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25 December 2024

Not even a mouse. Fingers crossed.
Warning. Rodent carnage ahead.

When I sit outside I will open the door to the garage for Ginger. He does not want to live indoors but he really likes exploring the garage.

A few days back I noticed a weird smell and then I saw Ginger sitting very still with ears up like radar. Mice.

The nest was inside the concrete blocks of the wall and accessed by a small space beside an electrical conduit.

The killing began. I lost track at 14. I think it's probably twice that.

About half are mine and half Ginger's. I have 6 snap traps, a bucket trap, and a couple of box traps so his count is pretty impressive.

Also, his work is a lot neater than mine. His kills all look like they are sleeping.

It has now been 24 hours since the last body dropped. I hope we are done and The Big Orange and I are the only creatures stirring.
I forgot. I've also put the bodies out in the morning and it is amazing how quickly birds show up and take them. I hope they don't get angry if the supply is cut off.
posted by arse_hat 25 December | 01:10
My kitties are useless at anything other than alerting about mice.... of course the harassment of kitty interest is enough to move any potential boarders along. However; my kitties are lethal whenever a stray gecko gets inside.

Goid of Ginger to tackle the perimeter patrol so effectively.
posted by mightshould 25 December | 06:11
Damn it. 3 mornings without any sign of mice and then Ginger got 2 more tonight. I'm happy he got them but I had hopped it was over. No wonder ancient Egyptians worshipped cats.
posted by arse_hat 26 December | 22:57
Found a dead mouse in my basement Christmas morning. Better than live, I guess . . . [shudder]
posted by JanetLand 27 December | 12:15
posted by theora55 28 December | 19:45
That's a lot of mousen.
A mouse is an adorable little beastie. But not in my cellar, gnawing on my groceries, proliferating etc
posted by jouke 29 December | 14:52
Needs some deadmau5.
posted by arse_hat 29 December | 16:14
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