Anyone play with arduino or raspberry pi here? I went to a makers event last week, which spurred me to go to one this week, and I spent 2 hours learning about raspberry pi and arduinos, with the hopes of integrating them into my costumes.
I also took my niece with me, hopefully giving my husband some much needed space, and she asked if she could go back, which was promising!
So today I ordered a raspberry pi, along with a lily pad kit, so that I can work on trying out light up things in costumes.
It was amazing, all that you could do with it, and I'm pretty excited, as this is something I've been wanting to learn about for years.
Also, I went to two strange places where there wasn't anyone I knew, and met new people, two weeks in a row, and it was fine! :) Sometimes it's so hard to get out of my comfort zone.