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05 July 2005

Cicada Sounds! This is what I'm hearing outside right now. The sound of summer in Kansas. What are you hearing?
Link is about cicadas in Michigan, but still accurate.
posted by interrobang 05 July | 21:20
Hear(t)ing this one, specifically.
posted by interrobang 05 July | 21:22
1st Avenue.
posted by gaspode 05 July | 21:29
Ah, the flatbeds carrying long bundles of lead pipes, eh?
posted by interrobang 05 July | 21:31
Warren Zevon.
posted by kenko 05 July | 21:45
the ac's hum and southpark's osama episode.
posted by amberglow 05 July | 21:46
I'm hearing cicadas too. Love that sound - it's just beautiful. And my dog is sleeping near me, he's belly up against a wall, and he keeps running in his sleep (chasing cats, no doubt), and his nails (claws?) are scratching the wall, and giving me chills.

I have Blow Out (the tv show) on in the background, too. I have a crush on Jonathan.
posted by iconomy 05 July | 21:50
Rain, wind, the strange squeal that steel makes when it's under stress.
Yes, it's hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico again ...
posted by thatwhichfalls 05 July | 21:52
i have blow out on too. i watch jonathan with that look of trainwreck shock. engaging show at times. belated explosions in the background
posted by ethylene 05 July | 21:54
Something like that, interrobang. Also, the dulcet sounds of the bar out of our back window (14th st)
posted by gaspode 05 July | 21:56
Bar on the corner, bar next to that one, bar across the street from that one... etc. (I live in the Allentown area, for those familiar with downtown Buffalo)

Someone shooting off leftover fireworks.

Ministry's "Everyday is Halloween" from my computer.

Very faintly, in the distance, police sirens.
posted by kellydamnit 05 July | 22:05
anyone with IFC, dinner for five reruns are on
that kinda stuff is my kind of reality television
posted by ethylene 05 July | 22:16
Intermittent traffic sounds and and snippets of converstations people are having as they walk by my window.
posted by Cryptical Envelopment 05 July | 22:21
Crickets and peeper frogs until just a few minutes ago.

Now the local minor-leauge ballpark is shooting off fireworks, so I'm hearing booms and whistles, insterspersed with faint cheering in the distance.

Also, Frank Sinatra.
posted by anastasiav 05 July | 22:22
Mogwai on the computer, not much else. This is a quiet suburb at night, unless my dogs start barking.
posted by invitapriore 05 July | 22:25
Ministry's "Everyday is Halloween" from my computer.

That's some low-crime area I'm guessin'.
posted by Cryptical Envelopment 05 July | 22:34
i'll take Hugh Laurie over Jonathan any day
posted by ethylene 05 July | 22:39
fan sounds. this one is scanning the room, looking for me. slowly, its head twists left, then right. patiently, it waits for me to succumb to sleep. then it will inflict fan death.
posted by quonsar 05 July | 22:49
Now I'm listening to the Rempis Percussion Quartet.
posted by kenko 05 July | 22:49
My wife... talking on the phone... with her sister... for hours........................
posted by Doohickie 05 July | 22:53
I-5, Jim White, rampaging kitten.
posted by matildaben 05 July | 22:53
i dig the sound of this
and fan death
posted by ethylene 05 July | 22:54
Sambassadeur from Mr.Marx's MeCha mix and my roomie eating salad.
posted by dame 05 July | 22:54
That's some low-crime area I'm guessin'.

Actually, it is for being in downtown Buffalo. The only crime we really have is the occasional barfight. That's why I moved here.
posted by kellydamnit 05 July | 23:30
that Sambassadeur song is great--it's now part of my subway playlist.
posted by amberglow 05 July | 23:37
mrs. c. flushing the lav.
posted by carter 05 July | 23:39
To me, the cidada noise is the sound that heat makes. I fucking hate cicadas.
posted by puke & cry 05 July | 23:41
mrs. c. flushing the lav.

are you fonzie or mr. c?
posted by ethylene 05 July | 23:44
Just regular ol' mr. c.
posted by carter 06 July | 00:10
My roommate (I wish I was British so I could say 'flatmate') giggling like/with a girl in the next room. A movie.
posted by muddgirl 06 July | 00:31
It's around 7:30 a.m. here; I'm hearing the swallows outside (they're hunting breakfast... and soon to disappear, until twilight when they come out for dinner), the fan in my room, pigeons, faint traffic (I'm in the middle of the city, but bounded by two pedestrian squares, so it's way sweet!). One earlybird shopkeeper is putting his goods out (wicker baskets, hammocks, small furnishings. In the evening I will hear the musicians playing outside at the tavernas behind my house; I get a live serenade every night.
posted by taz 06 July | 00:44
I'm reading this website aloud, so the sound of my voice.
posted by trondant 06 July | 01:15
taz, I envy your life.
posted by anastasiav 06 July | 01:41
Late here. Very quite except for the rumble of the ambulance just down the street around the corner. Not a nice thing. My cats are looking at me from the porch so I will go in and rub some tummies. That is, as Martha says, a good thing. It will not be long till the birds come by and feed from the feeder or the flowers in the yard. The kitties will watch and the city will wake.
posted by arse_hat 06 July | 02:05
taz has got the grecian formula

i once moved into a place with cool jazz coming from next door. right after i moved in, nothing but circus music.

another place had an opera singer somewhere and the acoustics set it up so everything echoed around the bottom of the hill.
posted by ethylene 06 July | 02:30
anastasiav, it sounds great because I'm content with it, and I'm also a person who naturally tends to focus on what makes me happy instead of what saddens or frustrates me. Career opportunities for me here are abysmal, and money is tight-tight-tight, and there are many things I miss (and many I don't!) from the U.S., and of course the Greek government has its own problems that can't be overlooked. So, it's not idyllic, but I've had a lot of experiences in life, and for me, now, I am happy with this one. If I had been raised here and never left, I would resent the lack of opportunity, and I would have to leave and come back to appreciate the other compensations.
posted by taz 06 July | 03:40
It's cool and damp here after a long hot holiday weekend, so it's uncommonly quiet. Just the occasional car or MUNI shhshhing by on the street below and FourTet on the speakers. While I generally revel in the energy of the Mission, I do also cherish the pockets of calm that take place from time to time. Tonight the fog is especially thick, billowing past the streetlights in such a way that it could just as easily be snow. It's hard not to respond with a certain reverent gratitude.

Last call is just a few minutes away and there's a chance for a final hurrah (the 24 hour pizza joint across the street is a favorite drunk thirty stop), but even that should be brief at best. I have a feeling that the city sleeps tonight.
posted by Frisbee Girl 06 July | 04:32
Dire Strait's Six Blade Knife. Oops, just changed to John Butler Trio's Earthbound Child.

And no kids in the background, coz they finally went to sleep.

posted by dg 06 July | 06:59
Now I'm at work, and I hear the faint hum of the cpu tower next to me, and a slight, faraway drone of the air conditioner, and the sound of paper being torn as the woman in the office next to mine pulls uncanceled stamps off of envelopes to save. I need some music.
posted by iconomy 06 July | 09:04
Sparrows chirping, ducks quacking, crows cawing, cat (Oliver) "chirping" at the crows, the fan in my computer, the clickety-clack of my fingers on my keyboard, drone of an airplane.

And I'm with puke & cry. Hate, hate, hate cicadas. The constant drone in Houston 'bout drove me bat-shit insane.
posted by deborah 06 July | 10:19
I hear my own hands spreading over naked curves. I hear soft moans and staggered uptakes of breath. I hear my name called by sweet lips. My neck hair stands on end as whispers' winds fill my ear with noise.

I hear panting, and release. Release again, and then together.

I hear the curtain pull's arhythmical clanking as the breeze dries our sweat and our breathing slows. I hear sleep approach, and we kiss.
posted by Hugh Janus 06 July | 10:48
... and then you wake up and realise that, yes, you were only dreaming.
posted by dg 06 July | 19:03
Oh, dg, have a heart! I, for one, am living vicariously through Mr. Hugh as I bide my time in the penalty box.
posted by Frisbee Girl 06 July | 19:48
Heart? I have no use for a heart.
posted by dg 06 July | 23:37
everyone needs an ashtray
posted by ethylene 07 July | 00:11
Nicely done, ethylene!

dg, it isn't about you. Just think of the bunnies, wouldn't ya?
posted by Frisbee Girl 07 July | 01:19
*thinks of the bunnies*

*imagines taking the lid off a stew pot and breathing in that delicious aroma*
posted by dg 07 July | 01:23
... and then you wake up and realise that, yes, you were only dreaming.
posted by Frisbee Girl 07 July | 01:28
I suppose I should duck and run now while I still have a chance.
posted by Frisbee Girl 07 July | 01:39
The astonishing thing is that I am posting from work. What a job!
posted by Hugh Janus 07 July | 09:44
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