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Latest revision as of 21:31, 4 January 2006


Hello ladies and men. I am Pedro the Jerky Turkey. I cannot reveal my real name because there are lots of strange women who are stalking me. Some of them are very angry.

I came to Metachat because of the muddy puppies and Specklet's breasts. The women here are lovely and not angry at all. Except for dame, she's very angry, but she's not angry at me so that is good.

My name comes from the time I was a turkey farmer in Belgium. Turkey's are proud and virile animals with fantastic breasts. I am proud to consider myself a turkey - a turkey cock, not a turkey with breasts although all turkeys have breasts I mean a male turkey with breasts but I don't have breasts. But I am a turkey.

Belgium is very nice.

I hope you will embrace me. Unless you are a man because I am not a homosexualised man. I do not dislike homosexialised men but they are strange. There are no gay turkeys in Belgium as that would be a crime against god. And bent turkeys would not taste nice.

If you meet David Blaine could you please let me know as I want to break his mother fucking legs and feed them to his fat ugly wife covered in mayonaise. Thank you.