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Comment Feed:


31 May 2005

I knew it would suck. I seriously underestimated the power of it's suckage. Yep, it's the new Star Wars film.
[spoilers inside - like you could possibly spoil this]
Let's get the special effects out of the way here since they're the big draw. They're awful - they seem to have got worse in this film than the previous two. Now I don't expect Christopher Lee, who is about 83 thanks to the powers of fresh virgins blood, to start doing somersaults across a space station. No I don't. I do however think it's reasonable that it should look more convincing than the traditional alternative of putting a stuntman in a wig and dangling him from a wire - it would also cost about half as much. Shit, there's probably a divorced stunt man out there who'd do it for free just to impress his jaded little kids who he only gets to see at the weekends - come on Lucas, you know it makes sense!

The fights, and there's a lot of them, range from frantically incoherant to stodgy and lifeless. They are all, without exception, bloody boring.

And is anyone else getting a bit jaded about the way digital effects are presented in films - they move the camera at high speed 360 degrees around every object or zoom from very far away to incredibly close in a split second. It's the equivilent of the old movies shot for 3D where every five minutes some object would fly out at the camera to wow the audience.

Hayden Christensen can't act and will never be able to but many of the actors here are normally pretty decent. But they are up against a powerful force, the darkest force of all - George Lucas' writing.

Some of the dialogue in this film is truly the worst I've ever heard, it's clunkier than the sound of a filing cabinet being bounced down a lift shaft. At one point prior to yet another boring fight, Yoda starts talking trash like a WWF wrestler and it's hilariously unintimidating. Later on Anakin kills a room full of young Jedis - who are called 'Younglings' - wait until you hear Ewan McGregor say 'He killed the younglings' with that fruity accent while he wells up with emotion and try not to laugh.

Well OK, we all know Lucas writes shit dialogue, he's famous for it. The man's a master story teller, right? Erm...not here he isn't. Want to know why Anakin joined the dark side - because he had nightmares about his wife dying. Yep, that's it, that's why he became the biggest bastard in the galaxy. But it gets worse, what does his wife die of? A broken fucking heart! No, I'm not joking - this is what you've been waiting over 20 years to know!

While she's squeezing out a couple of younglings of her own, Anakin gets turned into Darth Vader in a scene that's a total rip of Frankenstein. Nothing wrong with a little homage of course but I can't help wondering if this film would have been better directed by James Whale. The table is tilted up, Anakin has now switched voices from a whiny teenager to that of a sixty year old large black man with asthma. He asks the emperor what has become of his wife, you know, the one he joined the dark side to save? When told of her death he responds the only way an action hero can when his wife dies: "NOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!"

Jesus, you've got to be fucking kidding me, is that the best they could do?

Anything good about this film? There was a guy who did a cut of Episode I that became known as The Phantom Edit, where he had removed virtually all evidence of Jar Jar Binks - maybe he'd like to do with same with EpIII leaving only the scenes with the emperor. Ian McDiarmid is brilliant as the emperor - he walks that fine line between being campy and being a seriously creepy bastard. Everytime he's not on screen the whole film nosedives.

So there you go, rant over with. There's lots more I could add about what's wrong with this movie but I'm even starting to bore myself.
that it would suck was a given. it's hollywood, squeezing out what, the 6th or 7th retread of a 30 year old idea? no way it couldn't suck.
posted by quonsar 31 May | 08:25
I liked how Ebert answered it when asked "How you can give the new "Star Wars" movie 3.5 stars...":

"I got a lot of messages saying there was a disconnect between my star rating and my review. Perhaps there was. Star ratings are the bane of my existence, because I consider them to be relative and yet by their nature, they seem to be absolute.

"Star Wars: Episode III" returned to the space opera roots of the original film and succeeded on that level, and for that I wanted to honor it, while regretting that it did not succeed at the levels of intelligence and wit as it did on the levels of craftsmanship and entertainment.
posted by Gyan 31 May | 08:38
So, dodgy.... feel better now? I enjoyed the movie. Sure it coulda been better, but I wasn't looking for something to base a religion on. The only painful dialog was Anakin and Mrs. Anakin saying, "I love you so much!" "Oh, but I love you more, honey!" My life doesn't revolve around Hollywood's latest release. The movie was fine. Not the best. But then again, that's not what I was expecting. What were you expecting?
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 08:46
I enjoyed it. It was fun. Stupid, mindless candy for the brain. No complex plot lines, no bizarre twists, no crying. Just fun. And that's really all I wanted. When I want a good movie I'll rent Hotel Rawanda. And cry. A lot. When I want fun I'll watch something with spaceships, fighting, and things blowing up.

And yes, that "romantic" scene was crap. Reminded me of the stuff me and my eighth-grade boyfriend would say on the phone, before going into the "you hang up first, no you hang up first" bit.
posted by kellydamnit 31 May | 09:00
Yep. I saw it pretty much the same way. Well, that's pretty much it.... are you going to log out first, or should I?
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 09:09
um... why don't you log out first...
posted by kellydamnit 31 May | 09:40
No, you....! (*bats eyelashes coyly*)
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 10:12
ok... on the count of three.

posted by kellydamnit 31 May | 11:43
I enjoyed it. It didn't have me looking at my watch every few minutes nor did it create the sheer feeling of panic Elektra invoked. Then again, I was never a giant Star Wars fan, rather, more of a sympathizer.
posted by drezdn 31 May | 11:43
I can't remember almost anything about Episode II. I can only recall the extended falling scene with Annakin, and that because I thought it failed in being the tour de force it was obviously trying to be. Other than that...nada. Which is very unusual for me-offhand, I can't think of another major film I've seen that I have so thoroughly forgotten. That this is the case very, very strongly has reduced my enthusiasm for seeing this final film. It's been better critically received than the other two, but I still can't bring myself to believe that it is any good.
posted by kmellis 31 May | 12:09
I enjoyed it, but I didn't go expecting high art film-making.

As for the Darth/Frankenstein spoof at the end I couldn't help but grumble "FIIIRE. BAAAAAAAAAD!" out loud. People around me laughed and didn't kick my ass.

Could Star Wars be better? Hell yes. All 6 of the movies could be better - much better. At the very least they've paved the way for some better SciFi, and pioneered a fuckton of effects techniques.

Would Bladerunner have happened if it wasn't for Star Wars? How about Alien or Aliens?

I think my main complaint about Ep. III is the insane amount of motion blur they're using on the CG rendered shots. But maybe my theater just has a crappy digital projector.
posted by loquacious 31 May | 12:10
I enjoyed it. It was quite a bit better than episodes I & II (small feat). Yeah, the writing sucked, some of the acting sucked, but overall it clicked. I have to say, though, even if it had been the best movie I had ever seen, nothing, absolutely nothing will overshadow the magic of the original Star Wars.
posted by deborah 31 May | 12:26
It was less bad than episode II [never saw I], given that there was less dialogue ["i don't like sand.. it's rough, and corse, and.. get's everywhere. Not like you. You're smooth. And soft" and etc]. I was bothered most by the fact that I know that Natalie Portman can actually act fairly well and by the video transitions between scenes- that made it look like the film was being edited by a ten year old playing around with iMovies.
posted by hopeless romantique 31 May | 12:45
"I was bothered most by the fact that I know that Natalie Portman can actually act fairly well..."

I watched "The Professional" (or "Leon" if you prefer) again a few weeks ago for the umpteenth time, and I was once again enthralled by the young Portman's performance.

And then I saw "Closer" two weeks ago, and I think she was very good. If anything, these Star Wars movies must have hurt her career, keeping her from doing the work that would have brought her the critical attention she deserves.
posted by kmellis 31 May | 12:52
Are you still on the line, kelly?
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 13:28
yes... I thought we would disconnect at three!
posted by kellydamnit 31 May | 13:59
I'm not much for Star Wars, but I keep checking this thread to see which one of those crazy kids is going to log off first.
posted by iconomy 31 May | 14:12
Then why didn't you, kelly? See- this is why I asked you to disconnect first...
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 14:40
no, you should disconnect first!
posted by kellydamnit 31 May | 15:54
Jeesh, will one of you love birds just join the dark side so we can all go home?
posted by dodgygeezer 31 May | 15:56
This dark side you speak of... would it help me convince a landlord to knock $30 off an apartment I'm going to see today?
posted by kellydamnit 31 May | 16:07
Okay, I'll hang up.

*dial tone*
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 16:20
posted by kellydamnit 31 May | 16:40
Did we all actually do this when in high school (or thereabouts)? I did, and it seems completely absurd now.

Of course, my current gfriend calls me eight times a day and, come to think of it, there's always an awkward pause when we say goodbye which I guess results from her always delaying enough so that I hang up first. But then, I did actually date her in high school, so maybe we've regressed.
posted by kmellis 31 May | 16:55
yes, we all did. Anyone who says they didn't either never had a phone or is a liar. It's like tag. No one teaches you how to play tag, it's instinctive.
posted by kellydamnit 31 May | 17:16
Yes, same here. I guess it was a product of shyness, of feeling unsure of how best to sign off the call in an emotionally significant way.

I remember speaking to girlfriends for hours on the phone as a teenager, and now I can't imagine what we talked about for so long.
posted by dodgygeezer 31 May | 17:29
Yeah, I did it too. And it was adorable. And I kind of miss it.
I remember speaking to girlfriends for hours on the phone as a teenager, and now I can't imagine what we talked about for so long.

I remember my father coming into my room at 1 in the morning to take my phone away. I sort of miss that too.
posted by LeeJay 31 May | 17:43
The talking about nothing until 1am I mean. Not my father coming into my room at night. This is coming out all wrong.

(Another thing I miss? Slumber parties.)
posted by LeeJay 31 May | 17:44
  • Had a phone
  • Did not do this
posted by Wolfdog 31 May | 19:16
I dl'd it but still haven't watched it. I find Portman very self-conscious in everything.

Meanwhile, in the Hitchhiker's Guide i was unimpressed with the movie, but absolutely wowed by the Slartibartfast planet/earth scenes--amazing effects.
posted by amberglow 31 May | 19:40
*dial tone (still)*
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 20:06
yes, we all did. Anyone who says they didn't either never had a phone or is a liar.
or..... never had a girlfriend. (Yep, that was me.)
posted by Doohickie 31 May | 20:09
Girl Zone? || Rumsfeld