't wait to see you! Mom

What a woman, eh?
posted by Specklet 26 July | 16:43
When the universe gets a mom right, it really gets a mom right. That email is why the tattoo of the heart and the arrow with "moms" in the center was invented. Class act.
posted by Divine_Wino 26 July | 17:02
You know, I'd actually seriously consider getting a tattoo like that...
posted by Specklet 26 July | 17:07
And then your cool ass moms would be all "Speck, I can't say that I approve of you getting a tattoo but if it makes you happy, I'm happy." And secretly she would be eight kinds of thrilled, thus doubly justifying the tattoo.
posted by Divine_Wino 26 July | 17:14
can't say that I approve

Oh ho, but you're wrong, D_W! When I got my first tattoo (age 18) she thought it was rad. Ditto the pierced nose. Ditto the shaved head. Hell, she even shaved her head!

Although, the tat was a small, tasteful one, not a big honkin' heart with a "Mom" banner...
posted by Specklet 26 July | 17:32
can't you USians just elect the Specklet women President, thus saving the git-damn world?
posted by matteo 26 July | 18:37
I just took a whopping dose of acetaminophen...

Mmm... acute liver failure. you'll be feeling better in no time!
posted by Wedge 26 July | 18:44
God DAMMIT I was sure it was ibuprofen that was the one to avoid! *sigh*

President Specklet, eh? This could be good.

P.S. I'm feeling better and have managed to stick it out till now (4.00) but I've just been told that I must produce a rather complicated drawing by Thursday AM, so I'm off to go draw instead of sleep...
posted by Specklet 26 July | 19:03
rip it off Sottsass!
posted by matteo 26 July | 19:43
I was sure it was ibuprofen that was the one to avoid!

NSAIDs (COX-1 inhibitors such as ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, ketoprofen, etc) can also damage your liver. further, they can irritate your stomach. (can lead to ulcers, gastric bleeding, etc., since COX-1 enzyme protects stomach lining.) alcohol is a stomach irritant as well. so you can guess what happens when you mix alcohol w/ COX-1 inhibitors.

COX-2 inhibitors (celebrex, bextra, VIOXX), claim to reduce the gastrointestinal adverse drug reactions, while still providing the joint/pain relief that we've come to appreciate from our NSAIDs... but i dont think thats been proven yet. btw US drug companies are lying, manipulative murderers.

so? don't take any pain relievers. feel the pain and learn the lesson that your body is trying to teach you.... you shall think twice the next time you contemplate poisoning your body!

for a much healthier alternative to alcohol, why not bake some pot brownies? a recipe including dark chocolate and honey will ensure all kinds of wonderful health benefits. delicious and nutritious!
posted by Wedge 26 July | 22:48
I want to party with Wedge.
And Specklet's mom.
posted by jrossi4r 26 July | 23:59
so? don't take any pain relievers. feel the pain and learn the lesson that your body is trying to teach you....

Yeah, because all pain is a result of doing something bad. Like having a uterus or something.

for a much healthier alternative to alcohol, why not bake some pot brownies?

Because pot makes me crazy?

posted by dame 27 July | 00:45
wedge - specklet was actually able to go to work and do something ... not to be unsympathetic, but that's just a minor hangover ... and only a minor lesson

hell, specklet actually managed to turn on the computer and type something ... that's not a REAL hangover ... if one doesn't wish for death at least once, it's not that bad

posted by pyramid termite 27 July | 01:26
Yeah, because all pain is a result of doing something bad.
whoa who said that?

Because pot makes me crazy?
i meant "why not bake some pot brownies?" in a more rhetorical sense, but you're right. pot is not for everyone, ymmv, etc

posted by Wedge 27 July | 02:31
Because pot makes me crazy?

Sing it sister. We are all sinners, let us sin as we will.
posted by Divine_Wino 27 July | 10:51
Yeah, Wedge, I was pointing out how you were being a presumptuous self-righteous pain in the ass. It bugged me.
posted by dame 27 July | 11:14
Thanks dame.
posted by Specklet 27 July | 12:55
who is being presumptuous or self-righteous? i made no value judgments. go ahead and huff paint for all i care.
posted by Wedge 28 July | 16:17
No value judgements?! You told me I had a lesson to learn and that I was poisoning my body and that pot was The Way. I'd call that presumptuous, self-righteous, and pedantic.

But I like your nickname, so I'm willing to call a truce.
posted by Specklet 29 July | 17:23
I'm back from NYC! || boring